The most y'all of all y'alls to all of y'all,

Hey Y'all. Although this week was a bit of a shorter one, WE STILL ABSOLUTELY SLAYED IT DOWN HERE IN THE BODACIOUS BAYOU. Our mission is being propelled like a fighter jet into the technological age, and it's almost a culture shock to not hold title to a flip phone. Yes, that's right ladies and gentleman, boys and girls- MISSIONARIES ARE GETTING AN UPGRADE. In the wise words of Elder Costa.." you're like Ammon and Alma, except you have more training and better resources.. so you're better." So yeah, basically we're like cockroaches with jetpacks.. just when you think we couldn't get more invincible.. WE ARE. And on that lovely note.. WELCOME TO THE ELEVENTH EDITION OF YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD (maybe not so much in Louisiana) EDITION OF THE CHALMETTE CHRONICLES!

So, we had a technology "party" of sorts this last week, where we congregated as a group of giddy missionaries to receive video counsel from Elder Bednar about this technological advancement. This is such a cool age Y'all- and to think, we as spirit children were preserved for this dispensation, at THIS time- it's gotta make ya think- maybe we are here for a reason? Well, THINK NO MORE- CAUSE YA ARE. Each of us has been specifically chosen to live in one of the hardest times of the world because we are some of His strongest disciples! At the end of one of the training videos, Elder Bednar uttered, "do you realize how much trust the Lord has in you?" I mean, golly Y'all, if the Lord trusts young adult emissaries with smartphones.. do ya think he trusts his other disciples with a great work and calling? I know that we are individually called to accomplish his eternal purposes, and I just pray that we all live worthy enough to fulfill our sacred responsibility! Anyways, the smartphones are the 

Who would've thought having COMPLETE access to the Gospel library would be such a freaking incredible blessing? Yes, that's right... who needs YouTube when you have the FULLNESS OF THE GOSPEL? Needless to say, I think my priorities on the mission have changed... I find great joy in watching the Restoration videos... I'd recommend them to anyone looking for a good time. PG Guaranteed. And free of ads- what more could you ask for? So, yeah, basically I'm hecka pumped to use technology to further the work of the Lord. 

We now have our entire area book on a mobile device and can use the app itself to track down people who received lessons TWO YEARS AGO- no joke, we tried it out. I felt prompted to open up the investigator map.. and we found this lady near us who was taught a bit in Nov. 2015- So we literally went up to her door, asked for her name, and turn s out- she's interested again! How cool is that? We have NEVER met her before.. but because we knew her name, we were able to contact her and set up an appointment... The missionary life is changing Y'all... If you've received lessons from a missionary in the past.. Watch out- cause we're coming, and we know your name, and we have technology.. :) 

We also adventured to the end of the world this past week! One of the members out here, Brother Landers (the guy I roasted in the poem off) felt the impression that we needed to venture out to the local fishing village to build the branch in the area- so what did we do? We acted on the prompting and drove to the end of the world... Surprisingly, it was in our area? Which I still am yet to believe... We drove for an hour at least and stumbled upon this utopia of fisherman with the most stereotypical Louisiana mustaches and overalls I ever did see. Brother Landers told us.. "you don't mess with the people out here... If ya do they'll cut you up, put ya in a crab pot, and you'll be gone in a month... SO never... I repeat NEVER say... Your mother eats oysters." 

We quite frankly emulated the gospel philosophy of "finding the one." We drove until we couldn't drive no more.. and found this rinky dinky old bait shop- surprise, surprise, the owner was interested in our message, and we even got a picture with him! So yes, sometimes in our ministry, we must drive for hours on end and brave the feisty fisherman, to find a hill-billy named Cleatus. It was quite the magnificent time. Brother Landers even played his harmonica for us (while driving, mind you) and we sang a little ditty (see attached video..). 

This week was all in all a great time to strengthen member relationships. We aren't necessarily the most popular Elders in the branch- mostly because we don't speak Spanish... I told one of the members that we DID, however, speak Sarcasm, and she was less than enthused. But this past week we really made some ground in winning over these Chalmette hearts... IN FACT, HERE'S A GNARLY EXPERIENCE:

I've been searching for what I had to contribute in this area, and this week, EUREKA, I found it... We have been working with this less active couple for the past few months or so... they were sealed, baptized, and actually teachers in Sunday School- but sadly, went inactive for over a year. Well, they loved the missionaries- and how can you resist this Irish charm? Elder Orison and I were the first companionships to see them in almost two years. Well- we talked with them.. and taught them.. and called them.. and we were probably the most clingy couple to that debonair duo, but we were persistent! Well, they didn't come to church the last three times we invited them.. so we decided not to meddle with their agency- BUT THEY BOTH CAME TO CHURCH THIS LAST SUNDAY, AND NOW I KNOW EXACTLY HOW GOD FEELS WHEN WE OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS. I have a deeper appreciation for our Heavenly Father and his patience for each of us.  God knows that if we do what he asks, we'll be happier.. it saddens him when we don't allow ourselves to be happy. A little perspective goes a long way- I am so blessed to be in a position and environment where my spiritual eyes are more open. "Everything essential is invisible to the natural eyes."

Well, that about sums up the highlights of the week! Next time I email, I'll know whether I'm transferred or not... so pray for Elder Boyd! Also, the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission is absorbing the Jackson Mississippi mission in July- and there are GREAT things ahead for this great apostolic work! 

Basically, I'm just pumped for the future of this church. I love the prophets and apostles, I love this restored Gospel, I love the Book of Mormon, and I just know with all of my heart, mind, and soul that it is ALL SO TRUE!! Give the missionaries a chance. What's the worst that could happen? Everlasting happiness? Eternal perspective? Seriously, there is no harm in this Gospel. Ever since living it, I have never had a bad day- sure, some days were harder than others- but thinking about it, not a single one has been bad... because I know that the day prepared me for eternity and that amidst it all, it was all necessary to my mortal sojourn. This Gospel creates good days. Live it. Love it. 

I love you all so much- thank you once again for your thoughts and prayers, it all means so much! For those of you who aren't reading the Book of Mormon, please do it. Once again, you will be guaranteed to have a more abundant life- and if you aren't, you aren't reading it for its intended purpose. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH I KNOW THIS CHURCH IS TRUE AND I HOPE Y'ALL KNOW IT TOO!

With great amounts of appreciation for your wonderful and worthy souls,

Elder Boyd 

**NOTE:  Jeremy never sends explanations of/with his pictures.  Most of the time his pictures are self-explanatory as they go along with what he's done that week.  Today; however, I'm not sure the reason or meaning of these pictures.  Also, he states above that we should watch the video, yet he didn't send one??

CHALMETTE CHRONICLES: CHAPTER TEN: A once in a lifetime opportunity.

The utmost Salutations to you awesome homo sapiens,

Y'all, this week has been monumental. Like, even cooler than the Chalmette monument (see this post): and I was the official (manly) security guard in charge of protecting that thing from crazed tourists, so you better bet I thought it was awesome- but this week was even more awesome. Yes, indeed, Elder Claudio R.M. Costa came to the mission, and needless to say, it was so freaking fantastic, I don't think I could curmudgeon a worthy adjective- so I'll leave it at that... Hopefully, I'll be able to relay the awesomeness in the OFFICIAL FIRST DECADE OF THE CHALMETTE CHRONICLES- CHAPTER TEN- hollah! 

Okay, so before I absolutely explode with excitement over the fact that a GENERAL AUTHORITY came to the mission- for those of you who aren't aware, a general authority is a divinely appointed leader of the church who goes around the world and blesses the lives of everyone they come in contact with- I'll give y'all a quick rundown of some highlights in the week that really paled in comparison to the BRAZILIAN LEGEND: ELDER COSTA:

So, Louisiana is trying to be difficult this year. This past week we had a "freeze warning" and as a result, we lost all contact with H2O in our apartment for two days. Yes, we were stinky- and yes we DID realize it. Apparently, Louisiana gets cold too? I had no idea. I assumed I was called to serve in the hill-billy Saharan desert for all I knew- but NO, this desert was on ice this last week- and not in the cool, "Disney on Ice" way either. Anyways, the Lord has a reason for everything, so I greatly benefited from the surplus amount of study time we were blessed with as a result of the second Ice Age.

Remember like, the first week I was here when we balled up with some kids on the side of the road? Yeah, Elder Baller (aka Elder Boyd) was at it again. We went to see this potential investigator after the freeze, and he told us he didn't vibe the whole- "religion thing" so, defeated, we walked somberly to our car... when suddenly.. out of the corner of my eye... I saw these two boys, breaking ankles, taking names, and balling hard... so naturally, I looked at Elder Orision and said, "ball contacting?" Ball contacting. We galloped our way over there, HOPING TO GOODNESS THEY WOULD ASK US TO PLAY, and lo and behold the Lord works in mysterious ways and they challenged us to a 2 on 2. Of course, to these guys, we were these lanky white guys, in white shirts, just goofing our way around the block.. but oh boy were they rudely awakened when Elder Baller hit the scene. Now, don't get me wrong, they had mad handles.. slicing and dicing.. if we were on a court, they would've inevitably crushed us... but this was street ball.. and the entire pace of the game changed when yes, Elder Boyd did indeed, DUNK ON 'EM. Once again, the Lord works in mysterious ways. You should've seen the look on his face, "white boy got hops?" It was awesome. Their names were Xyron and Xavier, and we're basically best friends now. They even said, they'd definitely learn about Jesus from someone who could dunk. This older gentleman walked out and asked us what was going on.. when we explained the situation he told us, "I  like this.." and proceeded to give us exactly $31.00 to go buy Big Macs.. he even asked what faith we were from and said, "Oh, Mormons?" Pretty sure one day he'll get baptized on account that he remembers those white boys who just BALLED HARD. So yeah, that was awesome. 

And finally, Elder Orision and I just got down and dirty on some hard work this week, and the Lord mercifully blessed us with 11 new investigators which were a blessing for sure. We tract every day out here, and I know the Lord sees our efforts and has rewarded us accordingly. We met some really cool people this past week and I am so excited to teach them about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.


Elder Costa: man, myth, and legend. Let me tell ya, I didn't know what to expect from my first General Authority Zone Conference, but I can tell you it wasn't the spiritual feast we were given. The SECOND he walked into the room to take a picture with all of us, the spiritual temperature just skyrocketed. I immediately felt my testimony astronomically strengthen: this is the Lord's church on the Earth in these last days, and this is one of his many faithful servants. I am one of them. It was just truly incredible. The theme of the conference was the Book of Mormon and how we can use it to help our investigators gain a personal testimony about it- in preparation we have been reading the Book of Mormon as a mission in a sort of, "90 Day Challenge" and fervently studying Preach My Gospel: Chapter Five- truly a riveting experience. President and Sister Varner spoke about the Book of Mormon and how, "it is the tool of the Restoration" and," we are modern-day Book of Mormon heroes" which was absolutely lovely to hear- and then Elder Costa took the stand. he's been a General Authority for over 21 years, a Mission President for 3 and a half years, is the assistant director of the missionary department of the church, and was a convert when he was 29 years old. He has the most hilarious broken English and continuously asked us for English translations throughout the conference. He is HILARIOUS. A CLASSIC COMEDIAN I TELL YOU. One of the things he said about being old is, " Two things happen- 1.) You start forgetting things.. and 2.) I can't remember.." He also said about technology... "I don't wanna die by using my cell phone crossing the street. I want to go out in style! I'm going to go to Cedar City, on the highest slope, mind you... I've never skied before.. and go out with a bang. That way, I can be the cool guy up in heaven!" He was so funny! He kept us anxiously engaged throughout the whole day... Some spiritual stuff he added- I cannot say it all, for there was so much goodness, but if you'd like to receive a vicarious Costa experience, meet up with me after the mission and we'll have an epic chat- was, "do your best to never give up. be what you are expected to be. you are in God's army." He told us that focus is everything, and then when we are focused on our purpose, we will change lives. He also blew our minds as missionaries when he talked about ways that we can increase our baptisms.. using church time to get referrals from members. So, all you members out there, hook the missionaries up with some converts, eh? If you don't trust them with your friends.. why not? The Lord trusts missionaries with his work and his glory.. the apostles trust us to fulfill God's purposes and accomplish his goals.. so if he trusts them, why not you? Something Sister Costa said, side note: she is straight spit fire- like one minute, she's the most adorable grandma, and then the next minute you are re-evaluating your every life's decision and are humbled like a truck from her fiery admonitions- is that "this is serious. there is no time to play with the priesthood and our callings. its time to grow up, and fast. we are no longer boys and girls- get mature, and get to work." BOOM- straight fire. So yeah, basically stuff like that, for four hours, made for a cornucopia of spiritual goodness, so good I can only say a small part of what I feel. And just when he concluded his remarks, and told us there was a special spirit in this mission, JUST when I thought it couldn't get any better.. it did.

President Varner took the pulpit after Elder Costa, and surprised us by saying that now it was time for "go home testimonies" and interviews... interviews? What, President? We already had our interviews with you. But no, he wasn't talking about President interviews.. interviews with Elder Costa.. and in a moment when time seemed to slow, and everything around me came to a halt... he called my name: "Elder Boyd." I had been chosen. WHAT? When I shook Elder Costa's hand that morning I had a special feeling come over me... and now I know exactly what that feeling was... I was gonna be interviewed by a General Authority of the Church. 

So, he whisked me off to the high council room.. and I literally walked, his arm around my shoulder, as we sat down and talked about life. It was the most humbling experience. For some reason, I was chosen, but God knew that it was exactly what I needed. Some things that Elder Costa said to me, really exemplified what I needed to hear... As we sat down he said, "I perceive the Spirit is telling me that you are going to make a great difference in this world.. in this mission.. in this life. You are doing great things, and still unknown to you at this time are the great things that God has planned for you. He trusts you. He loves you. He is proud of you." So yeah, I'll leave it at that, and keep sacred things sacred, but wow- I have never felt so spiritually touched or moved... I felt like he was truly God's messenger just relaying the father's message... that's exactly how he feels about each of us. You don't need a General Authority to tell you that you are doing good things.. You are- God knows it, and I hope you do too. A once in a lifetime experience- happened to me? Elder Boyd? We hugged and went about our day.. and I can say with all sincerity of heart that Elder Costa definitely has a special place in my heart. 

So yeah, HOW ABOUT THAT FOR A WEEK, HUH? Our mission is also propelling into smartphone mode, and I am incredibly excited to use technology to further the work of the Lord. I don't really know what else to say- Elder Costa just kinda blew my mind this week. SOOOO, I hope y'all have the best week ever and know how loved you are! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU, AND YOU ARE NEVER ALONE- ANGELS ABOVE US ARE SILENT NOTES TAKING, AND JESUS CHRIST KNOWS YOU PERFECTLY. So remember that next time you're feeling down- Christ did the unfathomable.. for you. Yes, you. Never forget how special you are. LOTS OF LOUISIANA LOVIN Y'ALL.

With the utmost sincerity from a truly blown mind,

Elder Boyd

Pictures from last week...

Companions (Elder Boyd and Elder Orison)...

Someone Got a New Missionary Tool...

Other Missionaries...

Sights, Art, and Graffiti

Got Mardi Gras?

Weather, Sunsets, and Misc

New Friend?