Hello, my friends,

It seems like only a week ago I was being shocked by the culture of a thousand suns. This week was mucho menos loco- which isn't necessarily hard to do when the previous week is packed full of chaos and coconuts! A much better, "c- word" for the festivities of this week would be, "confidence." We exercised some major hoopla this week which resulted in some pretty stinking sensational experiences- so put your confidence in the coconut and shake it all up cause its time for this weeks edition of the CHALMETTE CHRONICLES: CHAPTER FIFTEEN *coconuts not included*

Have you ever received a prompting that you didn't want to follow? Although the Spirit enticeth you to do good, your fear and personal preference overrule your priority tank? See, it's easy to follow the promptings that align with your will- the real test is when we're pushed to dissonance to follow the Father's will. That's why it's so crucial to make the will of the Father our own because then every righteous endeavor we undertake is accomplished by the means and motivation of mutual divine assignment. I felt a bit like Nephi this week... my faith was tried as I was entrusted with difficult promptings.. "do I really have to cut his head off?" The reality of Nephi's struggle hit hard- you don't realize how strong your faith is until God tells you to do something you don't want to do.  Of course, it makes no sense to our mortal minds, "his thoughts are not our thoughts"- it often takes a heavenly perspective to find reason in decapitating promptings. Above it all, I've learned that God's way is always THE way- no matter what. If someone who is all powerful and all seeing and always present asks you to do something, you'd think the logical response would be to do it, eh? But we too often, "murmur" and mimic Laman and Lemuel a little more often than we care to admit.  BUT FEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK, if there's a Laban in front of you, there's a Nephi inside of you- and we can all see the eventual benefit of the harder right over of the easier wrong.

Okay, spirit nugget over. I just found this to be such an inspiring concept this week. True faith comes in following difficult promptings. I'm learning new things every day, isn't this Gospel just the greatest?


We just slew the streets of Chalmette, quite metaphorically. In the quiet subdivisions of East New Orleans, we braved the valleys of the shadow of death. Y'all, the rumors of Louisiana are true. It IS ACTUALLY QUITE HUMID AND A BIT TOASTY MMKAY? My poor unfortunate skin- in pain, in need (of aloe vera.) I didn't think it possible to be sunburnt amidst the overcast- but MAYBE THE BIGGEST MIRACLE OF MY MISSION IS IN MY STELLAR  SKILLZ OF FINDING IMPOSSIBLE WAYS TO GET SKIN SCORCHED. I guess the caveat for sunscreen is that its properties don't apply to carrot tops, that must be it. Gee willakers, if this is mediocre heat, I best be prepared for the HOT-NADO this summer! I'll be fine, SPF 3000 is an enchanting cream. Really, I'm just being dramatic for comedic relief, it actually feels nice to be blessed by the radiance of the sun. In the least flaunty way possible, I hope all you snow bodies at home are appreciating that powdered bliss. Sunny days help tracting go by MUCH easier. I just thought a little anecdote about the constant struggle of 2% of the world's population would brighten y'all's President's Day.

We had some awesome teaching opportunities this week:
I know I shared this scripture last week, but dang we are really likening the scriptures to ourselves this transfer with all these Live Action Scripture Roleplays.

"speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;"

We'll call him John- God lead us to him, and without us knowing, he was the one we were supposed to see that day. Elder Carter and I got into the nitty-gritty of these two streets out here in the East and compiled quite the pool of potential investigators. Well, on this particular day, we set out to meet one of the more promising ones- but she didn't answer the door. Instead, in front of us stood a college student, listening to New Orleans grunge through his headphones, with quite the impressive beard. Immediately, he sparked an interest in our calling, and when we told him we were missionaries he said, "I'm a college student, you think I have time for God?" To which I promptly and confidently (this is where the confidence comes in...) told him, "If you're too busy to read your scriptures and pray, you are far busier than God ever intended you to be." I felt no remorse, and at this very moment, I feared no man. It felt like something, 'clicked" in me- that I had acquired a very bold confidence that would propel me through our ensuing conversation. Well, John had quite the opinion on my bold statement, and the colorful discussion we were having quickly elevated into a contentious trap.. but the strangest thing is, I didn't feel nervous in the slightest. I actually felt the comfort of the Spirit and knew that everything was going to be okay- well, things got better from there. John continued to say that we were, "forced" into our religion, that our prophet could very well be lying, and that he wouldn't believe any of the stories we told him unless he heard a miracle.. then he said he might believe if it was good enough. Y'all, this was like a segment in the movies where the audience lies in anticipation to see, "what will the missionary do?" Well, Elder Carter handled the more technical questions, with confidence might I add, and shared a personal story about his conversion- that; however, beautifull spoken, was not enough. He just couldn't relate to the Spirit. He then turned to me and asked for my miracle.. but it was at this very moment that I knew he was neither worthy nor prepared for my spiritual experiences- I was to keep those sacred. He told us, "he knew all about Mormons.." and although we asked him if he'd rather believe a man of God, he wasn't having it. His contentious countenance felt nearly condescending like he had ascended atop his high tower and was looking down on us scrambling Mormons with the stiffest neck and haughtiest heart. Remember what I said about promptings earlier? Well, this was the turning point of the entire visit. As I sat pondering what I could say or what he had said... I felt the quietest assurance and was whispered two simple, yet so profound words..." finish him." HUH? WHAT? LIKE, SPIRITUALLY CUT HIS HEAD OFF? It felt like Mortal Combat and I was expected to deliver the finishing blow.. well, I decided it better to not trifle with the Spirit so I just started talking.. and THAT'S when the scripture came to life... Autopilot: on. I was aware of the situation but the words as they came out of my mouth were not my own... but God's. I proceeded to testify with more power and authority than ever about the divine organization and striking similarities between Christ's church and his restored church. Instantaneously I saw his countenance change. By some measure of unspeakable power, he felt the Spirit. After the Spirit, "finished him" we scheduled a return appointment to deliver the Book of Mormon- his heart was quite literally softened. This man had experienced an exact transition of a "mighty change in heart." That was a LONG EXPERIENCE, I know, but it was worth telling. God really does have our backs and so long as we follow the Spirit, no matter how difficult, we will NOT be confounded before men. For they that be with us will ALWAYS be more than they that be with them. 

So yeah, that was AWESOME! Something I really think I've acquired on my mission, which I don't attribute to myself at all, is to look at everything in a spiritual perspective and attribute it all to God! Like, the smallest portion of me has adapted the Ammon attitude of, "boasting not of myself, but of my God" which I think is a pretty spectacular change. Hopefully one day those fractions will add up and I'll be serving and slicing arms all over the place! (Just kidding... I've never really considered myself a disarming fellow. 

We also met this fly investigator on our first day out tracting and recently we've been seeing a lot of progress with her! I mean, she's basically the next Relief Society President of the Chalmette branch- when we arrived to teach her she had already prepared for goodie baskets. Yeah, that's right. Cashews included. And she retains information well and asks great questions.. which isn't quite the accomplishment on a normal basis, but let me tell ya, your standards go WAY DOWN when you're sharing the Gospel with the brick walls of New Orleans.."Wait, you actually want to learn MORE about how this infinite gospel is vital to your salvation?" And we've actually seen some stellar results by keeping in contact with her consistently throughout the week on Facebook. The only reason she didn't come to church yesterday was that her car broke down.. and to prove it, she sent us a photo of her car being towed away! How radical is that? Not that her car is being impounded.. but that she's actually accepting the Gospel and recognizing it's eternal importance in her life! BOOM, FIREPOWER. And just yesterday we were divinely lead to this FREAKING fantastic family- have you ever seen Captain Phillips? Well, this chap is an actual majestic mariner for the homeboy himself. And when we were teaching him, he was vibing it, ya know, but when his wife came in THATS when the Spirit of God like a fire started burning. Essentially, her niece was converted of the course of a year- and auntie was very impressed with the Christlike love and attention those SISTER missionaries gave to her niece. "THEY EVEN GAVE HER A MATTRESS"- it was pretty funny that a soft resting place qualified for Christlike heroes. SO, as a result, she's been scouring, "high and low.. across the mountains and the sea.. in the deepest CREVICE.." it got pretty intense.. to find some Mormons. Like.. really? It's not like we're hiding... I mean, we quite literally have over 70,000 young lads and lassies all over the world knocking on your door to tell you all about what we believe. Pretty secretive, eh? So she told us to bring her by some manuals.. because she's destined for ministry... And she wants to adopt our standards and phases (i.e baptism, confirmation, temple work) to be the ultimate minister! And she wants to have a Mormon bible study at her house to help her neighbors come back to the fold.  So in short, Captain Phillips wife wants to be Mormon without knowing it and is holding a Book of Mormon study group every Wednesday night in preparation for her temple attendance. Haha, how bonkers is that? They were quite the refreshing bunch for sure. And it's so cool to see the fire.. not necessarily my effluent greenie fire.. but a fire nonetheless in the eyes of someone who has seen the enormous effect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the lives of others. Ah, I feel like a proud father, watching all my Southern kiddos read the Book of Mormon and keep commitments. 

Let's see, in terms of non-missionary work (which is the smallest margin because apostolic work is love and life)- we've seen some mighty adorable doggies this week. Like the CUTEST Dalmatian and Great Dane mix, let me tell ya, I fangirled for a solid five minutes outside of this man's gate just swooning over his pup. We've done a mucho ton of service this last week, and I'm officially your friendly neighborhood can sorter. I've quite frankly accomplished the fest of sorting cans for three hours straight. JUST when you think there are precision and order.. someone takes two cans and the WHOLE SYSTEM IS OUT OF ORDER. But really, I just love the WHOLE atmosphere of the South, they're quite the jolly bunch. 

Well Y'all,  that was quite the week, eh? A whole lot of confidence went into the weekly endeavors and so I CHALLENGE YOU. YES. YOU. To get out there and change the world, one testimony at a time. You don't know how much power you have until you see it effects on others. YOU TOO can change hearts. Can humble the high and haughty of the world. In even the tiniest spirit exists the capacity to thrash the strongest nation's. So, be a thrasher. You are SO MUCH stronger than you know and so much greater than you realize. Have a sensational week y'all, this Gospel is the truest thing- it's the easiest true or false question you'll ever answer. I love it with all my heart, might, mind, and strength, and if you're struggling or you fail to see the individual effect it has on your life.. try it out, I promise that there really is no sorrow that the Gospel can't heal. I love you all! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, I am HONORED TO BE YOUR MISSIONARY!! :)

With quite the collection of confidence and compassion,

Elder Boyd

Elder Boyd and Elder Carter

This week's Facebook Post:

What greater comfort hath a man than to know that living prophets and apostles walk the earth?
I think no musical magnificence can emulate my sincere appreciation for these divinely appointed leaders.
How can you NOT smile and just grab the nearest guitar and sing knowing that the reality of a modern day Moses exists today?
We thank thee O God for a Prophet.

Pictures for this week... 


My dearly beloved,

Y'all, this week has been real. Like, first things first, I am now officially a realist. I have survived an authentic week full of both mission and Louisiana experience alike. To say the culture and spirit slapped me in the face like a Slapotron 5000 conveys only the smallest part of what I feel. I can quite frankly say with full sincerity of heart that this week has, once again, been monumental. You'd think I'd run out of these, "life-changing experiences" eventually, but hey, this mission is just a subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club: the gift that keeps on giving. And I feel like.. as long as I'm a receiver who keeps on receiving, these miracles will truly never cease. With faith in every footstep, and an ingrained memory of an eager 11-year-old getting smacked in the face with a coconut thrown by a drunk Zulu warrior we enjoy the ferocious.. the BOYDacious... CHALMETTE CHRONICLES: CHAPTER FOURTEEN- I put the Mardi in Gras. *indeed*

Well yes, indubitably, by some majestic miracle I have graciously braved my first REAL Mardi Gras. Now for all you NOLA wannabees out there, if you say you observe the Mardi Gras holiday.. and yet, you don't attend a four-hour festivity of shameful shenanigans.. do you really celebrate Mardi Gras? The answer is, no. No, you don't. Mardi Gras is NOTHING like wrapping a few beads around your neck while enjoying the comfort of your Pacific Northwest abode and humble fireplace. NOTHING, I SAY. I HAVE SEEN THINGS. THINGS THAT CANNOT BE UNSEEN. ONCE YOU GO MARDI GRAS, YOU NEVER GO BACK. Granted, it was a pretty spectacular culture punch in the throat, but one that I will definitely need a year to recover from. And boy, oh boy, did I get a NOLA WELCOME this past week. As a horde of missionaries, we anxiously attended the "Zulu Parade." Little did I know at the time, Zulu is actually one of the more rambunctious and maniacal parades that are hosted annually. However, the benefit of attending such a fiasco is to acquire the luxurious.. the ILLUSTRIOUS.. coconut. After hearing the rumors of the hairy fruit legends.. needless to say, I was pretty fired up to get my hands on some coconut action. Also, always plan to park beforehand. As the designated driver of the companionship, I drew the lot of DRIVING IN ALL OF THIS INSANITY. YOU THINK WALKING AROUND THESE BLUBBERING BALLOONS IS A PARTY, IMAGINE DRIVING IN IT. I have acquired the confidence, as a result, that I can do anything. I feel pretty invincible after driving in Mardi Gras season. You can't stop Elder Boyd. ANYWAYS, when we finally parked at the Zone Leaders apartment (5 miles away mind you..) and walked our five-mile course, we arrived at the parade... I can honestly say with full purpose of heart, I did not know what to expect. Goodness, what a rude awakening it was when I found myself springing like a jumping bean in hopes of attracting some merciful Zulu monster who might donate a small offering of a simple coconut. These coconuts are legit like I said, I saw this child get pelted in the face with the furry creature, and she couldn't have been more satisfied with her harvest. SHE WAS WILLING TO GET BONKERED IN THE NOGGIN TO ACQUIRE THIS HOT COMMODITY With beads flying everywhere, the aroma of fermented grain lacing the frosty air, and a colony of Blanco missionaries yelping at floats for coconuts- this was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. The floats were pretty nifty though and the whole culture extravaganza.. apart from the commandment breaking citizens.. was pretty invigorating. And I know what you're all thinking.. no, I was not fortunate enough to entice one of the parade teasers to donate a coconut to this charitable cause, Yes, there is a coconut void.. and yes, I am trying to get over it. SO MUCH ANGST OVER ONE. SMALL. COCONUT. I'm over it, it's whatever. What I am not over, however, is the fact that we got lost on our way to our car and ended up walking 13 miles in pursuit of our automobile. We thought we were going the right way, and then Elder Flores's GPS told us to go the other way.. well it turns out we were supposed to go the way we were originally going.. so we walked 2 miles one way.. and two miles back.. then two miles one way.. and two miles back.. And after 13 miles of trekking, including CROSSING ANOTHER PARADE BY HOPPING A CHAIN LINKED FENCE (which I think is illegal?), and two and a half hours of lugging around 20 pounds of spoils.. minus the coconut.. we reached our leather seats and appreciated air conditioning. In short, my thunder thighs grew three sizes larger that fateful day. So yes, HAPPY MARDI GRAS- in my honest opinion, just stick to Valentine's Day, its a lot more lighthearted and thankfully has no part in coconuts. I took quite a fair bit of photo so I could do you the pleasure of basking vicariously in the Mardi Gras glory.

Another crazy awesome, fabulous, fantastic development that happened this week, as some of you may already know, is that ELDER BOYD WENT VIRAL. LETS GO. That's right my fellow citizens, the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission has taken Facebook by storm. Be prepared for witty spiritual comments and scriptures with the occasional debonair picture and or quote. I'm quite ecstatic to have yet ANOTHER tool in my belt to help hasten the Lords work. I sense great things in the future of this church and am truly humbled that our nation was perserved to inherit technology as a resource in the harvest. With the Internet and the Book of Mormon, we're virtually unstoppable (pun intended). So, if you see some incredibly hilarious and oh so touching post on the Facebooks, no I did not get hacked.. I have just been upgraded to a more developed disciple. And if you're one of those people who read these weekly novels and yet.. never write back.. hit me up! I'd love to chat and discuss the incredible and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Facebook Post:
What is success without sacrifice?
What is loyalty without trust?
What is agency without responsibility?
What is the Bible without the Book of Mormon?

These are what we call relationships. A relationship being, the state of being connected. There is a special bond between each of these items that allows a sense of completeness- neither is one without the other. So is the Bible and the Book of Mormon. There is a divine relationship between these two books of scripture.
I know that the Bible is true because of my undeniable testimony and unadulterated love of the Book of Mormon. As I read its sacred text, my testimony of one confirms my testimony of the other. They are inseparably connected, and to use one without the other is depriving yourself of complete revelation.
Read the Bible. Read the Book of Mormon. Pray about both and I promise you that you will come closest to Christ as you receive the fullness of his everlasting Gospel. These are the instructions- so will you try and build salvation by yourself? Or will you swallow your stubbornness, and read the manuals in their entirety- putting your trust in the Maker, following his specific direction, and leaning upon the very author of salvation? The choice is yours, but you know what they say-
Dual-wielding is always better.
Ezekiel 37: 16-19

One of the most sincerely awesome experiences happened this week. The scriptures came true in my life Y'all. I feel as though I am developing into the representative that God wants me to be, which is a pretty sensational feeling. I have found comfort in talking to our fellow brothers and sisters and feel equipped with more power and authority to preach than ever before. I know that as long as I am absolutely obedient and am doing my best to live worthy of the Spirit and its promptings, and the commission to which I've been called, the Lord will continue to help me mature and grow and will bless me with even more outstanding experiences. OKAY SO, SPIRITUAL GOODNESS OF THE WEEK:
5 Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;
6 For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say. -Doctrine and Covenants 100: 5-6

One of the most incredible feelings that I think exists in our mortal capacity is to submit ourselves to the guidance and comfort of the Spirit. When we, "let go, and let God," we can stand with complete confidence that what we are doing is divine in the sight of the Lord. This, out of body goodness actually happened to me this past week, in a real way, and one that I will never forget. Elder Carter and I were tracting, as you do, and we knocked on the door of this man who immediately opened, almost suspiciously fast. When he first came out.. my carnal mind perceived him as, "not ready for baptism" because he was covered in tattoos.. but that's when the Spirit began to take over.. within seconds that judgemental persona was replaced with the quiet assurance that, "this is a child of God. You were sent here for a reason." So, after being chastised by a loving Spirit, he was interested in our restored message and we got the ball rolling. But here was another intervention from the Spirit. As is typical we started bearing testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel, starting with God being our loving Heavenly Father.. but something didn't quite feel right. Although we were doing everything as planned.. I knew that what we were offering was OUR PLAN, not his. He had some impeccable questions about the Second Coming of the Savior: "how do we know he's not already here, the Jews missed him the first time, whos to say we won't miss him again?" Like I said, REALLY good questions. Something changed in my countenance that I am sure he could witness.. the second I heard this was the second the Spirit took over: I felt myself teaching and testifying of the Book of Mormon and Christs appearance to the Nephites with so much passion and conviction. Every. Single. Word. Was. Revelation. The Spirit knew exactly what he needed to hear and as a result, he gained an anxious interest in the Book of Mormon. had we of kept talking about the Book of Mormon, we would have never heard his inspired question and known which road to take at this particular spiritual crossroad. I KNOW that the Spirit testifies in our minds and hearts with the exact thing we need to say to avoid confoundment. Isn't the Gift of the Holy Ghost just the best?
6 And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. -1 Nephi 4:6
This one was pretty gnarly as well- and it happened on two separate occasions. The first one happened this past Wednesday as we were tracting in Chalmette... I felt impressed earlier in the day to visit an investigator he hadn't seen in a while, out of the blue.. and so as we were preparing to do a bit of finding before seeing him, another man was brought to my remembrance.. one we had agrred to see that day but had completely neglected to include him in our plans as he was all the way out in the East.. well, I have never been one to deny the SPirit, bad idea, so I told Elder Carter and we decided that we would wrap up our finding efforts fifteen minutes early to make time for our new inspiration.. Well when we arrived at our investigators street there was this large family outside, talking about God and whatnot, and we passed them to get to our investigator's door when we suddenly I was smacked with the Spirit, "they're the ones you're here to see." So I told Elder Carter and we bee-lined it over to the family, had a stellar lesson, scheduled a return appointment, and left feeling truly touched by the Spirit. We didn't even get to see the guy in the East, but isn't it so interesting how God works? If we hadn't have left finding 15 minutes early, that family may not have been outside, we never would have met them, and that would've been a teaching opportunity lost. Imagine if we didn't have the faith to follow the prompting? God had a plan for us that day and I am sure he was smiling that we were willing to choose his over ours. 

The second example of being lead beforehand by the Spirit came this Sunday actually. We were struggling to figure out what to do on the Sabbath Day, and i had decided that for some reason we needed to visit this random muchaho that we had only seen once.. when I say it was random, it seemed pretty far-fetched that we would, "waste" our time trying to see someone we've barely seen- but once again, with the Gospel, there is no coincidences. We made an attempt to visit the one we planned to see.. and alas.. he wasn't home yet again. But after we left his doorstep, I felt weirdly drawn to walk down the street.. i didn't know why.. I didn't even tell Elder Carter why... I just felt very impressed to quite simply, walk. So we did, and as I looked at each door we passed, I knew we weren't walking to find a door to knock, but a person to teach.We had walked for a good minute at this point, and thankfully Elder Carter didn't ask questions, and right when we were about to turn back, I saw them.. once again the Spirit whispered, "these are the people you're here to see."granted, they weren't the most, "pure" bunch. We ran across them while they were huddled around this deformed, fluorescent bong. We uttered our friendly approach and initially, they said no... but the Spirit doesn't take no for an answer. As we were walking away one of them spoke up and said, "I've been thinking about Jesus a lot recently.. and I think you guys are the people I've been praying for." Well, the Lord certainly answers our prayers through other people and I know that the reason we were drawn that way was so that we could be an answer to his prayer. God works in mysterious ways, but as we follow the Spirit, the mystery becomes progressively unfolded.

How cool is that? The stuff they talk about in the scriptures is TRUE! It really does happen! I personally have such a strengthened testimony of the power that lies within the pages of our holy scriptures. The counsels in there are not rhetoric statements.. they demand action. I know that as we act upon the writings of the scriptures we will continue to see miracles in our own lives: I know I have, and I know I would be nothing of a teacher or follower if I didn't have the gift of the Holy Ghost with me. I am full of thanksgiving that I have personally been blessed and edified by one of God's greatest gifts.

We also had a really cool experience on Sunday where one of the Sisters investigators who was on date for baptism but became overcome with doubt so they had to postpone her date, came to church again for the second time. Our Branch President was gone, so the presiding authority, the first counselor in the branch presidency, wanted to wrap up church after the first hour. Sister Banner and I, however, were not going to tolerate that. If SHE IS HERE THEN WE ARE HAVING SUNDAY SCHOOL. END OF STORY. So with a little persistence and Irish charm we swindled him in allowing us to hold a lesson on the Plan of Salvation while he locked up the building. And y'all, golly am I glad we had this lesson, because if we hadn't *spoiler alert* she wouldn't have been rescheduled for baptism. The Spirit was so strong as we testified of the reality and security in the Plan of Salvation. I personally felt a great deal of burning in my bosom as we tried our very darndest to help her realize how true this Church was. Well, our combined efforts with the Spirit worked because she eventually said.."I'm ready to get baptized again. I know God ain't done with me yet." SO true, so true. God has a plan for each of us, and on that sunny Sabbath day, I think she seriously listened to what the Spirit was telling her and capitalized in faith in re-declaring her baptismal date. Miracles are everywhere my friends when the Spirit is always present. 

Well that was a spiritual explosion, wasn't it? Elder Carter and I are having just the best of times, singing and laughing all the live long day. Assuming a role of leadership has taught me a whole awful lot about what type of Priesthood holder and man of God I want to be. I have found so much comfort in general authorities and the scriptures this past week, that there is once again no doubt in my mind that this church is true. Faith is a life-changing concept, and the sooner you let faith into your life, the sooner your faith produces miracles and testimony. Take it from me, I see miracles every single day and feel my testimony ever strengthened. If those aren't fruits of Christs restored church, then I don't know what is. 

Well Y'all, there was our monumental week. Pretty exciting, eh? Above it all though, I am just filled with so much love and appreciation for my incredible support group back at home. Shoutout to my family, the friends who actually care, and my God and your God who gives us every opportunity to experience everlasting happiness. I pray that you all have the best weeks ever and know how much I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU. THIS CHURCH IS TRUE AND I KNOW IT BECAUSE IT HAS BLESSED ME WITH ALL OF YOU. STAY BLESSED. STAY RIGHTEOUS. STAY INCREDIBLE. ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU. Seriously, thanks, y'all. :)

With a superb surplus of sincerely stupendous appreciation and affection,

Elder Boyd


Hola mi amigos, Bienvenidos a mi Chronicles,

Well, apparently the Lord wasn't satisfied with what I opted to declare on this somber day because as I documented my adventures,  my weekly was terminated.. so this will be a whole adventure itself, but hey, the comforter has benefits of remembrance, so I'll just pray for that. 

Hello, my precious friend's acquaintance, family, and stalkerish bystanders alike! We have survived the great escapades of another week in the third transfer in the Holy land of Chalmette. Y'all, this was a week of miracles. Believe in miracles. The Polar Express and Prince of Egypt (dynamic duo) hit it right on the spiritual head- there can be miracles when you believe. You'll only hear the sound of the bell if you believe that the bell can make a sound. You'll only find the elect if you believe that they exist and are willing to search. Faith is a force of nature. We are a generation full of miracles. And I am a firm believer that this is God's work and he is hastening his work in his time- we have a master orchestrator at the head of us all. We are in better hands than we realize. I have a restored confidence in the manifestations of spiritual power in everyday work. And with that spiritual regurgitation, Y'all it's time for your favorite weekly chronicles... THE CHALMETTE CHRONICLES: CHAPTER THIRTEEN. *hollah atcha miracle.*

Well, the first miracle of the week is that by some miraculous series of fortunate events I have graduated from greenieship to discipleship! I do, however, with the utmost of confidence believe that my greenie fire shall not be extinguished... this greenie fire bender is about to scorch the nations with the fuego of the Gospel. No firefighter can extinguish the eternal flame that has been ignited because of the straight fire that is the restored Gospel. Common misconception: when one exits the gates of Provo or their respective MTC,  they are entirely trained and qualified to thrash the nations with the POWER of the spirit. Rude awakening: such an apostolic work is never fully realized or experienced until the streets of the harvest is taken and the sickle warrants a little more sharpening. BUT don't lose faith! Maintain the confidence! Something I have found great courage in is: the bad days DO come to an end, faith always triumphs, and in the end, God wins. So if you're living righteously, have peace of mind knowing that you're on the right side. We know the result. As Elisha wisely said, "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." So, enlist in the army. Fight the good fight. This war is rigged for good, and I don't know about you, but I'm excited to recruit some more soldiers. 

Another miracle of this week, somehow, some way, by some grace of God, I'm becoming more comfortable with change. My new companion, Elder Carter, has been my first real mission alteration. All I've known is the illustrious Elder Orison. From chicken and rice dinners to Apostle Pump Up workout routines, all day every day, I have basically been a greener extension of him as a missionary. SO, naturally, receiving the tender mercy that is Elder Carter was a bit bumpy at first Y'all... Like, what? Passenger  (if I even remember who that is anymore)  really smacked this one on the noggin saying, "You only need the light when it's burning low.. you only miss the sun when it starts to snow.." You only know you love something when you let it go. I didn't truly recognize how frick frackin awesome Elder Orison was until he left. Yet another parallel between the mission and life.. do we fully appreciate what we have in the present? If one day... it's no longer there.. are we going to be in a place of regret or resolution? ANYWAYS, I feel like I'm trying to sound all salacious and whatnot but really this week was a time for epiphany and revelation, and I thought I would just share the glory that I have found in progression. Elder Carter is pretty awesome. He's got some incredibly unique talents- like the fact that his artwork is so effortlessly flawless- and he's certainly teaching me a lot. One thing I am grateful for is the comfort of the Lord in times of change.. As many of you may know, change and I are like an eager Ginger in the Californian sun... we don't mix. BUT gratefully, I find myself being strengthened in my weaknesses daily and have come to look at change as a strength. An opportunity for progression. God is a man of learning experiences, and I certainly see the learning that can come from this experience. Transfers are divinely inspired just like every change in our lives. There is no coincidence in the Gospel. Everything happens for a reason. I look forward to what I can learn from the grandiose Elder Carter and what the Lord has in store for me this transfer. 

FIRST WEEK AS A DISTRICT LEADER DOWN AND OUT. This District is pretty bonkers Y'all.  We have THREE natives, once again, and I've gotta say that I am becoming more fluenté in the language of the other side. Elder Hernandez and Elder Flores speak EXCLUSIVELY Spanish in the apartment.. sometimes they forget that I am white, and scream some sort of soap opera soliloquy in my direction in a language of which I don't understand. Let just say, I have another content companion: Google Translate. BUT in all seriousness, I feel very humbled to lead this District. I look up to each member- I know that I also have much to learn from each one of them, so there's a lot to look forward to this transfer.

Anyways, on to the missionary work! Adjusting to life with Elder Carter has been rather rewarding. We had an incredibly long day on Saturday, 15 scheduled appointments, but none of them were home with Mardi Gras in the midst. It was mid-afternoon, and we were exhausted.. so we decided to offer up a prayer for strength and energy. Our next appointment was with someone we hadn't seen in three weeks, so naturally, we were discouraged once more. BUT I know that the Lord truly visits his people in their afflictions because through the miracle of missionary work we had an incredible lesson and even extended a baptismal invitation, of which she happily accepted. The Lord knew we were gonna have that amazing experience.. he just wanted us to prove our faith through the previous 14. Missionary work is the same no matter who you're with, and I feel my testimony strengthened as a result of this great week. The miracles of the mission are plenty for those who are willing to work. I feel like, taking over the area, is helping me become my own missionary, and is allowing me to exercise my own personal faith and follow promoting with more exactness. I know that the more we put our faith in God, the more miracles he puts in our paths. 

In other news, I had my first Stake Conference in the mission yesterday! DANG THOSE PEOPLE KNEW HOW TO SPEAK AND SING. A few quotes that touched me personally, "all one needs to return to the fold is a friend, an advocate, and a mentor." "My goal today is to connect you with the powers of heaven so that when things are hard, you will know what to hang on to, so you'll never have to let go." And finally, "don't violate your covenants in the very meeting where you should be making them. The recipe for miracles is to 1.) Honor sacred covenants. 2.) Make a foundation out of the Book of Mormon. 3.) Honor and hallow the Sabbath Day. " I felt so spiritually invigorated after that session LIKE I just drank inspiration juice or something. It was an out of this world meeting.. I truly felt spoken to from heaven. And the best thing to do is to ask a question in prayer beforehand... Elder Boyd guarantees that your question will be answered as you ponder throughout any spiritual gathering. 

Well Y'all, this has been an adventure WRITING this email... BUT I think that will suffice. I'm grateful for all the new experiences I'm blessed with and for all of you wonderful people in my life. I know this church is true and I love this Gospel with all my heart, might, mind and strength. I love each and every one of you.. even though I may not know you.. I feel like I know you. We're children of God, and I look forward to meeting more of MY lovely and elect brothers and sisters. HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL,  I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE ONE OF YOU!!

With the utmost kindness and appreciation,

Elder Boyd