Hello from Mississippi: the Wacky Weather State,

It is by grace that we are saved after all our thighs can do-- especially wet thighs. I wonder if its an abridgment to mission law to swim... if you're on a bike. We did the impossible this week-- the very soggy impossible.  I'll let you figure out in the pictures whether it's rain or sweat.
Anyways, despite all this precipitation and perspiration, the miracles have been aplenty! With great opposition comes great opportunity! His strength is made perfect in our weakness-- especially when it comes to biking the hills of Mt. Vicksburg! WELCOME MY FRIENDS, to a very blessed and very wet, VICKSBURG VOLUMES: CHAPTER SEVEN. 

Not all heroes wear capes. In fact, some wear silky Guardians of the Galaxy pajamas. After an incredible member lesson we went out with another member to help them fulfill their ministering assignments, and it was then that I truly appreciated the tender mercy of the talents of others (and their style choices). 

For those of you who may not know, Louisiana and Mississippi are more indecisive than a kid in a candy store with their weather choices.   Pro tip: don't go driving in a crazy terrain trailer park without four-wheel drive. Yeah, we got stuck... it was pretty hilarious actually. This member looked over at me and said, "you're gonna have to get out and push." Well, despite the gains of Nephi the Nissan Ultima wouldn't budge from the death grip of the mud. I said a little prayer in my heart that somehow, someway, we would be freed from the captivity of the terrain. No sooner than I said, "amen" did the miracle come cascading down the hill in the distance. As if I was quickened by the spirit and carried away into a tall mountain, I looked and beheld a man, most muscular and fair amongst all other men... saddled on a riding lawnmower, in his superhero PJ's, pulling behind him a wagon of wooden planks. Lo and behold, we were delivered from the chains by which we were bound... by a chain that this man climbed several trees to retrieve. This man certainly had talents that I didn't; unless you expect me to get down and dirty in a mud puddle and tie a noose around the bumper in a white shirt and tie. It was just a simple testimony to me that God endows us with very specific abilities to fulfill his purposes. This man was able to perform an act of service through the magnification of his divine identity and capabilities. We, similarly, are blessed with talents beyond measure, for the purpose of serving God's children. If you think about it-- with the talents of everyone on Earth combined, we could probably accomplish anything in mortality. So, you may not have super studly pajama pants, but you definitely have talents; use them to pull someone out of the mud and magnify your calling as a child of God!

As some of you may know, recently there has been a great emphasis on, "the name of the church." Our beloved prophet has petitioned each and every one of us to identify with the name of Christ and to keep his name at the center of His church. We are evolving from the misnomer of, "Mormons" and converting to the higher, holier, and original name of, "members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." Now, some of you may question this development/re-assertion-- "we have so much publicity with the name of Mormon..." "my mouth simply cannot utter that many syllables when declaring my religious beliefs..." Well, let me tell you tongue twisted and traditionalist alike, we had an experience this week that reaffirmed my testimony of President Nelson as a prophet in these latter days and the critical importance of this inspired decision to correct the name of the church. 
As we approached the door we noticed a cross on the side of the house. Now for a missionary- this is great news! "Oh goodie, a Christian!" So, we knocked on the door and initially, the man who opened up was very apprehensive, and a tad abrasive. There actually reached a point in our approach where he interrupted and responded to our inquiry about his faith and said, "I AM JESUS." Glory hallelujah, not only was this man a Christian-- it was Jesus Christ himself! Well, when we got over the blasphemy of this encounter, I was a firsthand witness of the converting and softening power of the Spirit; he really warmed up to us! As we clarified what we believed and found similarities, my heart went out to this great man and his even better faith! And this is where the name of the church came in..

There reached a point in our conversation where he stopped us and said... "wait, aren't you guys Mormons?" We took the opportunity to clarify that that was once a nickname of our church, but now we are really pushing to keep the name of Christ in His church. His response, I believe, is a testimony to all that this emphasis was inspired of the Lord. He said, "I love that. You know, for my entire life I have believed that Mormons didn't believe in Christ- but now that I know that you really are the church of Jesus Christ I couldn't be happier to accept a copy of the Book of Mormon." How incredible is that? A simple clarification prepared this man for conversion. I testify that President Nelson is a prophet of the Lord and that he speaks for God. The Lord [reveals] his secrets to his servant President Nelson. Follow the prophet in the little things-- if Jesus Christ told you to eat your food with your left hand, you'd probably do it-- so should we be obedient to the, "small and simple things" the prophet commands us to do; trusting that by those small things, great blessings will be brought to pass in our lives! I am honored to be a [member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] lead by a prophet on the Earth today.  

Y'all, I know that God is mindful of the people here in Vicksburg because he is preparing and blessing their missionaries with so many miracles and opportunities. The finding and teaching experiences this week were such a strength to this portion of the Lord's vineyard. I am humbled to be an instrument, that the Lord is CERTAINLY using, to fulfill and further his purposes. To name a few:
*preferably read with the sentiment, "coincidence? I think not.*
• We had scheduled an appointment with a returning member of the church and after we biked the four miles there, they all of a sudden weren't home. So, in an attempt to be effective we knocked a few doors in the surrounding area-- and I KID YOU NOT-- the first door we knock on a 15-year-old young woman answers and says, "Oh, my mom was trying to stop you yesterday! She wanted your number so that she could learn about Jesus Christ and come to your church." 
• We were out street contacting on a brisk winter afternoon and we passed by this young lady walking around the neighborhood TWICE as we were making our rounds. Well, the second time around, I decided not to postpone a prompting and went up and talked to her. Turns out, she's been a devoted member of a local Baptist church and had read the Bible her whole entire life, but she didn't understand the resurrection or the doctrine behind where her deceased mother was. Her eyes got wide when we told her about a, "book that can answer those questions of her soul" and offered her a free copy of the Book of Mormon. In our last visit, we helped her to better understand the book she believed to be, "the word of God" and how it is convincing evidence of the truthfulness of the only true and living church of Jesus Christ.
• We've been trying to be creative with the effectiveness of the work, and so this week we have been specifically praying to find people to teach that would be compatible with specifically returned missionaries in the ward. Lo and behold, the pattern of this week continues; we found some potentials who seem like they would be best friends with some former Elders and Sisters.
• We entertained the, "hard knock life" with a little time we had before an appointment and knocked on this door and [immediately] the lady answered, and as quick as she answered, she slammed the door. Well, sad but true, we've kinda accustomed ourselves to rejection. Well, as we moved to the next door she opened again and said, "who are you guys?" After we explained our purpose and message as missionaries she invited us in, and it turned out that her brother was in the hospital and she really needed someone to pray for her. We shared some comforting words of Christ and we now have a return appointment to help her feel God's love! I was just so astounded at the love of a God who knew her concern, knew what she needed, and provided missionaries as an answer to her prayer! I know that God listens to and answers our prayers in a similar way. You are LOVED! And maybe God will send missionaries knocking on your door one day to answer your prayers. ;) 

And the final experience, and most incredible to me, came as we witnessed the fruits of true conversion. 

It has been said that conversion is best demonstrated on the 265th page of the Book of Mormon with the miraculous experience of Aaron and King Lamoni's father. After much teaching, expounding, and working with the spirit Aaron beautifully illustrates the purposes and intent of the plan of redemption. He flawlessly answers inspired questions with inspired answers and guides the king through the conversion process. Towards the middle of the chapter, it is said of the king that:

"[he] did bown down before the Lord upon his knees; yea, even he did prostrate himself upon the earth and cried mightily saying: O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God; and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may be raised from the dead, and be saved dat the last day."

A beautiful commitment and an even more sweet surrender... 

Well, in a small portion, this happened to us (Aaron) and one of the most beloved people we were teaching this week. We received a call at 5:00 in the morning (a missionary 24/7) from one of our most progressing friends who has been striving to overcome a smoking addiction to prepare to be baptized and confirmed a member of the church. He texted us later that morning and said, "I can't quit smoking." The prompting came that he had not yet understood the full redemptive and enabling power of the Atonement of Christ. So, we did exactly that; we bore testimony of the infinite and eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ and how any sacrifice on our part is only a mere portion of the offering of the Savior. It was a powerful lesson filled with the spirit. In the spirit of the moment, Elder Sellers being the bold man he is asked him to use his agency to use the Atonement of Christ and to throw away the package of cigarettes that was lying there on the table. He immediately, understandably defensive, said that he couldn't do something like that. That was the moment that the spirit whispered into my ear something I will never forget, "give this man a missionary promise he will never forget." I sat there at that moment, pondering upon the effects of the Atonement in my own life... and thought about the blessings I have received. Then, entirely lead by the spirit (ushering in the promise of Doctrine and Covenants 100) I said the following promise: "If you will make the decision to stop smoking today, you will begin to achieve your potential to become like God." No sooner than the words left my mouth, did he get up and say... "I need to do something really quick."He got up. Took the box of cigarettes. Threw them away. And said, "I can do this." 

He gave up what he had to know God. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity, and the very thing that is hardest for us to sacrifice is the same thing that is preventing us from having a perfect knowledge of God. That is true conversion-- giving up something good, for something of God. And I for one, am humbled that God would use a weak missionary like me to extend a promise like the one extended that day. You missionaries out there, promise blessings while you can-- apostolic authority won't be there forever. And you members out there, what are you willing to sacrifice to know God? I know that as soon as you, "give it away" your knowledge will be enlightened, your relationship strengthened, and you, like the man we taught that day, will be on the way to achieving your potential to become like God. 

Well yall, I just love being a missionary and I have learned so much this week about what that title means to me! Whether it was biking in the rain, pulling a Nissan out of the mud, or experiencing the tender mercies of the converting power of the Lord and His work, the miracles of a mission are REAL! I know this church, the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, is the Lord's kingdom on the Earth today! I know the Gospel has been restored and reserved, particularly for the promised land of Mississippi! I am grateful to be on the front lines of the Lord's battalion as his servant and instrument. For those of you out there, PLEASE use your talents for the blessing of others, give away what you have to know a God who will give you everything, enjoy those rainy days of your life trusting in great blessings ahead, and identify with Christ! The miracles are there; we just need faith to authorize God to bless us with them. It is my testimony that God is aware and always there; he loves y'all, even impossibly more than I do. Remember that! And remember... it never hurt to sweat or get wet a little bit. ðŸ˜‚ HAVE A GREAT WEEK YALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU. 

From a wet but appreciative bike Boyd,

Elder Boyd

This Week's Facebook Post

Ring the bell that still can ring,
Forget your perfect offering,
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
Darkness itself doesn't exist.
It is only in the absence of light that we have darkness.
We all have our dark days. We all have those days where we feel a crack in everything. But we often tend to forget in these vulnerable times, that it is in our brokenness that we let the light in.
Darkness exists when we forget who we are...
Darkness exists when we forget God...
Darkness exists when we lose sight of where we're going..
But when we remember who we are and where we're going; that we are children of God with a loving Heavenly Father who has provided a plan and a Savior to help us become who we need to become and go where we need to go-- that's how the light gets in.
He is the light. The Lord is our light. The moment we overcome our inner darkness is the same moment we invite the light of Christ in our lives. He is the perfect offering that we can never forget-- and the light that shines through the darkness. There is no crack that Christ cant shine through. He is the light that radiates through our divine identity and the plan of happiness.
So, it's okay if you're cracked. It's okay if you are not a perfect offering-- because He is. He is our light. So don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him.
Forget yourself and embrace your cracks; that's how the Lord gets in.

This Week's Pictures


30 biked miles for Jesus later,

Hello, privileged automobile drivers! Elder Boyd here, from the holy hills of Vicksburg. Fun fact: there is a threshold to thigh exhaustion. However, another fun fact, through the power of the priesthood and the enabling power of the Atonement all the thresholds of thighs can be overcome and exceeded. Not only did we prevail through the hilly trials of our faith, but I also likened the Atonement of Jesus Christ to the third Pirates of the Carribean movie and witnessed a baptist spank her dogs with a fly swatter while jamming to Christian rock... so I guess you could say things are pretty good over here! We are blessed to reflect on the best of the blessed as we enjoy another edition of VICKSBURG VOLUMES: CHAPTER SIX.

And the transfer news is...
WE'RE STAYING! Elder Sellers and I are beyond stoked to spend another six weeks in the promised land of Vicksburg, Mississippi. So much love- in honor of this Valentines' week. I love my companion. I learn something from him every day, I can be myself around him, and he helps me to achieve my full potential and become the best version of myself. I love Vicksburg! This place is a diamond in the rough with the potential to basically become exalted. The people are some of the sweetest Southern elect you'll ever meet and the work is hastening every day. This ward is top-notch- if you ever need a level 3 missionary experience, float your way down the Mississippi and stay a night or two in Vicksburg. These members are motivated, inspired, and preparing for Zion. I love this mission. Sixteen months now I have been immersed in the work of the Lord and I have loved every moment. If you're looking for a life-changing opportunity to be aware of your weaknesses, develop your strengths, live the Gospel, and become who you really are; serve a mission. I promise you won't regret a single ounce of sweat, blood, or tears-- I know I haven't. I think my mission has taught me how to truly love-- and I owe so much of it this mission, my companions, and my holy lands.

Regarding the work this week; it was a rough one. However, that doesn't mean every day wasn't a good day! One absolute nugget of a quote we heard this week from one of the nicest ladies in the universe was, "all of my days are good days- some are just better than others." Isn't that so true? I have nothing to complain about here in MS, because every day is a good day; some are just better than others! 

Door to door, we met some of the kindest people from all sorts of different denominations. It is such a wonderful thing to see people as children of God-- it didn't matter what these people believed, they were still our brothers and sisters. Though these people could only worship according to the light they possessed, they still had the countenance of divine identity. I have been truly humbled by the lesson I have learned this week-- sometimes it's easy to generalize a denomination. After one Bible bash, we may sometimes find ourselves blaming the whole religious sect for the spirit of contention. It is good to remember, that the perfect Gospel is made for imperfect people. God cannot simply perfect that which is already flawless-- and if his purpose in morality is to perfect us, we need to give him some imperfections to work with. He expects us to be imperfect, so why should we expect ourselves to be anything more than what he already expects of us? 

I have learned this week to not generalize denominations. To not expect others to be what I don't expect of myself. To look at everyone as a child of God and to be patient with the imperfections of others. I have such a greater resolve to share the fullness of the truth with people of all religions-- it isn't just that one street in Mississippi that God has congregated the nicest people of every church. There is kindness all around if we will simply look for it.

We had some experiences this week that strengthened my abilities as a missionary. We were able to help out with an LDSSA (Latter Day Saint Students Association or something like that...) booth on exchanges at a college campus in Greenville, Mississippi. It's pretty cool to reflect on my confidence with my faith. I'm pretty sure that, pre-mission Elder Boyd, would not have been so confident sharing and testifying of the Book of Mormon wth a D3 defensive end. The "college experience" was a great foreshadowing to my future- watch out world, just because there's no name tag on my chart doesn't mean it isn't written in my heart. :)

On the spiritual side of things (as if everything on a mission is not a spiritual experience already) I came to realize my own nothingness. Now I'm sure that may sound pretty harsh, eh? Well, that is not to say I think less OF myself-- but that I have begun to think less about myself and more about God. I've come to realize that we of ourselves really do nothing. This realization came as read this quote and correlated it to a favorite scripture...
“If you consider yourself a nobody and do nothing to improve yourself to become a somebody, you truly will end up being a nobody.” 
And to quote President Mckay,  "If we are no better tomorrow than we are today, we are not very useful.”
And the scripture...

21 I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.

God is all-powerful and all-knowing. If we have any success, progression, or development in life it is entirely on account of his mercy and love. As the scripture states, he grants us, "breath." We live and breathe because God is compassionate enough to allow us to be used for a greater purpose. We are the "small and simple things" that God uses to bring great things to pass! The Priesthood is the medium by which God permits us to see miracles and success-- it isn't our prayer alone, or our faith, or our hard work that brings these things to pass. It's God. He is the miracle-worker, he is the reason our people progress, it is by him and through him that we are allotted success as missionaries. I just acquired such gratitude for the mercy and merits of him who, "sits high and looks low..." as they say here in the South!

Well y'all, I am beyond excited to be spending another transfer here in Vicksburg! I love everything about this area and this mission! I'm looking forward to many more miracles as we put our thighs on the altar of sacrifice and reap with all our might! I encourage you all to be confident in your faith, to remember your own nothingness, and most importantly... to ponder on the great and eternal truth that Christ's church is on the Earth again! 

I love being a missionary--- revelation rocks y'all! Talking to my family today was the ultimate blessing- missionaries haven't gone soft my friends, the Lord is just hastening his work in His way. Like President Nelson said, "the Lord will do some of his most miraculous work between now and the time of his coming..." This is just one of those many miracles! 

Grateful to be a servant of the Lord here in the final dispensation-- the church is true my friends! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!
Another transfer, another thigh size,
Elder Boyd

This Week's FB Post

The Love of God.
Every day should be an opportunity to reflect upon the gift of matchless love. Though the love of man may vary and waver, the love of God is infinite and never-changing. He loves us with an, "everlasting love" and one of the greatest manifestations of this eternal comfort is His son, Jesus Christ.
The love of God is Jesus Christ.
The love of God for His children is most profoundly expressed in His gift of Jesus as our Redeemer:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..."
We've all heard this verse and we reverently observe, respect, and honor this compassionate sacrifice.
But do we equally observe, respect, and honor the submission of the Son?
"For the Son so loved the world that he gave himself..."
To partake of the love of God is to partake of Jesus’ Atonement and the emancipations and joys which it can bring.
For you, for me, and for everyone throughout eternity the Savior offered himself as a sacrifice for love: to answer the ends of the law, and to fulfill the plan of happiness. He knew what he volunteered to do. He understood the pain, temptation, and affliction of every kind that he would take upon himself. And yet, he argued not, "how" it should be done... but instead thought of us, and remembered, "why?" We, likewise, never have to wonder how we are to endure through the trials and tribulations of life-- Christ already answered that question. Instead, it is our duty to remember, "why" this is all possible-- and to acknowledge the amazing sacrifice of Christ.
As a rebellious and proud soul myself, I can't help but kneel at the mercy seat and think on the wonderful gift of the Savior. However undeserving, imperfect, wayfaring, rebellious, or proud we may be... he loves us still.
One cannot help but be amazed at the love of God-- so remember your why, remember the Redeemer, and stand amazed every day at the love Jesus offers you.

This Week's Pics


The thrive of thighs in week five,

This week was hard, be we did it all through Christ. Friendly suggestion even if you feel like the thighs of Thor can do it, don't go up that hill in sixth gear. Also, if you're looking for little simple gifts of happiness, go make homemade ice cream with the folks at the rehab center or sort books in children's section of the library for a few hours. The world is full of opportunities to be happy; if we will simply look for them. These Asgardian appendages have served me well this week-- 50 miles of biking is the ultimate way to build character... and calves. SO SADDLE UP ON THEM SEATS OF SALVATION and prepare for a reflective, rambunctious, and revenant combination of wordplay as we enjoy the VICKSBURG VOLUMES: CHAPTER FIVE. 

Hope yall are doing GREAT. I would encourage you all to strive for that, "burning in the bosom" to keep warm in the snow. 

As for me, I received an elevated sense of purpose this week as I contemplated the, "why" of missionary work.

What is the doctrine behind the saving of souls?
Why do young men and women, the youth of the noble birthright, endure from door to door to, "share a message about Jesus Christ" with your family?
What is the purpose behind this great and marvelous work? 

As missionaries, we are despised and rejected by men. We are men and women of sorrows and are well acquainted with grief. Oftentimes, we will find that the people we teach will hide their faces from us; and sadly, without a second thought, we and our message are esteemed as nothing of eternal importance. 


I beg to rationalize, in the most sacred intent... that our mission is a lot like His.

To quote Isaiah,

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

But the next verse is a little, "less" relatable...
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
We may be despised and rejected, but we are wounded for nobody's transgressions nor bruised for any form of another's iniquity. The chastisement of peace rests not on our shoulders- but those of Him who, "partook his preparations among the children of men" and fulfilled all that his Father sent him to do. It is only in and through HIS stripes that we are healed; nothing of our own individual, merits, mercy, or grace. He volunteered, atoned, and fulfilled the lover's part that we might not shrink. In the ultimate expression of love, gave his life as a ransom for many, that we through him might be saved in grace and truth. Surely, our mission is similar to the Savior's but we must always remember... that his mission was much harder... and he still did everything he was sent to do.  

"If the world hates you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."

As missionaries we are in constant wonder why people would reject such a life-changing message-- but do we ever consider those times where we might in fact, even in the smallest of ways, reject Christ ourselves? Sure, we may not blaspheme nor abandon faith entirely regarding him as, "a thing of naught." But do we ever have those times where we just don't quite keep ALL of God's commandments? Where we... perchance.. leave him on hold as we retire to bed too early without accounting to God? Do we ever postpone a prompting or neglect a service opportunity? Do we sometimes find ourselves slamming the door on revelation- much like the doors closed on us representatives? Perspective. Now, this isn't to demoralize, discourage, or demean our righteous efforts in any sort of way-- but it goes to say that before we ask, "why me?" we instead first, "remember Him." He is merciful, he is loving, he is all-encompassing with his arms of endless love. He is forgiving, patient, kind, gentle, meek, optimistic... the list goes on for scriptural eternity. We slam too many doors in his face, yet he keeps knocking... We sometimes don't keep all our commitments, but he keeps extending... Truly, if our mission is like His, maybe it would be most helpful to remember that in order to accomplish our missions, we must be like Him. 

What we are offering at that doorstep is not ourselves, but Christ. If anything, I realized this week that as a representative of Him who is, "mighty to save" I am giving nothing of myself to these precious souls in the South. I am the messenger, I am the mouthpiece, and I am the instrument... but I am not the Savior. What I and every other Elder and Sister are offering when we come to your door, is a connection to Him. We are offering you complete access to the comfort of Christ through the fulness of the blessings of his atoning sacrifice. We are inviting you to, "experience the joy of redemption" and to drink from the fountain of living water, that you may be whole. 

Did you know the loving God has provided a way for you to experience guaranteed peace, through one of his most beloved gifts? That he has granted knowledge of security in salvation and an endless flow of blessings, contingent upon sacred promises? That the power of God is on the Earth today, and as such has the overwhelming influence to bring about many mighty miracles in the name of Christ? That your family can be together FOREVER through the plan of a loving Father? Did you know that you can be cleansed from sin EVERY WEEK as you renew promises made under the proper authority? Did you know that there are MORE words of Christ, available to you today, that you may receive further guidance and instruction from the Lord? Did you know that a modern-day Moses walks the Earth, and if you listen to his counsel you can live with God again? Next time you say, "not today" think about these words from President Oaks: 
As the prophets of this dispensation have told us, the missionaries’ purpose of being in the mission field is to save souls, to baptize converts, which is to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to the sons and daughters of God.
No one else can do this.
Other churches cannot do it.
Good Christian living cannot do it.
Good faith, good desires, and good reasoning cannot do it.
Only the priesthood of God can administer a baptism that will satisfy the divine decree that “except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 

Sorry y'all, just WAY passionate about the gospel. I just have SUCH  a desire to share this message with the world. Just remember next time you say no... you're declining much more than two boys from out west. THE CHURCH IS TRUE. 

In other news... you remember that beautiful pattern set by Ammon where he served the King and then taught him about the Gospel? That us this week, except instead of cleaning stables we went up to these three teenage girls who taught us how to do the, "mmm" dance and requested that I sing Baby by Justin Bieber to their fanbase of Instagram Live. If I went viral, I'm sorry in advance. 😂 BUT, the good news of the Gospel was that this series of white boys dancing softened their hearts to the gospel and allowed us to schedule a return appointment to teach them and their family how they can be together forever! 

Now if that ain't a Southern story, I don't know what is.

Well yall, that oughtta do us for this week. I love the Gospel and I love being a missionary. I hope that you all remember your purpose as children of God-- and strive for that 5G connection with the Savior. Make this week full of the remembrance of Him! Choose to be healed by his stripes and to follow him through His Gospel. Though our missions may be similar to His, we must be much more like Him is we hope to accomplish ours the same way. WE CAN DO IT THOUGH. That's the good news about the gospel- the Lord is not selfish. He wants us to be like Him, we just need his help to do it. He is the pioneer for our divine inheritance and as we follow his footsteps with faith I testify that "when he comes, we will be like him." HAVE A GREAT WEEK! ELDER BOYD LOVES Y'ALL!

From your favorite pair of Thor's thighs,

Elder Boyd

This Week's FB Post:

Whose love can compare to that of the Savior,
Whose life was paid as an unfathomable favor.
For you and for me, 
He suffered in Gethsemane,
That we as families might be,
Sealed forever eternally.

Never wondering how, but instead remembering why,
The Savior himself was the ultimate sacrifice,
Our pains and weaknesses, he willingly assumed
"Thy will be done"-- he fulfilled what his Father sent him to do.

He's been there before, and he knows how you feel-
His Atonement is infinite, intimate, and real.
And God so loved the world, that he gave his only son--
That we, through him, might return to home above.

A love so pure,
That always endures,
He suffered first
To provide a compassionate cure,

So next time you wonder,
Why is life so tough?
Or will I ever be enough?
Remember the garden...
The bread and the cup.

Remember the Saviors love.

This week's Pics/Video's

Having Fun:


And I would bike a thousand hills, and I would bike a thousand more...

Just to be the man who biked a thousand hills to come and knock on your door. 

Miracles of the week: it snowed in Mississippi, our thighs are still kicking, and the people of Vicksburg are progressing! There is goodness to be found all around, even when the doors of Mississippi are enchanted with an ancient curse to rarely open up! God is still good-, especially to the thighs. Have your muscles ever passed the point of no return? That was Hill #56 for us. But the Atonement of Christ is real for all sinners and thighs alike-- God has enabled us and our lower leg muscles to see many mighty miracles this week. So, climb aboard, the pegs are ready, and the spirit is more rampant than the Boycott Bowl in the VICKSBURG VOLUMES: CHAPTER FOUR. 

Has anyone ever canceled on you??

What is the purpose of a cancellation?

Is it worth it to bike four miles in the snow, up Mt. Vicksburg, with minimal hydration to follow a prompting?

This was the week of canceled appointments, and as such, the series of events we endured have caused me to think deeply about the metaphors of a mission. 

Sometimes in life, we purposefully get up early, bike four miles over the tumultuous hills and valleys, stretch the limit of our thighs, and exert all energy and hope into high expectations... only to find ourselves canceled on. Only to find ourselves in the position to think that all of the aforementioned processes was, "for nothing." It's easy to think that way, it's easy to be pessimistic-- it's actually natural and innate to be disappointed and to immediately assume blame for foiled planning. However, who remembers our, "p-word" from last week? PERSPECTIVE. Perspective is the solution to everything, I'm convinced. And perspective teaches us that cancellation is actually just a test from God to prove our agency to choose to be happy. We can choose to It takes an engaged, active, kinetic analysis and effort to look on the "sunny side of life."

Optimism is a choice-- which means, happiness is a conscious decision. It isn't merely a mind at rest to have a positive attitude... but something that is thought out acted upon, and maintained through consistent effort. Kind of like gardening; if we simply leave our seeds unattended, they won't grow on their own; in fact, they'll die. They must be nurtured, nourished, and actively cared for. Same with our attitudes-- optimism can be likened to such a garden. Many decisions, opportunities, and circumstances in a day represent the seeds planted in our mind-- it requires individual attention to yield an orchard of positivity. That's why positive seeds tend to be the ones that look on the "sunny side."  Every time something happens in our lives; a seed sprouts! It is up to us to determine if that seed will bring forth good or bad fruit. Positivity or negativity. 

Alma, a beloved prophet in the book of Mormon and a metaphorical guru, describes this relationship of the harvest beautifully when he states, "  

And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may grow up, and bring forth fruit unto us. And now behold, if ye nourish it with much care it will get root, and grow up, and bring forth fruit.
38 But if ye neglect the tree, and take no thought for its nourishment, behold it will not get any root; and when the heat of the sun cometh and scorcheth it, because it hath no root it withers away, and ye pluck it up and cast it out." 

When we nourish the seeds of positivity they take root and eventually bring forth an optimistic attitude. Likewise, yielding to the temptation of neglect deprives our thoughts of their necessary nourishment, and results in the scorch of the harvest! We are promised such great blessings when we nourish our attitudes. Of course, it takes, "great diligence" and patience- but as our attitudes begin to grow, we will find ourselves taken up in the root of positivity, with the most precious fruits of outlook, and the orchards of our minds harvested through the seeds of eternal life. 

As is the case with most of these mission metaphors, I speak of this all through personal experience. Time after time after time again this week, our appointments canceled or rescheduled. Naturally, this could be looked upon as an exercise of patience and endurance- but when it takes four miles, the hydration of a water buffalo, and the calves of 2000 stripling warriors, the exercise can get a little frustrating. We feel inspired as we plan, we seek the guidance of the spirit, and throughout the day we depend upon the Lord to show us where to go, what to do, and what to say... so WHY would he not prompt us otherwise or direct our paths to a more successful destination? Have you ever felt SO strongly that God wanted you to do something and then you do it... and nothing comes of it? You feel like you are in strict alignment with his will and yet, your plans fall through and you're left feeling unproductive and unresponsive? To you, random citizen I quote: 

"Sometimes in response to prayers, the Lord may guide us down what seems to be the wrong road—or at least a road we don’t understand—so, in due time, He can get us firmly and without question on the right road. Of course, He would never lead us down a path of sin, but He might lead us down a road of valuable experience. Sometimes in our journey through life, we can get from point A to point C only by taking a short side road to point B."

For the sake of righteousness, our success is never on account of OUR plans... his plan is the only real plan of happiness, and enduring joy comes ONLY when our plans align with his. Promptings are actually just glimpses into the Father's plan- a constant, specific, provided way that will best help us to return to live with him again. You can do all you can to plan, but you will only be planning a "plan B." Plan A, is much better- but requires trial and error, faith, and persistence to uncover. All of these doubts about the effectiveness of our personal planning are actually just on account of a lack of perspective. If we truly saw what God saw we would never debate following a prompting; he always has something in store for the first responders to the spirit, even if the eyes of mortality can't quite see it. We truly never know what God is protecting us from, or where the other road could've to lead... but we should ever be grateful for the Father's hand and plan in our lives.    

We saw this in action this week! We biked us, "four miles" as you do... only to left with cold knuckles on a wooden door; however, just with last week, the prompting came, "you're here for a reason.... find it." So, what do missionaries do when they don't know what to do? Knock doors. 

However, this tracting session came to an abrupt halt when we felt the great need to counsel with God. Why not, eh? He probably knows better than we do, what we should be doing. We walked up to our second house and saw a name inscribed on the cement pathway leading to the door: the exact name of a part-member family we had been working with in the previous weeks. Of course, in our jaunty morning saunter, we made jokes like, "huh, I wonder if they're related" and took no thought beforehand when we were knocking the door. Well, after yet another cold knuckle and a wooden door... the prompting came with greater force, "counsel with the Lord." So we prayed. Suddenly, I knew where we needed to go... The thought could NOT be mistaken; we were being led by the Lord. It was no coincidence that that name was marked in the concrete of that house, that we would notice the familiarity, and even joke around about it. That was the family who needed us at that time. Granted, they were not close to our present location... maybe another four miles, and the steeper hills of Vicksburg away? However, we needed God to know that we would not be ones to postpone a prompting; so we went! In faith, we biked the journey, and lo and behold that family really needed us! We shared a powerful message and testimony of God's plan for each and every one of us, and as we departed from their lovely home, the thought came, "thank you for doing that for my daughter." 

If you don't think God knows you, if you feel forgotten, if you feel like God doesn't answer prayers... may this be a witness to you that God knows each of his children by name, and that he is willing to send two bike boys your way across the mountains of life to answer your prayers. No, God's plan is not convenient. It is not easy. And sometimes, it will be the exact opposite thing you think is expected of you-- but I testify that it is always worth it. Counsel with the Lord in ALL your doings, surrender your plan for His, be an answered prayer, plant the seeds of positivity in the garden of your mind, and become acquainted with the loving Gardener who loves you enough to cut you down... and send you biking another four miles. 

Well, the miracles of Vicksburg are real y'all. I have learned so much this week about who I really am and who God can help me to be. Sometimes it takes a trial of faith to see the salvation of souls, and that goes for ourselves as well! Our faith must be tried before we can not only help others but save ourselves-- the refinement of repentance and the carbon chambers of conversion are necessary obstacles in the pathway to eternal life. IT IS SO WORTH IT THOUGH. If you could only see the loving arms of the Savior awaiting at the end of the furnace... you would realize how integral the fire is to our capacity to feel and appreciate the Savior's love. I personally have felt those, "loving arms" through the people of Mississippi-- it's like God has given us a little hug every time one of the precious souls we are teaching progress. This has been a great week of learning and conversion for ourselves as well-- missions are truly the greatest. I invite you all to ponder upon your attitudes and plans-- is your plan, God's plan, or are you trying to make God's plan your plan? Be conscious this week of the potential for positivity in your orchard! Trust that God will bless you with seeds and plans to fulfill all that he has sent you here to do! The church is true, my friends. The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and for those of you who doubt the truthfulness of these things, I invite you as Alma did too, "give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, [and] behold, if it be a true seed or a good seed... do not cast it out by your unbelief!" You cant plant a seed without digging, so DIG and give the Gospel a try! I promise great fruits of eternal life as you try nourish, and harvest. HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL. ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU. 

From the man who would bike a thousand hills to fall down at your door,

Elder Boyd

This Week's FB Post:

Need a celestial degree?
Come to the Lord's university.
What if there was a place happier than Disneyland? 
A real castle where kings and queens can rule over their little kingdoms for time and all eternity together?
A sacred place where we could retire from the world, embrace the spirit, be taught of the Lord, and receive a greater sense of who we really are?
Come to the temple!
The REAL happiest place on earth, the place where eternal kingdoms are made, and the most sacred place to retire from the world, to be surrounded by the spirit, to learn the mysteries of the kingdom, and to discover our true identity.
I love to see the temple, but even better than seeing it is going inside. For those of you waiting on your someday... make someday, TODAY. Be worthy of a recommend and come get your celestial degree!
The temple is truly a holy place where we can be sealed together and as children of God, we can all embrace the great eternal truth that temples reveal...
Families can be together forever.

This Week's Video/Pics