Greetings little seedlings,

The ever-present metaphor of the garden, used both in scripture and in agriculture, has been true to form and the theme of this week. Where are you in your blooming process? Do you bloom where you're planted, or do you stunt your botanical growth with a sandy foundation? Gratefully and humbly, I have submitted to an all-powerful gardener this week and seen the miracles of the harvest in my own life. Not only are we seeds, but we have the potential to become trees! The trees of life, that bring about the fruits of eternity. Limitless is our potential and magnificent is our future... if we stop tending to our own crops and start blooming where we're planted! Wherever you are in the botanical path of discipleship, I invite you to BLOOM-- and to put your trust in that all-loving gardener; who loves you enough to cut you down, and cares enough to pour down the torrential rains to help you grow! Welcome my seedlings to another chapter... dare I say... an EDITION-- but not just any edition, the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER FOUR. 

What is our fertilizer? 

What is our sunlight?

How do we acquire the necessary materials to photosynthesize and to respirate properly? 

What lack we yet to be... trees? Or better yet, what can we do to start planting seeds? 

The abundance of questions in the garden of the Gospel. In order to answer these follies of foliage, we must first understand one important eternal truth:

Jesus Christ is qualified to be Jesus the Gardener:

To quote Truman G. Madsen:

It is called Gethsemane. Geth or gat means press, and shemen in Hebrew means oil. The place of the olive press. You can see presses still in Israel, for, after the processes of salt and vinegar and pressure, the olives are gathered, placed in a bag, and then with a huge crushing rock—to push it usually requires an animal—crushed until the oil flows. “The place of the olive press.”  

crushed until the oil flows--  symbolic both in scope and in agony. Like an invincible olive, Christ too was a seed once-- in fact, he was the [seed] of Jesse. However, in order to ascend and bloom into an eternal tree-- he took upon himself the pressing, crushing, and squeezing agony of the atoning sacrifice. At the "place of the olive press" the seed became the gardener-- and why did he do this, some in the field may ask? To quote the Book of Mormon, 
 And he will take upon him deaththat he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."

Expectedly, our gardener had to know the struggle of his seedlings in order to help us grow. He had to know what it would feel like to shrivel, to shrink, to dry up, and even... to die. But fear not, ye seeds in the gospel gardens! As he harvested the demands of justice with his mercy and sowed the seeds of salvation-- he, himself, our great gardener went through the pains of the harvest... so that he could cultivate life. But not just life, abundant life! Sure, he shriveled, he shrank, he dried up, and he died... but because of him and his altruistic ascent, we don't have too. We have a harvest. We have growth. We have the respiration of repentance and the photosynthetic control of grace. Whenever he cuts us down-- he does so knowing our botanic potential. So, seedlings and trees alike, I invite you all to come- come into the field that is white and prepare to be harvested. Plant yourself in the firm foundation of Gospel, and surround yourself with the fertilizer of faith! Though you may seem in darkness... buried under mounds of dirt and opposition... always remember the Gardener. And one day when you surface, when you bloom, and when you become a tree-- you'll thank him for loving you enough to bury you. 

What. A. Metaphor. I love it. And I testify of the eternal growth and potential that we all have within us as the seeds of Christ. When the gardener comes, his field won't simply be a colony of seeds... but an orchard of eternal fruit trees! 

At Zone Conference this week we talked a lot about our legacy as representatives of Jesus Christ. I even capitalized on the opportunity to quote a reliable poet, "legacy. what's in a legacy? it's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see." Hence, the agricultural analogy. But seriously, what seeds do you want to plant in your garden? You may not live to see the harvest, but you will live to plant the potential. Thankfully, God knows the harvest-- and endows us with the potential to bring to pass his great gardening purposes. We were asked in the conference to ponder upon the question... "what do you want to be remembered for?" One of my favorite answers from the congregation was: a grinder. Isn't that incredible? This Elder wanted to be remembered as someone who truly understood the doctrine of the offering of our souls. As Joseph Smith once put it, "to offer our whole souls to God is to serve with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength." I'd invite each of you to consider this question in your own life. When you stand before the judgment of your loving Heavenly Father, and his son-- our mediator and gardener-- Jesus Christ, what is the first thing you want them to say to you? If I were you, I'd direct my attention to the 25th chapter of Matthew. Therein the Lord of the talents says to his faithful son, "well done thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." That to me is a grinder and that to me is a legacy. 

Okay, so legacy and seeds, what else do you have for us, Seedling Boyd? 

Well. I'm so glad you asked. 

As far as the work in our own privileged part of the vineyard, and our own personal harvest-- I can say nothing, but of the miracles of the Lord. If you doubt that our God is a God of miracles-- come talk to me. If you need a witness to the miracles of the Gospel? I'm your guy. I will testify in the courts of heaven that our God and judge is a gracious, merciful man who rains miracles like Oprah on Black Friday. Seriously, we'll have a nice chat. But, tell me-- if you don't believe in miracles, how can you expect yourself to breathe? The metabolic processes of mortality are evidence enough that our God is a God of power, and of miracles. We are miracles. Take this week for instance-- did everyone listen to the Gospel? Not necessarily. But did those few who did listen, come prepared by the Lord with softened hearts, and minds and ears willing to accept the joy of the restored Gospel? Absolutely. That is a God of miracles. Miracles that we are certainly not worthy of, but that I am so grateful to be a part of. 

One particular experience comes to mind as I have oft pondered the love and mercy of a miracle God. Isn't it so wonderful to have an eternal father who is obsessed with the details of our lives? Now I'm absolutely positive that God has more important things to do than to be concerned with the streetball of South Jackson. But, as an answer to the diligent prayer of two sweaty white boys in slacks-- he called us to the court, to cross some ankles for the Savior. The deal always is: we win, you listen. After telling a member about this experience later that day he said, "great-- with that agreement, you have God on your side. No wonder you keep winning!" Granted our opponents have yet to graduate middle school, but still the miracles of God were manifest in our handles on the court, and the spirit in their hearts. 

The members here in Clinton are miracles in and of themselves-- tell me, is it not a manifestation of God's love to spend three hours with the missionaries going over every name in the ward roster to determine who to visit and who to put on the do not contact list? Or is it not the spitting image of the Spirit of the Lord to come out with the missionaries, have a canceled appointment, and then continue to fellowship with the Elders for the next three hours, visiting all the people they are teaching in the surrounding area? Or how can you even deny the presence of a loving Heavenly Father when a squadron of non-member young men show up to get some crossed ankles on Wednesday night and the present priesthood party fellowship them to infinity and beyond? I say again, I can speak no more of the miracles of our Lord. 

Well, that's all folks! The miracles of Mississippi are REAL!  Both on the court and the field. Y'all, I have the firmest testimony that our God loves us and shows that love through the miracles of our lives. We are seeds-- and we should be happy about that. To quote a missionary farewell this week, "we should be excited to be broken." Our great healer runs to our aid with the missing pieces-- he makes us whole and complete. He knows the potential of his seeds and the vision of his orchard! He loves us SO MUCH my fellow seedlings-- we just need to trust in that love when we're buried and broken. He will heal us and help us reach our celestial surface! I testify of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the reality of our eternal botanical destiny! Hope y'all have a great week-- take some time out in the sun to ponder your legacy. Give yourself a pat on the back for being buried! It's hard... and he knows that. But he also knows the joy you will feel as you bloom, sprout, and bring forth fruit-- and that makes all the dirt worth it! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

An olive, a little less pressed,

Seedling (Elder) Boyd

Something went awry uploading pics this week.  This is what I received:


Sometimes you need to be dunked on before you can be dunked,

In reference to streetball of course! HOW IS EVERYONE DOING? You know it's a good week when a squad of ball boys mistakes you for a red-headed Steve Nash. Or when the elect starts opening their hearts to the Gospel-- ya know, interchangeable happiness. Haha! It's been a great week here in the 'sip! Neither the winds of Satan nor the tempests of tornado season could get us down-- God does not cease to be a God of miracles. I testify that if we are built upon the rock of Christ, no power outage or spiritual darkness can drag us down to the gulf of endless misery... or soggy shoes! It's been a great edition here in Clinton, and I can't wait to tell y'all about it in the... CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER TWO! 

Like the streets of Clinton, I thought I'd start this edition: deep.
Your life is a story. As a matter of fact, your life is the Father's story

Naturally. we are the main characters of our own divine drafts. We all have one great antagonist: Satan. Throughout our lives, our stories unravel-- with plot twists, climaxes, rising actions, and character development all along the way. With every page, we learn more about ourselves, our relationships, and most importantly, our role in this magnificent manuscript. Most comforting; however, we are not the author here. Yes, what we do, does affect how our stories' end-- but the plot-line is the same. Eventually, we know, we will die. We will experience happiness and sadness, sorrow and joy. We expect adventure, progression, and challenges! With every line and every piece of dialogue... we anticipate our happy endings and await the glory of the end! However, not a single word could be written on any page if it weren't for the author of our stories; if it weren't for Jesus Christ. The pages of the Father's story, bleed with the ink of a foreordained offering of infinite love. His quill filled with the omnipotence of just how and what he wants his characters to be. With every word, he watches his story come to life-- and with mercy, he rescues his beloved characters every time.  Though they may encounter the dragons of darkness or the orcs of opposition, he provides a way for their deliverance! Every change, every trial, and every hardship is inscribed through the motivation of love; he intends for his characters to inherit their eternal happily ever after. He gives them a purpose, provides a plan, and paves the way before them that they may accomplish the things which he intends them to do. At times when we feel lost... when we're scared... when we have nowhere else to go, and our plot seems all but ended... it helps to remember who the author is here and whose story we are apart of. 

In scriptural terms: And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.  

Christ had his own story-- and because of his happy ending, he is qualified to help us to write ours. As his representatives, we represent his love and his story. He has a plan for each and every one of us-- and with every page, we come closer to our own happily ever after-- that is, if we obey and comply with what he sees in us. No dragon, no prince charming, no plot twist, or climax can compare to our ultimate hero; Jesus Christ. He is the author here-- and he has a story for you. 

Now why, might you ask, doth I testify of the divine authorship of the Savior? EASTER, Y'ALL. Christ suffered and rose from the grave to be your author. As we commemorate his miraculous ascension and triumph, I invite you all to prayerfully ponder the ultimate climax: His resurrection! And with that, how you too can be made perfect, and become the author your own, and your families', eternal salvation! 

Something I am continuing to realize here in the Clinton kingdom. -- is why I'm here. We all have a purpose in our individual capacities-- we all have a reason why we are where we are. Simultaneous events are no coincidence in the sight of God. This past week, we had a special sacrament meeting; which just so happened to be my first time meeting the ward. A few years ago in Clinton... they were all of one ward-- united in the faith, literally and spiritually. Well, as membership increased, so did the resolve to divide the congregation into two wards! For several years now, the Clinton area has been operating and divided by the boundaries of two separate units. Well, this past Sunday... the special circumstance was that both of the wards would be gathered together! You've probably guessed it by now... but through much prayer, personal revelation, and fasting.. the Stake Presidency had decided... to MERGE THE WARDS ONCE MORE. Imagine that-- my first week here in Clinton and the congregation has already doubled in size! That's a pretty good week if I do say so myself. Elder Boyd gets transferred to Clinton... wards merge... coincidence? Two "eterni-gators" suddenly want to get married and baptized out of the blue.. mere CIRCUMSTANCE?? I think not. I'm excited to continue to find my purpose here and to assist in the great work of the unity of faith! 

Joy in missionary work is in the little things. -- I don't know what to call this, but maybe the gift of the interpretation of tongues and Boyd-erisms will make up the difference--.

PRESENTING: The joy of little things. 

The joy of little things-- 
the joy little things can bring--
a heart with joy can sing
of the joy of little things.

like the members of the ward-
who volunteer and support
to assist, minister, and endure
and the elect they do refer
the little joy of member missionary work

or the tears of penitence
the period of a sorrowful sentence
no longer an honorable mention
the little joy of sincere repentance

the sweat of a streetball-
the sweet sound of a dunk that falls-
or even a nickname that inspires a little hope-
the little joy of being called the G.O.A.T.

"I want to be baptized"
the little joy we hear-
when a friend makes the decision-
to immerse their doubts and fears. 

but the littlest joy of all-
is not so little anymore-
its the exceeding joy of a Savior,
Jesus Christ the Lord. 

the little joy of mercy--
the little joy of grace-
for all of our little joys
to him, we give thanks.

the little joy of Jesus-
the little joy of Christ-
to him, we give our little joys-
and they become the greatest joys of life.

So yes-- one of our friends will be entering the waters of baptism in the coming week, we fellowshipped the hood with streetball, we helped one of God's lost sheep experience the joy of repentance, the ward sowed faith to reap miracles, and all the while we grew close to the greatest joy of all... the joy of Jesus Christ! The little joys of our second edition! 

We've braved storms, endured the heat, and all the while...acquired some pretty spiffy neon bike suits. The members have started a new establishment I like to call: referral city. Population: elect. The ward has issued a challenge: enable us to open the overflow. Clinton is gonna need two wards after we're done with this place... and I couldn't be more excited to work! I know this Gospel is true and I know the Lord is the author of our salvation! By him... we were created.. and through him... we can be like him. I don't know if that was a haiku or what, but I can say that I know with all of my heart that God loves all of his children! Perhaps, as we prepare for Easter, let us all strive to embody the perspective of the Savior... and pray to see those around us as members of our eternal family! You've heard of family prayers... it's time to try eternal family prayers! May we all be united in the faith-- as we embrace the Father's story and look of the little joys of life! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!  

From a little joy lover,

Elder Boyd 

This Week's Pics:


Therefore, go into your homes and ponder--

BECAUSE WE HAVE RECEIVED THE WORD OF THE LORD. You know how President Oaks referenced the good decisions of our lives, in contrast, to be the better and best ones? Well, I wish to liken this to the spiritual smackdown we received this weekend. Front row tickets to the Superbowl: good. A seat in the nosebleed section of the gladiator arena in the Roman Coliseum: better. SPITTING DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE MODERN DAY MOSES AND HIS FELLOW BUDDIES IN ISRAEL: BEST. No, I wasn't there in person- I wasn't close enough to feel the spit... but I was in the proximity of the spirit, and I must say that is greater than any touchdown or severed Roman appendage. My spirit was hungry, and I feel spiritually fed-- oh and Clinton is the celestial kingdom on Earth-- I can't wait to tell y'all (yes, Clinton is still the south) about it in a new edition... even... the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER ONE. 

*grab your popcorn ladies and gentleman because the prophet of the Lord has spoken... and Clinton is in the Lord's vineyard*


At the rate of how warm the welcome has been here, I am absolutely astonished that President Nelson did not announce a temple here in good ole 'sip! Nevertheless, I sustain that man, myth, and legend and feel nourished by the good word of God's servants! I hope everyone's feast was equally as satisfying-- to you all I echo the words of Elder Rasband and the resurrected Lord, "go ye into your homes and ponder."

The temple may be the house of the Lord- but your home can be a temple for the Lord. Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness. Come Follow Me was actually an initiative from the Lord to elevate the homes of Zion to temples for the Lord. If your home is a temple-- you need not fear-- for Zion will not be a place that you retreat, but will be in the comfort of your own home. Your home can represent the pure in heart, can yield inspiration and revelation, and be a place where the spirit can comfortably reside and testify of truth. The home is the best place to prepare for the temple. You might ask yourself, what questions might be on my current *home* recommend? What must I have to qualify for the spirit in the home, how can my home be a temple for the Lord, and what are the necessary steps that I must take to prepare to go to the temple, through the home? Did not the leaders of the church emphasize the simultaneous importance of both temple and home? There is a divine relationship there if you will look for it. I can personally testify as a lover of the temple, that preparation begins in the home. The home is the ultimate TTC, Temple Training Center. If President Nelson says, "we regard the temple as one of the most sacred structures in the church... it becomes part of our sacred history" then maybe we should think likewise about our homes. The home is one of the most sacred structures in the family... and as it becomes as the temple... it too becomes part of the sacred history of your posterity.

So yeah, Clinton already feels a bit like home and the temple, so I think we're off to a good start. The members here have name-tags written on their hearts, which is probably one of the best things anyone can say about any member of the church. The goal of a successful representative of Christ is to be a referable missionary. Surely, if members can trust you with their friends, you are aptly emulating the ultimate friend, even, the Savior himself. On a side note, you are never more like the Savior then when you are a friend. And if trust is one of the best things anyone can give someone... then in order to be referable missionaries, you must BE one of the best things you can give someone; you must be as the Savior. Christlike members give the best referrals-- and I think we have the cream of the crop here in the Clinton kingdom. Already, the work is hastening. In under a week, I think we've received a temple square sister tithing blessing; for there is not room enough to receive the referrals that have been bestowed upon us. It is a testament to the love of Christ and the great blessings that come to those who are willing to change. For those of you out there going through big adjustments in your life-- remember the spiritual nature of change. All things shall work together for your good- remember? The best promise of the Gospel is that... in the end... he will, "wipe [the tears] from [your] eyes... and there shall be no more pain. We're just enduring to the second coming, enduring to Christ, and enduring to eternal joy. There is so much in store for those who are challenged and changed by their challenges. 

Elder Tauura is quite the man, myth, and legend himself. If you're looking for the most enthusiastic, competitive eater, with a fantastic testimony, a golden heart, and the love of a thousand stripling warriors-- he's your man. Not only is he training me, but together we have already learned so much. Honestly, Polynesians are everything they're cracked up to be. He has taught me so much about love, service, friendship, and diligence in the short time we have been together. I can't wait to see what God will do through both of us as he accelerates his work here in the blessed portion of his Mississippi vineyard.

We've already seen so many miracles-- forget holy water, the beverages here are dosed up with miracle minerals. It is such a blessing to be called to serve-- that no matter where you go, the Gospel is still true, and the Lord is still in charge. I'd have to say, this District is already making big changes to give these people a healthy dose of their virtue vitamins and miracle minerals. I already love everything so much and I know that things can only get better-- cause at this point, it's just the extension of Christ, and with him ALL things are possible. 

And if you didn't know before... now you do. :) 

Out of everything most impressive about Conference, I must say most of all were the manifestations from the spirit that this church is true. Everything said- testified of Christ. They were His words through His servants. Every question I went into conference with, came out answered. It's like the ultimate vending machine-- except instead of 25 cents, I put prayer to the test, and instead of a bag of Doritos, God loaded that outbox with the blessings of heaven. I hope you all felt God's love through his anointed servants-- I know I did. Here are not a few things that I heard, but a few things I felt as I listened in this weekend: 

There is great importance of the immediate blessings of the Gospel-- God may not provide an immediate answer, but he will give an immediate assurance that he is there. 

Don't limit yourself- and most importantly, don't limit Christ. 

That which matters most lasts the longest. 

There is no external force that can separate us from God if our inner commitment is to follow Christ. 

Well y'all, that oughtta be this weeks' edition. Remember: the temple isn't forty five minutes away... it's in your living room. It's in those sweet moments that you share as a family as you ponder the words of Christ. it's in the everlasting influence righteous habits and spiritual yearnings can have on a firm foundation. It's in late night bible bedtime stories... and the bliss of an edifying family home evening. The temple can be found in the small decisions and simple opportunities that happen in the home. Home can be a heavenly place-- and that begins with your relationship and commitment to worship Christ in your families. I'd encourage you all to be Christlike members and referable missionaries alike! Be a friend to those around you and I promise that the opportunities will come-- every member a missionary, and every missionary a converted member! I testify that we are lead by God's leaders. God is at the head of his church. I know with all of my heart-- both in a temporal and spiritual sense and from every perspective imaginable-- that President Nelson is a prophet of the Lord. Throw away those Coliseum tickets and that Super Bowl seat... and come, listen to a prophet's voice. If you have questions, doubts, fears, insecurities, afflictions, temptations.. or are just in a simple search for truth-- go to, type in, "General Conference" and listen... I promise that your questions will be answered, your doubts and fears will flee, your insecurities will be resolved, your afflictions will be lightened, and your temptations will cease. Have that experience with God-- he is waiting-- but are you willing to ask, seek, knock, and watch? HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

Your favorite conference fan-boy,

Elder Boyd

This Week'sPics:

Elder Boyd's newest companion: Elder Tauraa

Poor Elder.  Phone screen shattered.  Elder Tauraa missed his pocket by just a little bit. 😔

Saying goodbye to Elder Sellers this week...


And a final volume begins!

Welcome to transfer week everyone! After 12 weeks of exercise, both of faith and thigh strength, our time here in Vicksburg has come to a close. Though my thighs rejoice, my heart can't help but weep. I've truly grown to love this area and all of the spiritual slopes that have come with it! However, there is hope and fewer hills ahead! On account of great diligence and endurance, the thighs have found their rest... for now. I can't wait to tell y'all about it! May this stand as a witness that the hills of your life do come to an end-- and through great faith and even greater thigh strength- there hope and happiness ahead... a lot of it! Welcome to all my hill homies, as we enjoy our final volume of the VICKSBURG VOLUMES: THE FINAL CHAPTER!

Well, first things first... as you can probably already tell...


So yeah, basically if I was super motivated and equipped with the spiritual gift of large-in-statureness, I could bike to my new area in CLINTON, MISSISSIPPI! 
And my companion, Elder Sellers, is also being shipped to a new area in COLUMBIA, MISSISSIPPI! And we're both training!

Long story short, President Varner wants to start a Spanish Group here in Vicksburg and couldn't leave two gringos to handle the job, so he's sending two great Spanish speaking missionaries to carry the load with the Lord here in the promised land! 

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about how to cope with the crazy combination of nervous excitement:

No [thigh] pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God, … and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire. - Elder Orson. F. Whitney.

As hard as transfers are, I can only imagine how much harder it was for the pioneers. I don't know if this happens with y'all, but sometimes the best way to make the most out of a situation is to think of someone who has it worse than you- haha. So, who better to relate to than our courageous compadres in Christ! Vicksburg has been a journey- a thigh wrenching, gear switching, heel-clicking good time- but I know that God has great things in store for those who endure to the end.

Sure, missionaries are sporadically and periodically moved against their will throughout their full-time service and sometimes packing, goodbyes, and change can be hard...

Trust me, I have the greatest testimony of transfer stress. I will be the first one to tell you that goodbye never gets easier-- but I was also be the witness that sometimes the hardest goodbyes can become our greatest, "hello's." Thankfully, we preach of an eternal Gospel- with eternal families and friends alike! If our lives are centered in Jesus Christ, nothing can ever go permanently wrong. When we say that there is no sorrow that heaven can't heal-- that means, there is no goodbye that can't be a hello! When Christ took upon himself our pains, afflictions, and temptations of every kind... that meant our, "goodbyes" too. We never have to say goodbye to Christ and because of Him, all of our hello's can be eternal! 

I bet the pioneers understood this. Unlike the missionaries of our day, their transfers weren't so... luxurious. Yes, they were being transferred to a new area-- but no, it wasn't a three-hour car ride away from transfer point. Instead, they trekked by foot, for an undetermined amount of time, with no telling what awaited them or what laid in store in their new area. Sure, packing might be a struggle-- three suitcases is quite the load. But I can't imagine transporting my slacks and ties in an oxen-yolked wagon. Dang, biking areas can be tough at times... but at least I don't have to walk across the United States. Do we get the point here? No matter the difficulty, there is a great opportunity in pursuing the will of the Lord. If we, "know not save the Lord commanded-" that is enough. If he puts you to it, he'll bring you through it-- I have a testimony of that. Now I am preaching to the most melodious of gospel choirs here. If you're going through a change in your life, like every missionary and pioneer- to you I say: if you never change, you're never challenged- and if you're never challenged, you'll never change. And to quote those handcart pioneers they said, "they came to know God in their extremities and the price they paid to know Him was a privilege to pay."

I also quite love this quote: 

Facing trials is not only a part of our earthly existence but also essential to our progression. It is how we become. Years ago a General Authority told me if I didn’t have trials in my life, the plan wasn’t working for me."

Embrace your trials. Embrace His plan. 

The price to know God is one that Elder Boyd is willing to pay; no matter the transfer!

That doesn't mean the goodbyes of Vicksburg aren't hard though-- that's the thing about paying the price, it usually isn't an easy price to pay. 

Vicksburg, Mississippi. Prison-temple. Mt. Vicksburg. The holy land of the hills. Hilltopia. A little piece of home. 

This little piece of Mississippi will always have a place in my heart and in my thighs. I will owe a part of the man I am today to the hills and friends and family that I have found here. The locals will tell you-- Vicksburg is as mountainous as they come-- and I think that's a great metaphor for my time here in this promised land. No, it hasn't been easy. Pro tip: don't skip leg day-- God will definitely chastise you with a biking area. But it certainly has been worth every gear of the journey! I learned a lot about myself here; through revelation and perspiration. The trials of Vicksburg have helped me to realize that you don't need a position to feel important! Your conversion and success in the Gospel are entirely based upon your inner commitment to follow Jesus Christ. I've learned that the true Christian discovers who he is when preaching the Gospel becomes inconvenient. That in the midst of difficulty lies some of our best opportunities! That God truly does love those that he chastens.... and he blesses them with opposition to increase their capacity for joy! Satan is real- and as my testimony of the adversary has increased I have found myself closer to Jesus Christ than I have ever been in my life! The mountains of our lives stand to prove our discipleship; we should never stop before we reach the top! God is always there, he is always watching, and sometimes he loves us enough to cut us down so that we can be pruned and grow! This is His work, he is the gardener here, and I have been privileged to labor in his blessed vineyard of Vicksburg. 

Elder Sellers, an eternal friend. 
God knew I needed him. It is no coincidence that of all the people to be companions with, he blessed me with the one and only Elder Sellers. Not once, but twice. God knew Vicksburg would be hard, so he gave me a little hint as to how I could overcome the difficulty. What was the ONE constant in the whole transition? My companion. I promise all y'all that your companion will be the key to your success; both in the mission and in mortality! Not only is Elder Sellers a great missionary, but a great friend. The best missionaries are the best of friends. He has taught me so much. Everything is in God's plan! He [Elder Sellers] may seem chill on the outside, but deep down, his heart is as golden as his pipes #LBRMSingingSunday. He has not only taught me about charity and diligence but also to focus on the approval of God! He is a difference-maker, a life-changer, a lover AND a fighter. I know that he served at just the right time because one of the souls he needed to touch in the mission, was mine. He is a good man, an even better missionary, and an eternal friend.

We came into nothing and left with something-- and that alone is the greatest testimony to the fulfillment of God's purposes. Though we may be nothing, he makes something out of us!

Well y'all, I'm pretty sad to be leaving Vicksburg, but I know that this is His work, and with that knowledge, I'm not in my own hands. I've learned so much here and I'm excited to continue to learn in the supposed holy land of Clinton, Mississippi! For those of you who are going through any kind of change in your life... I'd encourage you to remember the pioneers! Remember the good that can come from the bad! Embrace the difficulty and you will receive opportunity after opportunity. I testify that the Gospel is true-- both in Vicksburg and in Clinton! That's one of the greatest constants there is. I know that we as missionaries are called to serve, not called to an area- and I am excited to serve the elect thirty minutes away. I hope that you all have a blessed week! Give yourself to God-- all of your fears, insecurities, goodbyes... give them all to him. I promise that he will make much more out of yourself than you can... even if it takes a few hills to get to that point. ;) HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

Clinton, here I come

Elder Boyd and the thighs of Vicksburg  

This Week's Facebook Post:

When goodbyes are hard, it helps to focus on the happy things.
Elder Sellers and I too, invite you all to come listen to a prophets voice. This weekend is an opportunity to have your questions answered, peace afforded, and your testimony strengthened. I encourage you all to tune in to the channel of revelation, and to come listen to a prophet's voice.

This Week's Pics:

The suitcoat Elder Boyd came to his mission with.  I think he's grown a tad?  What do you think?