Have you ever pondered the ever so luxurious question of the soul: how can I possibly make Christmas better? Elder Boyd has acquired the answer- go on a mission. It's as simple as that. If you wanna have the all-time, best ever, awesome, #blessup, Christmas of your life- give two years of your life to the Lord and missionary work, and you have the Elder Boyd guarantee that your Christmas will be elevated to celestial heights. And with that being said.. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! YOU HAVE NOW ENTERTAINED THE SECOND HOLIDAY EDITION OF THE STRAPPING CHALMETTE CHRONICLES! *jingle* *jingle* - (for holiday cheer purposes)

Wow, what a blessed week. I can sincerely tell you that missions defy expectations. Just when I think I can't fathom loving my family and friends even more, or exponentially appreciate the gracious holiday season- BOOM, HUMBLED- and suddenly I am made aware of how truly special missions are. 

Something that really changes a person when they are immersed in the work of the Lord, is that they come to truly recognize how sweet and tender simple miracles are. Being around family. Spending the Christmas season in front of your favorite holiday Disney special. It's the simple things that we take for granted, and it's the simple things that make mission Christmas so special. I feel truly blessed to live in a technological era where video chats are possible, and homesickness is subdued. What a beautiful plan our Heavenly Father has for us- and I am continually made aware of how everything just has a way or, "working out" when placed in his loving hands. So, YES, video chatting really puts into perspective the sacred words of Alma, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." The greatest thing brought to pass that I have realized from the minuscule miracles I enjoyed this week, is a rekindled motivation to work that much harder, and make my family and my Heavenly Father that much prouder. And with that being said, here's how we celebrated the Savior's in the humble depths of the Louisiana bayou:

I GAVE MY FIRST MISSION TALK THIS WEEK. Book. Mission milestone: achieved. AND, it was on Christmas Eve. So yes, Elder Boyd is chomping his way up the missionary food chain. I was politely asked to speak on the birth of the Savior, and so naturally I decided to ramp it up a bit: "Applying the Birth of Christ in our Lives and Consecrating Christmas- Elder Jeremy A. H. Boyd" Our humble holiday was hilarious. There probably is supposed to be a sacred protocol when it comes to the smaller sections of the church, but in the Chalmette branch, we do things a little differently. First off: our pianist was out of town, so we enjoyed the accompaniment of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for our hymnal praise- courtesy of Brother M's Samsung Galaxy -2 or something. So that was grand. Our mighty congregation of 14 on that particular day (half being missionaries, mind you) was quite the hoot. Then I assumed my position on the pulpit and proceeded to deliver, as I'm sure all of you at home would be surprised to hear, a brief and concise Christmas message. Is it prideful to quote yourself? Well- know that this is with the utmost sardonic intentions:

"We should never allow commercialization to overcome consecration... we can apply the birth of Christ in our lives as we encode his Birth in our brains and engrave his Atonement and Gospel in our hearts." 

Truly, I felt the Spirit working through me to deliver a talk that was both brief, but what the Savior would have me say. Missions are just totally radical, y'all, let me tell you. 

ANOTHER EXPERIENCE: I have aforementioned Brother L. in these chronicles, but let me say it again- he is one of the most hilarious humans I've ever had the pleasure of acquainting myself with. He drove us all to a local funeral for one of the members out here, and subtly mentioned that he was a, "poet." So naturally, i seized the opportunity to challenge the fella to a poem off. The challenge was issued, and the rules were set: we were to write three poems each, categorized by the other members in my quadship. The categories: Happy Birthday mom, Motivational Brother in Law, and a Romantic friend poem. We finally bashed it out on Christmas Eve, our poems written, and our prowess prepared. It is with humble heart, and my most dear and solemn consolation that I say.. I'M BRINGING THE TITLE BACK TO FERNDALE BABY CAUSE I TOOK THE POEMS ALL THE WAY. The final score, based upon a 1-10 grading scale from the other missionaries in the district: Brother Landers: 126- Elder Boyd- 138. Thank you, ah, thank you very much. :) But in all seriousness, the members out here are so fun and hospitable- we always have the best time with them. 

We were lucky enough to even video chat this Christmas. Through the guidance of the Spirit, and with great faith, this loving family (whom we hadn't met before) took us on and allowed us to use their technology. The Lord truly provides a way for us to achieve most happiness in this life. We are so lucky to be His children. 

Our missionary efforts have been quite interesting lately. As of late, we've been utilizing the Light the World approach to get return appointments and notify people of their need for repentance- so people haven't been taking our message as seriously as we've liked, as they are satisfied with only watching a video. However, we are keeping the diligence, and knocking on them doors, and strutting with that Spirit, because we trust in the Lord's time and the gardeners planting season. 

I was reading this week in 1 Corinthians and was absolutely touched by the present application of chapter 3. Verses eight and nine specifically which say:

Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.
We need to magnify our individual calling. Whether you are a planter or a waterer, we are to be unified both in purpose and execution. if you don't know which one you are? Pray about it. Ask the master labourer. We are laboring with Christ to harvest a beautiful vineyard, and if you aren't aware of your assignment, how are you supposed to accomplish it? I took great courage in the sweet fact that, even if I'm just a planter, I'm still God's husbandry- I'm still making progress- faith is the evidence of things NOT SEEN. May we be ever more present of His perfect pruning, and our role in this gorgeous garden. Same with ourselves.. potential doesn't show- but we need to trust in his perfect timing and what he KNOWS we can be. 

On the normal spectrum of things- we're getting pretty hyped for the new year out here. We just renewed the lease for our apartment, so we'll have a place to live when 2018 rolls around. I had my VERY FIRST traditional, homemade, red beans and rice yesterday- lemme tell y'all, Louisiana knows flavor. Elder Orison is just the best companion ever. I'm learning so much from him certainly learning a whole oodle load about myself. The scriptures are so powerful and awesome, and if you haven't made a New Years resolution, I challenge you to read the Book of Mormon every day. Joseph Smith and alot of prophets and people put alot of work into that holy book- so don't let their work be in vain, be a saint, and read the book of Mormon. My life has been so spiritually and physically blessed from reading the ancient script. There is so much power in the doctrine, and I know that if you read it every day, you'll notice the Lord's ever merciful hand in your life, and feel a greater desire for righteousness and accomplishing his will. Goodness, I love the Book Of Mormon. And I love all OF YOU!! So it'd be pretty nice if you all worked together.. just sayin'.

Well, the next time I email y'all it will be NEXT YEAR!! Wow, that sprung up like a mysterious groundhog in the chill night wind. I hope y'all had the most lovely Christmas and are truly savoring the precious family time you have. I know that this Gospel is so true, and if you don't know it for yourself, don't ask me- ask the Father who knows all, he'll let ya know. I love the people of Louisiana and the work I've been assigned to fulfill. I have so much left to do, but I'm excited to get down and dirty, and plant and water these seeds. Grab your gloves, cause we're in this work together, and now is the time for gardener and gardenette to gather together to harvest the field. How great is our calling! Talk to y'all next Tuesday-  you're such magnificent people, never forget that. ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!!

With quite the appropriate amount of holiday cheer and adoration,

Elder Boyd

(From Mama Boyd: Come back to look at Pics.  I'll upload in a bit) 


MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL! If you're receiving this, you have made it through the mystical Monday of transfer week. Yes, on transfer weeks P Days are on Tuesdays- so I commend you for surmounting the stress of "no-email Mondays." That probably only affected my family, but for you souls who were waiting on your next edition of the Chalmette Chronicles, fear not, BECAUSE ITS TIME FOR THIS WEEKS HOLIDAY EDITION OF THE LEGENDARY, THE EVER SO AWESOMETACULAR, CHALMETTE CHRONICLES (because I survived my first transfer, praise the Prince of Peace). *Woo*.

Goodness me, oh my did this week feel long. Who would have ever thought that a Monday would be such a blessing in my life? Regardless, we adapted, we improvised, and we overcame. Look at that, doing hard things left and right, preaching the gospel, and fighting the fight for salvation. In the wise words of most of the people down here, "I really can't complain." This week was packed with some missionary miracles and some enchanting experiences- so let's get on with it y'all! (Yes, I have adopted a Southern twang- some would call me, Louisianan, others would call me still scrawny and white.)

So, the members down here are truly mighty in Spirit. This past week we had the blessed opportunity of acquainting ourselves with the ever so legendary Brother L. We went to his house for lunch, and I was making spaghetti and he splatted the spoon on the sauce, so I was the victim of a stained shirt and he felt bad so he lent me one of his 5XL's- (see attached picture). That wild sentence pretty much sums up the Louisiana experience. Brother L. is a hilarious man who has a knack for, "reading people." So we patiently received our readings over a lunch of splatted spaghetti, and thoroughly enjoyed our time spent with such a legend. The other members down here are true laborers in Zion as well. Our Branch Presidents family does everything in the ward: his wife is the Young Women's President and makes the programs and plays the Clavinova in Sacrament Meeting, he is the Branch President, his daughter conducts the music, and his son orchestrates the sacred ordinance of the Sacrament. I am truly humbled as I see how much these people do with what little they are given. It's incredible to see how the Lord provides a way for the work to be hastened, no matter the inconvenience. 

I am LOVING the people down here. Being called, "my babies" at the food bank and listening to the many original tongues people speak in, are truly the soundtracks to my salvation. I can't get over how humble these followers of Jesus Christ are- and amidst it all, they showcase divine love for the missionaries- I mean, for goodness sakes, they even cook dairy free meals in a state submerged in luscious yellow butter. Needless to say, I am very appreciative for the fruits of this church and the efforts they make towards the salvation of mankind. 

This week, I finally participated in my first Zone Conference. This particular one was a COMBINED ZONE SPECTACULAR with the convergence of the Slidell and New Orleans Zones. The theme: ugly Christmas sweaters. I'm not sure we completely obeyed that standard because our quadship repped some utterly chic Star Wars jumpers, but ya know, you can't punish beauty. 

Anyways, the conference was spiritually sensational. Essentially, you all meet in the chapel and receive instruction from the Zone Leaders and the Senior Couples for two hours, and then you enjoy a home-cooked meal in the cultural hall (in this particular space we were gluttons of the feast as we enjoyed the ever so coveted tri-tip from the great hills of Utah) and then you embark back to the chapel to close out the meeting with "go-home testimonies." Basically, it's a Gospel-Palooza of substantially awesome proportions and I love it. The musical numbers established a Spirit-Conducive environment. Even yours truly sang a little ditty- which sporadically turned acapella, unbeknownst to me- but we endured to the end! We even enjoyed a seminar about stress, how about that? I felt more adjusted as I acquainted myself with the other missionaries of the area. However, I've mulled over this idea long enough in my mind to share it openly. It is one thing to be popular and loved among missionaries, to be liked by others, and to be considered, "such a cool guy"- but it's another thing to be loved by God. To be obedient despite the likeness of your fellow missionaries and to serve with all of your heart, mind, and strength. So who's side would you rather be on- other missionaries, or God's? Pleasing people can only take you so far- but pleasing God will take you through the eternities. Be obedient. Be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Gove God every reason to bless you and he will. Who cares what other people think- if you are serving your God there is no better thing you could be doing. 'Nuff said. 

Zone Conference was awesome and it commemorated the end of my first transfer in the mission- I'm basically a veteran- not really- but I'm less green, as they say, and still so very white. I'm  learning so much about myself and about this gospel, it's just sincerely life-changing. These next two years shouldn't just be the best two years of my life..but FOR my life. Going on a mission is like running into a burning building so God can refine you- and when we become molded into his predestined spirit children- we become firefighters in the furnace of affliction and are to try are best to extinguish the embers of the adversary. I feel an ever-present need for constant refining- I am just very grateful to a Lord who is patient enough with my agency to help me achieve my heavenly potential. Becoming what God wants me to be is a process. But we need to love the process and love what the process produces. Submission is a virtue. And thankfully, I have a whole mission to hunker down on this whole potential thing. I'll say it again: when we are immersed in the Lord's work, the Lord works on us. 

In terms of missionary work, we encountered quite the opposition this week- but we reaped in the blessings of endurance. Our investigator T. succumbed to one of his addictions this past week and we weren't able to meet with him as often as we had liked. However, the Lord's merciful hand is in everything and we were able to deliver a touching lesson on repentance and help him further prepare for his baptismal date on December 30th. I am so freaking excited, Y'all don't even know. C. has kinda blown us off this week, so we're gonna exercise patience and persistence and try again next week, but it has certainly paved the way to scout out some more draft picks and get a new roster on the floor. 

Elder Stoddard and I went on exchanges this week and we decided to try something different this week: fun finding. Some people might consider it an oxymoron, but let me tell you firsthand, all things are possible through Christ. We went around and shared the Light the World message with every single person we saw this week, and something hit me: when we spread the message with joy, the joy of the message is felt. Something very simple, I know- but more people were genuinely interested when we had fun in what we were doing than when it was a monotonous routine. When you share the Gospel, act like you love it, because you should! We have the FULNESS OF TRUTH- DOESN"T THAT JUST JAZZ YOU UP? It was a well-needed epiphany that changed my perspective. Also, we finally got to carol this week at a trailer park, and after instructing the district in carol etiquette, we had the time of our lives. We sang to unanswered doors. We sang to cars. We sang to people on the street. Hey, whatever you gotta do to spread the Gospel, you DO IT. Basically, it was quite the joyful hullabaloo. 

On to our favorite segment of normal people details: It flooded this week for the first time in my Louisiana ministry. That was a hoot and a half. We were forced to go inside until the lakes on the street were drained of their soggy sorrows. The members of the Branch put together Christmas boxes for us and delivered them this past week: once again, the members are awesome. 

I received some touching letters this week, thank you for those you precious people. But to the person who neglected to sign their letter or provide a return address- I will find you and I will write you. My family once again are incredibly awesome and the envy of the mission. We went to a funeral this weekend and I conducted the music- that was pretty suave. Um, I'm loving the words of the apostles and the instruction from the scriptures. If you aren't reading your scriptures every day, repent- and start reading. They will change your life if you let them. Elder Boyd promise. :)

Well, I think that's all he wrote for this past week. I hope you all have an incredible holiday and embrace the light of the world that is Jesus Christ. Treat yourselves. Go do something nice for your family. Spread the Gospel. Eat a cookie. Be the kind of person you wanted to be yesterday, today. Go change the world, one light at a time. The next time I email Y'all will be the day after Christmas, so I hope you all have such an incredible holiday season. Remember the reason for the season, but have such a special time with your families. Don't ever take for granted the infinite amount of blessing Heavenly Father has afforded you with. You're eternally blessed more than you'l ever know. MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!! ELDER BOYD IS GRATEFUL FOR THE GIFT THAT IS HAVING ALL OF YOU IN HIS LIFE. 

With so much holiday love and appreciation, it may just snow again in Louisiana,

Elder Boyd


Oh my LANTA, thank the heavens, we have downed yet another week in this spiritual water bottle. Just think: if my mission were a water bottle, and the weeks were measured in ounces, we'd be six ALMOST seven ounces down. We are GULPING away this mission. Oh, how time flies when you're keeping hydrated. Now with that ever so interesting introduction out of the way... HELLO, MY TENDER ACQUAINTANCES... WELCOME BACK TO THIS WEEK'S INSTALLMENT OF THE LEGENDARY...THE MYTHICAL... CHALMETTE CHRONICLES: Chapter Three *narrated by Yours Truly- Elder Boyd* Thank you, thank you.. I'll be here all week... every week.. for two years. :) 

Goodness gracious me oh my, was this week a doozy. Now let me tell you- when I opened up my call to the promised land of Louisiana, I was expecting dramatically humid temperatures, horrendous heat, SCORCHED SIDEWALKS AND GINGER SKIN.. not the tyrannous tundra that was Chalmette this past week. My dear friends (sounding like Uchtdorf here), it snowed. Frozen flurries of flamboyant proportions fell from the sky this past week. I CANNOT MAKE THIS UP PEOPLE. The Savior's coming must be upon us, or we have a biological anomaly on our hands, or global cooling is a thing or something, cause GOSH IT WAS COLD. At least, cold for Louisiana. And lucky me and my rebellious immune system, one whiff of that frosty air, and my happy-go-lucky health was a goner. Yes- this week was full of miracles. I have officially been sick in this mission TWICE already, it snowed in the land down under with degrees of 22-26, and I have somehow survived the bronchoraidalicatitis and made it to another PDAY. Thankfully the Lord's hand is ever-present in our lives, and we have been delivered from the bondage of the Southern Antarctica. But, amidst all this winter wonderland, we got DOWN TO BUSINESS. 

This week has been hecka spiritually awesome as if snow wasn't a miracle enough. Our week started off pretty slow. Tuesday was just packed full of tracting and finding and scavenging the depths of the Earth for the elect who are prepared for this message. But I have a sincere testimony that through great endurance comes even greater blessings. We have been meeting with our homeboy C. pretty regularly now. We showed up on Tuesday as he was trying to fix his grill with a broken broom handle, so we hooked a brother up with a fresh new broom-grill. We also FINALLY got invited into his residence this week, usually, he just walks around outside and we conversate within the bounds of the great outdoors. BUT we finally were let in, and we had a stellar lesson on the Plan of Salvation, super spiritual and all that jazz.. but just when I thought it was getting good.. the Spirit was like.. "hey, Elder Boyd, you should invite him to be baptized." And just like when mom tells you to unload the dishwasher, you don't disobey the Spirit. So I did- and homeboy C. is now on the date for the 3rd of February. OH YEAH. Just racking up that salvation! WOO. And we've met with him twice since then, and he's vibing the Book of Mormon and wants us to ask him, "really hard questions" so we know he's actually reading. What a legend. 

As if C. wasn't sensational enough, our other investigator, T. B., has seen some spiritual progress this week as well. The Spirit is so amazing. 

Alright, spirit rant for a quick minute: As we purify ourselves and are surrounded by the influence of the Spirit, we feel the power of God working through us for the blessing of others. So long as we remain worthy of his constant companionship i.e renewing our baptismal covenants each week, maintaining virtuous thoughts as well as actions, and create a spirit conducive environment within ourselves, the power of God is made manifest through us. We are mouthpieces. We are instruments. We are pens and pencils in the greatest story ever written in the history of mankind. We just need to self-evaluate: are we filled with ink, so when we are called upon, we are prepared and ready to write whatever the Great Author seest fit? Are we stationed in holy places, are we angled towards the paper, waiting to be utilized and accomplish His purposes? Have you ever thought: "why was I sent to the Earth at THIS particular time of the world?" Why were we not born in the days of Moses- in the times of Paul- in the beginning of this miraculous and final dispensation? It could've been just as easy for God to send you down to the world at ANY OTHER TIME- but why now? Trust in His perfect timing. Trust that the purpose you are endowed to fulfill is for the benefit of THIS time and THIS generation. It is no accident that you were born in the last dispensation of the fullness of times. So what are you gonna do with this, as Alma calls it, "remembrance of your duty?" As we remain fervent in the faith, live worthy of our covenants, and emulate the pure love of Christ- we will be in the right place, in the right time, with the right mind, to accomplish whatever the Lord asks us to do. There are no coincidences. Be the pen that writes the exclamation point in the happiest sentence this dispensation has ever written. Okay, rant over. 

T. B. He doesn't have much. He has a son, who is conveniently ALSO named T. We found them via the area book as other missionaries had given up on T. after he couldn't sacrifice his gambling addiction. BUT we kept the faith, and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, were lead to such beautiful potential. 

T. Sr. is on the date for December 30th- and we met with him this week in the bitter cold. He actually drove up next to our car, and we had Brother H. inside, and we had a car lesson. It was epic. And cozy. ANYWAYS: we taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.. and suddenly that Spirit started whispering again.."Elder Boyd. Doctrine and Covenants 121" What a powerful suggestion. So I gave him my quad and he started reading. Previously he had questions about his copious amounts of trials and tribulations, and how we could muster the patience for endurance. I told him that he wasn't alone- and simply requested that he read. Not three words into it, T. starts balling. The Spirit knew exactly what he needed to hear. If I hadn't been confident enough to act upon it, T. wouldn't certainly have felt comforted and understood. Wow. It was AWESOME. T. and his son came to the Branch Christmas Party, and they EVEN came to Church. Truly, the Lord's hand is over all the faithful who strive to do His work. I feel blessed to be apart of such magnificent miracles. 

The rest of the week was full of less active hunting (with no results) and a meeting with one of the Sisters' investigators named C. 

C. has Lupus, had pneumonia, hadn't eaten for three weeks, and when we met with her she was barely on her feet. I felt prompted to offer to give her a blessing, so we did. Elder Orison blessed her with health and strength. We came back the next day to bring her some food from the Christmas party, and she was eating so much that she ate the strawberries we gave her WHOLE. The plant part and everything. It was a tad bit kooky, to say the least, but she totally recognized the power of the Priesthood in her life, and that was super humbling to see. 

Okay yes, onto the less, "spiritual details." I don't know if y'all know this but my family is awesome. Everyone in the mission is incredibly jealous of how #blessed I am to be sealed to the ever so fantabulastic Brother and Sister Boyd. Yeah, be jealous, cause they're mine FOREVER and they ARE awesome. 

Anyways. We had our Branch Christmas party this week. Thank goodness people bring meat to these sort of events, cause everyone kinda forgot about good ole' Opie ( as they call me here) and so I just eat a metric butt-ton of ham and turkey. Like an unhealthy amount. Like, my DNA may be slightly associate to the swine of the earth and fowls of the air at this point. BUT the members here are incredible, I love them. 

I can't wait to tell y'all stories about Brother H. and Brother L. and the F. Family. They all make this little branch feel so special. I love them all so much. Our little branch family is so touching, although they can't even slightly compare to my WARD FAMILY BACK HOME, they truly inspire me to be a better missionary. 

We've found some service at the local food bank this week! It reminds me so much of home, I love volunteering over there. This past week we were blessed to sort through a cornucopia of moldy strawberries and be the muscle of the group as we hefted away pallets and various assortments of beverages. I love serving out here. Everyone calls me, "baby" or, "honey" or, "child" or, "scrawny white kid" and it just makes me feel so appreciated. Truly a blessing. 

We got to watch the First Presidency Devotional this week at the F. home! I LOVED it! I have such a firm testimony about the leaders of our Church. They are such Christlike individuals who motivate me to become more like them and Him. One of my favorite quotes from this year's devotional was,"it's not how much you have, but how much you love." Uchtdorf is such an epic human. 

I also had my first interview with President Varner this week! He's SUCH a spectacular mission president. Such a gentle friend. He really knows how to help the missionaries and I'm so excited to spend my mission under his authority. We have Zone Conference this Thursday, and it's ugly sweater themed. Stay tuned for pictures of my exquisite Christmas conglomeration. Most of which is courtesy of those STUPENDOUS parents I talked about earlier. :) 

Also, I got a haircut.

I don't remember much else that happened this week, but you can be for certain that I'm savoring each and every moment. I feel continuously guided and uplifted by all of your thoughts and prayers. Thank y'all so much. 

I can sincerely say that I feel inspired by you all each and every day. I hope y'all are warming up to this Christmas season and harnessing that character of Christ as you serve and uplift those around you. He is the ultimate gift that we should always remember. I hope y'all have an impeccable week and feel the Lord's loving hand in your lives always. 

I love you guys so much. I pray for you every day. I feel blessed to be apart of such an incredible life with even more incredulous people. You're some of my greatest treasures. So thank you. HAVE A STELLAR WEEK Y'ALL AND REMEMBER THAT ELDER BOYD AND JESUS CHRIST LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

With a surplus of appreciation, appreciation storage banks are being built across the globe,

Elder Boyd