Amid difficulty lies opportunity.

This may very well be the theme of our week. Have you ever considered the affixed opposition to the difficulties we experience? There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven whereby man can receive an equal and opposite reaction for every action-- or maybe that was Newton-- but we must trust he was inspired of God. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Now, this isn't just some recitation we ingrain in our memory before a daunting physics exam.. this is a gospel principle. Let me re-phrase this citation: for every hard day, there is an equal and opposite good day in the future! In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity-- the magnitude of that opportunity is entirely dependent upon our attitude in difficulty. Attitude makes the difference in having good days... and having the BEST days! As President Monson puts it:

“So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment. … We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude.” 

SO YES, choose to be happy. Satan will hate you and God will favor you. May our best days outweigh those that are most difficult is our fervent prayer, as we enjoy the GONZALES GAZETTE: CHAPTER EIGHT. 

Well y'all, hello. We come to you as TWO this week instead of three, as we bid farewell to our dear brother in Christ, the man formerly known, as Elder Paul. Now known as simply... Jacob. This last week as a trio has been monumental in miracles-- and now that we are a dynamic duo, we embrace and give thanks for the many tender mercies that have ministered to our deliverance and blessing. 

For example, it's not every day that your Stake President whips out a whiteboard to teach the plan of happiness and simultaneously invites an anxious family to enter the covenant waters of baptism in the coming week. You heard me right, yes indeed, this man is what we call... a "legend." I kid you not-- we testified of the sanctifying power of the Atonement and just as we were about to transition into life after death when suddenly President himself stands up and says, "Can I try being a missionary for a moment?" Let's just say this "moment" was a combination of perfectly executed principle and testimony with a gracious conclusion of a baptismal invitation. What an experience! In response, this young family commented on the sweet spirit they felt in this members' home and how relatable the Father's story was to them. They said it was their favorite lesson they had heard thus far because of how, relatable it felt. Isn't that so true though? 

It made me think of our individual roles in the Plan of Happiness prepared for by our Father in Heaven. This plan is relatable... because it relates to each one of us. The Father's plan is unique and yet basic... it is entirely individualistic, and yet very general... it is a plan of opportunity, happiness, and joy. I think before this life, we felt a lot like this young family. Something along the lines of, "Yes, I finally have the opportunity to become like Dad- and my brother will help me do it." We probably heard the counsel, "You inevitably feel unworthy, scared, and fearful...relatable, yes? But shortly following that assumption we learned this eternal truth: "Through my son, you will be worthy, empowered, and faithful." Oh, what joy the relatable plan of redemption can give us! And perfection is pending, as we know, but someday we'll look back upon mortality with compassion, and appreciate the time we have spent here to become who we are. As it has been said, 

Sometime in the eternities to come, we will see that our trials were calculated to cause us to turn to our Heavenly Father for strength and support. Any affliction or suffering we are called upon to bear may be directed to give us experience, refinement, and perfection. -Delbert L. Stapley

Life with Elder Jones is bliss. It's not always easy, it's not always successful, but it is always joyful. I think President Varner must have induced me with joy serum or something because I just cannot stop speaking about JOY. I love Elder Jones and the missionary that he is and the lessons he helps me to learn. He has allowed me to access more of myself and my divine potential in our short time together... and that is a very special thing. I await much more JOY and many more miracles in our time together. 

And you know, those hard times we ALL HAVE? They really do give us an opportunity to exercise the QUALITY of our faith. Sure, it's easy to have a quantity of faith in the easy times, but difficulty reveals the foundation of our belief and trust. The true nature of our faith is found in the inconvenience of belief. Difficulty, or should I say EXPERIENCE, puts the TEST in TESTimony and the ACT in charACTer. High-quality faith is what we call, true faith. And when we act upon true faith it will change our attitudes and behavior, far more than a succession of belief. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that we get faith for trying and trying increases the quality of our faith. 

This weekend we had a unique experience with evil contentious spirits. The family I referenced earlier; they've been in and out of meals at members homes and they're all at different lengths of progression. We went over for an appointment this weekend.  In all honesty, and with complete faith, of course, only two or three members within this family are legitimately interested-- but one of the sisters who wasn't as interested just started spitting fire against the idea of, "church."  She said she could pray and have a better experience at home than in the congregation... Needless to say, the spirit of contention was present. Very present. A dark mist cast over the room enveloping the weak with the shadow of doubt and of fear. She was very antagonistic and simply put...prohibited the spirit of the meeting. That was UNTIL I looked at Elder Jones and in complete agreement, we said, "We're leaving. The spirit is not present." And just as quickly as we said that... she said, "No, I'LL leave, and you can talk to the others..." We ended up having a tear-filled, spirit-lead lesson... and we ultimately realized that whatever was possessing that one Sister, was the exact stumbling block to the spirit in the lesson. Not your usual, "devil casting" story, but pretty humbling nonetheless. The contrast was striking... And we realized that once we said we were leaving, there was sadness in their eyes...because they too recognized the sweet feeling of peace and light that we carried into their home. The spirit of the Lord is real-- and contention dare not reside when the power of the priesthood presides.   


And I can testify that we have seen many more miracles this week-- which is honestly such a compliment from heaven. The Lord is so merciful, and I know I say that a lot, but truly we don't deserve these spiritual manifestations. They are, however, sure indications that the Lord is aware, mindful, and generous when it comes to his children. I feel worthy and capable when I witness the hand of the Lord in my life. I hope you all, throughout this week, take time to check your attitude in the midst of your greatest difficulties. It does make a difference, I promise you that. And always retain in remembrance that God has a plan for you-- a happy plan, a redeeming plan, a perfecting plan. He loves you! He knows you! Keep trying, keep believing, and all things will work together for your good. I testify of God's love; his everlasting compassion towards us, his children. He doesn't look at us with disgust... but compassion. So it should be with us, and others, and bad days. Look at your bad days with compassion and I promise you will understand the plan of salvation! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

Compassionately and relatable,

Elder Boyd 

This Week's FB post:
There's always time for rejoicing when singing Sunday's and eternal friendships are combined...

WE'RE BACK and our joy couldn't be more full. 

NOW, let us rejoice! Not yesterday, not tomorrow, TODAY is a day to rejoice-- for shortly the hour of redemption will come! 

Rejoicing has nothing to do with the circumstances of our lives, but everything to do with the focus of our lives! When our focus is riveted on the Savior and eternal life, we feel JOY! We simply cannot trailblaze along the covenant path-- straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to eternal life... and few there be that find it. However, if we are fixated on the Savior, we will be numbered among the few and chosen who inherit a long-promised fullness of JOY. 

JOY in the little things...

Singing Sundays...
Serving in the promised land...
Being on the Lord's errand...
Reuniting with old friends.. 

This Week's Pics:


My dearly beloved, 

Elder Jones loves using that word-- "beloved"-- and I guess I have already climbed aboard the "charity train" *choo choo.* No, but seriously, I just want to testify that there are miracles in the midst of our sweat. That if we feel like we're having one of those, "holy Hades it is hotter than a freshly baked black forest ham" moments-- the Lord is even in THOSE details of our lives. If my sunscreen application in any way represents the caliber of my consecration-- I would be a high priest in the holiest of temples. My. Lanta. God certainly leverages our trials for our benefit and growth-- and for the development of others-- but it really is a matter of attitude. The temperature on the outskirts of Baton Rouge may not change, but my outlook certainly can. No, the degrees won't get any cooler-- but I believe in an almighty creator who can certainly strengthen our weather glands to help us to endure if we only exercise faith and reverent enthusiasm in His power. It has been a blessed and smoking week here in the splendorous South-- but I couldn't be happier on account of the abundance of blessings we have received. I hope y'all feel blessed even in the mess-- I know God will take care of the rest. WELCOME BELOVED, TO THE GONZALES GAZETTE: CHAPTER SEVEN. 

Something I've been thinking about recently is the value of sacrifice and how integral it is to our potential and purpose here in this life. 

Have you ever thought of mortality as a combination of decisions to sacrifice? Everything we do in daily life is a sacrifice, whether good or bad. If we exercise faith, we are in turn sacrificing fear. If we choose to not play basketball on Sundays, we are sacrificing an assumed reputation with Coach Sabbath. If we choose to serve missions... we are sacrificing two years of something good, for something better. Sacrifice is a choice-- thankfully. THANKFULLY we aren't unblemished lambs, strapped to an altar against our immediate will, and offered up in gratitude to the King of Progression. We have the choice, and simply put, we can choose to receive the blessings of heaven.... or not. That is the essence of sacrifice, giving up something good for something better. You can be what you want to be-- no sacrifice involved-- but why not be better. Why not be... consecrated? Isn't that what sacrifice is? A consecrated emblem offered as a token of appreciation and love. We can BE sacrifices! No, sacrifice does not mean death... we can; however, be a consecrated emblem, offered up unto the Lord as examples of virtue and gratitude and love. God accepts us as we are-- but he *favors* us more when we come unto Him with broken hearts and contrite spirits. This is OUR sacrifice-- 

The tumult and the shouting dies;The captains and the kings depart.Still stands thine ancient sacrifice,An humble and a contrite heart.

And ye shall offer up unto me no more the shedding of blood; yea, your sacrifices and your burnt offerings shall be done away, for I will accept none of your sacrifices and your burnt offerings.
And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost, even as the Lamanites, because of their faith in me at the time of their conversion, were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not. -3 Nephi 9:19-20

It is said that the Savior died of a broken heart-- ultimately, in the end, he gave his life as a sacrifice for all mankind. Likewise, when we offer our spiritual sacrifice of a broken heart, we most emulate the Savior and his eternal purposes and potential. The blessings he received on account are but a small glimpse into our eternal reward if we choose to sacrifice. 

Captains and kings have no choice but to bow before the true royalty of heaven-- Satan stands still in fear when we remember who we are. His entire purpose is to convince us that we aren't really who God thinks we are. He mocks our identity with such pathetic language--"son of Man, worship me." Our power comes in remembering on the contrary, who we really are-- we are beings of progression. We are equipped with bodies-- which makes Satan extremely jealous-- and the power of God unto salvation. We are byproducts of an infinite and eternal sacrifice. It is not mere, "coincidence" that we receive the blessings we do-- there is a higher power who remembers us, loves us, and blesses us as we remember and love Him. 

So yes, choose to sacrifice. Choose to receive the blessings in heaven that are prepared for you. 


We welcomed another companion to our duo in the past few days... ELDER JONES! Elder Jones just happens to be one of my best friends and my future companion. He is the most loving, comfortable with himself, kind, methodical, goofy, and humble Elder you'd ever meet! He has already been such an example to me of how we should minister as Latter-day Saints. I have been personally ministered to by him and I thank him for the indelible influence he has already left in my life. I am excited about the next few months together. He will truly be a friend forever. 

And as with all things... as we welcome the future, we say goodbye to the present. Elder Paul hops on a jet plane (Delta, to be exact) and is headed straight to the OTHER University of the Lord. Elder Paul has certainly taught me a lot. He is a diligent, ambitious, hardworking, and commanding presence. He knows how to get things done. Both of my companions have great and inspiring testimonies of the Gospel that have absolutely strengthened my faith. They are stalwart in the holy discipleship and I am grateful to have served with each one of them. I truly do believe that my endurance in past areas has authorized me for these blessings in the latter part of my mission. The Lord never ceases to be a Lord of blessings. Not of any worthiness of my own of course-- he is also a MERCIFUL God. I am just grateful to have been put through what I've gone through so that I could be where I am. I love my mission and the lessons and character it has taught me. I know that Jesus Christ is real-- I know that he will come again and I know that he loves us. I may not know all things-- but I do know these things for sure. I know they are true. No grey area about it-- the Savior lives-- and the more we understand that eternal principle, the more his sacrifice can change us and our hearts. 

  • Our recent convert is officially a Preach My Gospel member. He messaged us last night saying, "Hey, I'm about to read my purpose as a missionary, is there anything else I should know about?" TALK ABOUT THE ELECT. We are so blessed. 
  • One of the dear friends we have been working with, who hasn't necessarily been as receptive to the Gospel as he has to our offering of service said, "man, if everyone could be a *Mormon* this world, would be a much better place." We're praying that he will find himself in a position to recognize the sweet peace the Gospel brings. 
  • We had a most revelatory companionship study the other day that basically addressed everything I've been praying about in the past few weeks. God knows our needs and how to perfectly fulfill them. 
  • When reading the Book of Mormon with one of our most progressing people, we left them on a cliff-hanger when-- SPOILER ALERT-- Nephi cuts off Laban's head-- following our departure on the spiritual climax she said, "well y'all just made it too interesting, now I HAVE to read it." 
  • We were, "crossed over" by a South Eastern All-Star that we've been teaching. The biggest miracle in that is that my ankles are still intact. 
I TESTIFY OF A LOVING GOD. ONE OF MIRACLES AND JOY. We were walking and sweating and wheezing (kidding) and we opened our scriptures to, 

O my son, I desire that ye should deny the ajustice of God no more. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point because of your sins, by denying the justice of God; but do you let the justice of God, and his bmercy, and his long-suffering have full sway in your heart; and let it bring you down to the dust in chumility.And now, O my son, ye are called of God to apreach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bbring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen. -Alma 42:30-31 
And immediately two people were provided for us to talk to who ended up being very interested. Hilariously in fact, when we asked her if she'd pray about what we shared, she said, "I don't know I'll have to pray about it. 

Really, I just am so happy. I feel joy. To be a missionary is to feel joy-- I know that to be true. God is so merciful to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine. If y'all ever find yourself near Gonzales, stop and take a visit... you'll find yourself walking on holy ground. These members are celestial. The work is heavenly. I testify of Jesus Christ and his role as our Savior. I know that he loves us! I know that he is in the details of our lives. I know that as we consecrate ourselves as the sacrifices we are, we will unlock the blessings of heaven. GOD IS MERCIFUL AND MIRACULOUS Y'ALL! He loves you-- if you don't believe him, ask Him. See what he has to say about it. Companions are divine, we are divine, and life is good! I am excited for some more adventures with Elder Jones and am grateful for the ones I've had with Elder Paul, in HIS work! I love being a missionary! AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YA! 

From a beloved Elder,

Elder Boyd 

This Week's Pics/Video:



Dearest Macedonians, 

It is I, Elder Boyd. I come to you in dearest greetings and with the utmost salutations. I bear testimony of the grace of God through Christ our Lord and I know that these things which I share are true. This is the Lord's church and I stand as a living witness that his doctrine has been restored to the Earth. I love my Lord and Savior and I pray that he opens your hearts and minds, that brotherly love continues, and that you resonate with this message-- the dearest message of the Restoration of the Gospel. --- that was my attempt at a Pauline epistle. How did I do? I may not be an epistle-torian, but we did channel the Spirit of Paul by teaching in a Macedonian congregation this past week. We boast not of ourselves but of our God and the hospitality of the Macedonia church. Yes, my friends, it is I, Elder Boyd, in the GONZALES GAZETTE: CHAPTER SIX.

YESSSS... joy is felt in this mission. 

It is in witnessing the attendance of four families partaking of the sacrament and feasting on the testimonies of an elect ward. 

It is in fellowshipping new missionaries and helping them to feel the love of God and the spirit of the mission. 

And it is in... reconvening with best friends and sharing the Gospel. Fake friends have fun together, real friends share the Gospel together. 

AND in enjoying exchanges across the mission with some outstanding missionaries who have so much to teach such an excited Elder as I. 

So yeah, that was basically our week. Now onto the DETAILS (Just know... that I feel joy being here):

I went on exchanges with one of my beloved foreordained best friends. I have a testimony that companions are divinely appointed ministers. You know, there are very few people if any, that you spend...all day, every day with here in mortality...except maybe for those of us who serve full-time missions. In the Lord's university, this relationship is actually the primary relationship of the service. It is my testimony that God has hand-selected these people in the pre-existence to shape us into the person he needs us to be. He gets TWO years to load us full of the people, experiences, relationships, and characteristics that will set the foundation for the rest of our lives! These people that he has chosen, are very specifically endowed with the characters we need. It may even be the evidence of one characteristic, but whatever it is, they are in our lives for a reason. I love ALL of my companions. I have the best companions-- those who represent the spirit and motivate me to be a better man and missionary; therefore, I have the best mission. It's non-negotiable. Anyways, I was able to spend time with one of those celestial homies this week on exchanges and let me just tell y'all, Elder Spencer is a godsend to this mission. We taught one particular lesson that bore solemn testimony to me that there are those out there who are just so frustrated with false doctrine that they have been desensitized to the truth. This individual initially came to us antagonistic... and left with a resolve to pray about the Book of Mormon. This Gospel changes people and teaching with Elder Spencer felt like teaching with a true representative of Christ. 

Following that, we had the rare opportunity to share some messages about Paul in a Baptist congregation. This week in Come Follow Me, the lesson was a discourse on Paul's journeys, teachings, and successes in Macedonia... 

Oh, wait...

Did you catch that? 

Paul's teachings in Macedonia. 

My companion's name is Elder Paul. 

And we taught at the MACEDONIA church of deliverance. 

Y'all, I can't tell you the spirit I felt as I looked out on the congregation. We invited our Bishop to attend, and he brought with him the young men from the ward. It reminded me of some lyrics from a favorite hymn as I looked out at the congregation and saw the intermingling of faiths: 

4. How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
Shall lie down together without any ire,
And Ephraim be crowned with his blessing in Zion,
As Jesus descends with his chariot of fire!
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!
    -The Spirit of God 

Amen and amen are right. We witnessed the communion of the lambs and the lions. It was a once-in-a-mission opportunity and I thank the mercies of God that I was able to enjoy that special moment with dear friends. 

I also have a testimony that mission presidents and wives are called for a reason. In case you were ever itching for some inspired counsel, let me share a little nugget from the mouth of a man called of God, also known as our dear Mission President, President Varner: 

Five things to do at home for the covenant path--
1.) When you put on your shoes say a prayer in your heart that you'll have the spirit.
2.) When you brush your teeth put your toothbrush on your scriptures or it won't happen [reading].
3.) Make the sacrament a priority.
4.) Have a temple recommend.
5.) Go to the temple and do family history work. 
When you do family history work and go to the temple, you will resist the darts of the adversary. Those you serve in the afterlife will catch those fiery darts for you. They won't even get to you. The influence of the adversary won't get to you because of your battalion in heaven. 

He is an inspired man and one that I have learned so much from. That's probably the best thing about being so close to the mission home- ministering to missionaries and learning from the Varners. I love them and all they do for this mission! 

Well y'all, we need to go pick up some new missionaries so I'll have to wrap this up, but just know that God loves you. He is in the details of your life. I testify of His plan for each of us-- though that plan may not always lead us to different congregations and to best friend reunions-- it is beautiful, perfect, and catered to our progression. I love this work. I love being a missionary. And I love ALL OF YOU!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK YALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!! 

Salutations Macedonians,

Still I, Elder Boyd

This Week's Pics:

Box of Sunshine sent from home:

Picking up new missionaries at the airport 8/6/19
(next 4 pictures courtesy of President and Sister Varner)

President Varner and his 2 AP's

Not sure what is happening here?! 😂