Well, I'll be darned,

Let me sing the holy praises of Slidell and this inspired transfer for a good minute:

Elder Spencer. We're kind of like dairy-free cheese and pizza, because we work so well together, and it's quite the beautiful masterpiece. We have JUST the right amount of same interests to accomplish optimal companionship bonding, and JUST the right amount of differences to be fascinated with one another. He is a stand-up comedian and a half- so hilarious, I've cried more times than a hand can count, and as punny as I. He's an INCREDIBLE missionary, you would never think he's been doing this for less than three months. Our teaching vibe just.. "clicks".. and he's humble, loving, and obedient. I could write a WHOLE 'nother scroll just about how fortunate I am to be his companion- but let's leave it at- this is going to be a good six weeks and I know this companionship, like everything else in these past eight months, is inspired. 

It's po dunk palace for sure. I've been here a total of, four days? And it's already got more country than Blake Shelton riding a pig to the CMA's- but... I love it! I'm following in some hardworking footsteps.. and upon meeting all of these investigators... I can tell without a doubt that they were taught by some incredible missionaries. Here's to praying I can fill these shoes and help the work move forward. Just for giggle's sake however.. these people are their own kind of crazy.. so, here's a little description of some of the people we're dealing with... Little did I know, I would become a licensed psychiatrist in four short days...

--- a jacked steampunk machinist (currently working on a jet engine Mario kart) who will DENY the divinity of the Book of Mormon at all costs because it has nothing in it that doesn't reside in the "King James." He loves to argue, detests chicken and analogies, and has a grandson named Jeremy that reminds him of me in a former life in the twilight zone. 

--- an atheist.. who upon meeting with us... progressively turned agnostic.. and then Chrisitan.. and then, willing to pray to know if the Book of Mormon was true... who wishes he was a firework, walks 15 miles to work every day in his moon shoes, can't pronounce the letter, "b", and has a Legend of Zelda triforce tattooed on his upper calf. 

--- the most adorable 96 y/o woman, who gets covetous about our pamphlets, has a pit bull on steroids, and refers to me as, "Wizard Boyd."

And that is just a little taste of the beautiful people in this promised land.


Last but not least...

These members are heaven sent for sure. We've been fed more times this week... than my entire time in Thibodaux. And THAT is but a small testament to the incredible people they are. The ward has PEWS LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. I REPEAT PEWS. Tender mercies as a missionary.. looks like, for six weeks at least, my derriere will not be confined to the chill of a metal folding chair. We have, yet again, a meal calendar, and the dynamic and Spirit of this ward just seems.. good. In fact, last night, we double-dipped our meal appointment.. and after GORGING on a ribeye steak.. we went to the next home to enjoy some plump, homemade, ground beef. Needless to say, I think I'm going to like it here. 

AND THAT IS OUR LITTLE SCROLL INTRODUCTION. Please continue... *scroll*ing for further goodness...

A little experience:

A referral from God puts you in the best position to accomplish the best work in your mission. 

Elder Spencer and I decided, being the good missionaries that we are, that our uncontacted referrals were of the utmost priority. We had some dating back to over 673 days ago.. so we figured it was about time that they received a little visit from the missionaries. One referral in particular, upon arriving, told us to come back in 30 minutes so she could, "shower and spruced up for the missionaries." Suspicious, yes indeed. ALAS, we took no thought of what else we should do.. and went along our merry way. THIS IS WHERE IS GETS SUPER SPIRITUAL. Left without a backup plan, Elder Spencer and I were without an idea of what we should do with the next 30 minutes of our missionary careers. However, amidst the veil of indecisiveness... I had a thought.. a typical missionary thought.. pray about it. It's something I've taken quite a fancy to do while on my mission, and something I feel we could do a lot better at as members... when you don't know what to do.. pray about it. SO, we did just that. Right outside our big red truck, we folded our arms and offered our plans to the Lord. Now, here is my side of the story... As we were seeking inspiration.. and between the beautiful words of Elder Spencer.. my mind and attention were drawn to a familiar sound...I heard a colony of kiddos screaming and having the time of their lives... and I immediately knew, that was God directing us to where we were needed... When we said, "amen" we stared at one another for a solid thirty seconds.. until I spoke up and said, "Elder, we need to go to that house." In return I received the most righteous smolder from my companion.. he had received the same impression. UNBEKNOWNST TO ME, this particular house had a red door.. and in Elder Spencer and his former companions case.. that meant, "the elect." We had no prior communication of this correlation.. so we immediately recognized this as an inspired decision. The moment we knocked, I knew we were exactly where we were supposed to be. The kindest woman opened up the door and upon hearing our introduction, invited us inside. We had the most incredible Restoration lesson... and as if it couldn't get any better- she recognized the Book of Mormon. Yes, ladies and gentleman, this woman we had knocked into.. had been taught by previous missionaries.. but wait, there's more. She was almost baptized, but in the craziness of transfers.. her missionaries got doubled out and left her with no follow-up UNTIL God blessed us to be apart of her life and introduce the Gospel to her once again. I repeat,

A referral from God puts you in the best position to accomplish the best work in your mission. 

...oh, and as a side note.. we went back to see that referral and had a spectacular Book of Mormon lesson, committed her to be baptized on contingent truth, and she agreed to come to church. So yeah, we're #blessed in the holy land of Slidell. 

We've got a few people that we've taught set up for baptism at the end of this month, already, and I attribute it solely to God's merciful hand giving this area the jump start that it needed... I really am sincerely stoked to serve here and participate in the inevitable miracles to come. Every fear I've had regarding transfers. has been triumphed through faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. God really does know our struggles and our anxieties, our desires, and our wishes... I mean, dang, this place even has workout equipment better than Thibodaux. I know that I am here for a reason and I know that all of this.. even misunderstanding a one transfer area.. is all for a divine purpose. I am eternally grateful that God is giving me an environment where I can become more refined and worthy of the family and life he has blessed me with. I'm excited to see what man I become as a result of Slidell... It's easy to say that change is easy.. but it's only when we embrace the change, that we realize the change was worth it. 

Here's to more hellos and another six weeks of adventure and change.

Y'all, thank you, SERIOUSLY, for all of the support. I know that God is good in part because of the people he has blessed me with. You are all beloved sons and daughters of God.. and I pray for you collectively every day. Go out and find an adventure of your own... embrace the change.. and don't be surprised if you come out different because of it.. better because of it. God knows what he's doing- so trust in him, and you'll be alright. HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL, ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!

Lots of Slidell lovin',

Elder Boyd

This Week's Pictures:

Some Companion Pranks:

Pic From Member (Edited):

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