You have to use what you've been through to get to where you're going,

^ thoughts heard from across the pew in a very spiritual sacrament meeting. 

Like the little engine that could, we've been chugging our way up the summit of progression. Too often, as I am realizing this week, the only thing preventing our little engines to climb the hill... is our little engines. Too many people are the kind of little engines that think they can't. Our sense of self-worth is VITAL to our progression and we can't expect to chug along without believing that we can. And the BEST news is, we're not alone on this railroad of redemption. Our conductor knows the way, he IS the way-- and as long as we attach and trust our humble caboose to loving direction, we'll make it up the hill. We are not little engines that can... we are little engines that will; IF we allow Christ to be our conductor. He will lead the train of our thoughts and actions up the hill of progression... if we only believe that He can and that WE can with Him. An engine will go nowhere without its' conductor-- and we will never progress without attaching ourselves to Christ. So, toot your horn of humility and CLIMB ABOARD little engines, cause we're about to chug on this, "one-way track" in the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER EIGHT. 

There may be some of you out there whose engines run a lot like mine. In our yearning for excellence, oftentimes we (I) find ourselves becoming too hard on ourselves and on our, "engines." No matter the progression down the track, you, or rather I, always find myself struggling to be satisfied with how far I've come. Only when we (I) make visible, consistent, and concentrated progress along the way, are you (I) momentarily satisfied with what we've accomplished. Or in other non-metaphorical words, progression is a constant struggle for us perfectionists. If our engines aren't running at the maximum caliber and at full capacity, they aren't doing enough. It's a struggle, its a battle within ourselves, and it's one that can prevent each of our little engines from doing what they are meant to do. 

Progression. A theme of this week. Sometimes I get in these, "moods" where I'm like... "Am I even growing?" or "Am I progressing?" Do you ever feel that way? Sometimes, even the most righteous routine can leave us upset with our static progress. Despite our best efforts, sadly we are sometimes not enough for ourselves. In those moments where we feel like we aren't changing, in those time where we feel like we are not enough... it is helpful to remember-- we cannot change without Christ. He makes bad men good and good men better, and his sacrifice was the ultimate catalyst for our progression. If you feel like you're in a chasm of constancy... repent. It may sound simple but I testify that it works. Talk to God about your struggles. Ask him what he thinks of you and what you can do better. Why not? He that knows everything ALSO knows exactly what to tell you to help you to change into the person you are destined to become. Why would you WANT to stay the same? When we're through changing, we're through. So, this life is really a transformation time to convert the natural men that we are- into the Gods we can become. 

When it comes to progressing, remember: 
be patient with yourself. YOU can not change on your own, so no use in getting frustrated with the imperfect half of the process.
repent daily- making a habit through daily communion with the Lord. He can sanctify us and prepare us for the perfecting powers of the Savior. 
results can only be measured over long periods of time. You can't expect to change overnight,  and we can't expect a perfect God to withhold from you the refining process of progression. 
trust God. Trust that he knows how to change you and that he will; if you exercise faith in his hands and submit to his ways. 

So yes, faith and repentance are seriously the answer to everything. Especially the question of progression. Men who give their lives to Christ will find that he can make a whole lot more out of them than they can. 

By nature, we are spiritually sick. We are incomplete, broken, and sick human beings. Thankfully, the Great Physician cures the symptoms of sin and the ailments of the adversary. We can be healed. We can be healthy. We can progress. 

One of the greatest highlights of our week, apart from Elder McEntire likening enduring to the end to a grilled cheese during Bible study, was the miracle of member missionary work:

Name a more beautiful melody: 

"I want our ward to be a missionary ward and I need your help to do that." 

The song of a submissive Bishop. One who will inevitably lead the Clinton army to great victories in the near future. As we conversed with this inspired man, his willingness to change made my heart skip a beat. He was willing to do whatever it took to help this ward become missionary-minded members. He inspired me! THAT is the kind of member I want to be. One of the many valuable lessons I've learned on my mission... the best members are also the best missionaries. Together we made a ward mission plan to help the ward increase in faith through the Book of Mormon. He stood at the pulpit on Sunday and invited the congregation to read the Book of Mormon; the spirit was tangible. I testify that through the medium of members, God will do his most marvelous work and miracles. I am a firsthand witness of the great goodness of God in preserving the elect for these latter days. Look out for the great goodness- they finna come out of Clinton in these next weeks! 

And the preparatory steps to missionary-minded members was during this past weeks ward activity. Members need activities to have missionary opportunities and WHAT an opportunity this week was for all of that to happen! Anxiously, we spent the days prior to inviting our friends (both active and not) to this activity.  The fruits of our labors were aplenty. We invited members to invite their friends-- and we saw such great success! 

Apart from that, this week was a learning experience. I was able to truly understand what it means to be worthy. I strengthened my resolve to be a witness of Christ at all times and in all places. I was able to recognize prime opportunities we have throughout our day to receive valuable personal revelation. I want to testify that I know the Gospel has been restored and I know that if we believe- we can... we will... and our little engines will chug their way up the steepest hills of our lives. With Christ as our conductor, we need not fear. He will direct our paths and lead us on the straight and narrow track to the eternal station. You are progressing! You are changing! You are enough! And as soon as you believe that, you can really start doing something to make a difference in the world with all your unique talents and abilities that make you-YOU. HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!!

The little Elder that could,

Elder Boyd

This Week's Pics:

Pink tie for National Eosinophil Awareness Week
(a disease in which Elder Boyd has) 


You've heard of Miracle on 34th Street,

Prepare for miracle on... EVERY STREET in Clinton Mississippi. I'd say the brick-paved roads here are glossed golden with the tears of the elect in the vineyard. The straight and narrow path is traced with the cobblestone of hard work and the foundation of faith. To your left you'll see; oh, what's that, ANOTHER MIRACLE. Miracles aplenty in Miracle-sippi. I know I talk about miracles a lot, but honestly,  we are entitled to the spiritual extensions of grace! We may EXPECT miracles as children of God and we have every right to experience the immediate goodness of God. Ammon says it best, "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever." Call me a braggart for God because I cannot say enough about his miraculous touch. Look for miracles. Expect miracles. And vicariously live through the immense manifestations of spiritual power that we experienced this week in.... THE CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER SEVEN. 

First things first: ELDER MCENTIRE. 

As we made our way through the valley of the shadow of death and humidity, we locked eyes at the transfer point. The first thing he said to me, as he pointed with both fingers, "that's my guy." Immediately, the divinity of our companionship pulsated through our veins like the waterfall of sweat on our foreheads. Not only does he make me laugh 58/60 seconds in a minute, but he also has such a way of empathizing with those that we teach. Already, I have begun to see his foreordained authenticity and how his experience and wisdom will help him to relate and invite our friends with such power and authority. He loves analogies and can find a gospel message in anything; even Subway. I've already learned about two volumes worth of knowledge from him and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for the both of us here in the Clinton Kingdom in the next six weeks! Also, both being from Washington, the answer to the question: "where y'all from?" has never been easier. He too appreciates the rain. It finna be a good transfer y'all! 

Apart from the companionship unity being higher than Marry Poppins with a motorized umbrella, we have not been held exempt from the miracles of the mission; and that in itself has brought us closer to each other and to the Lord. Take this past week for instance...

What do you do when an appointment cancels? Follow the spirit. 

What do you do when your legs don't work like they used to before? Follow the spirit. 

What do you do when it's 3:00 in the afternoon, the Mississippi sun is scorching your outsides, and everyone's doors seem to be glued shut with the strongest gorilla paste out of security, forcing them to, unfortunately, be unable to open the door, despite the chatter inside? Follow the spirit. 

In the wise words of Brother Joseph, "When God commands, do it." From a less reliable source (Mr. Nike), "Just do it." Or even, the Elder Boyd abridgment,  "When the spirit calls, you answer." All of the above are great practices that, when instituted properly, can truly change the course of your day with a little inspiration. I testify that those good feelings that come upon us in times of inquiry are the guidance of the Holy Ghost. God knows who needs you. He knows what time they need you, when they are home, and what they need from you. His omnipotence is an underused resource. Why NOT ask God, "Who needs me and at what time?" God is anxiously invested in details. When we deal in generalities we will rarely have success; but when we deal with specifics, we will seldom have a failure. Each decision is an opportunity to intervene in salvation. As a matter of fact, we always talk about the small and simple decision that compound into greatness, right? Well, have we ever considered that maybe WE are the small and simple things by which great things are brought to pass? God loves the broken. He loves the weak, the messed up, the dirt of the Earth. He loves dealing SPECIFICALLY with you, however small because that's how he brings to pass his greatness. 

We small and simple things we're able to see that greatness this week. To think, a rebellious and proud soul as mine can qualify for revelation to change and save a life? It's quite humbling. I love the way that God works. It fascinates me to see his enabling hand in the lives of faulty instruments-- or should I say- very sweaty instruments. 

Naturally, as all miracles do, this one happened in the midst of hopelessness and opposition. We had excitedly scheduled three appointments with our most progressing people-- only to have each one cancel. We literally sat there in silence for at least five minutes, just pondering upon the Father's plan. When suddenly, I felt prompted to go visit someone... who actually missed ten appointments in a row. Imagine my surprise when this families' name came to my head-- humbly, we followed through eagerly for what the Lord had in store. Upon arrival, not only were they HOME (for the first time in forever) but one of her kids approached us and said, "Can I be baptized? I'm 10 and I really want to be baptized." 


MIRACLES I TELL YOU, MIRACLES. I'm convinced there is no better question than, "Can I be baptized?" That's an easy answer! 

But as I have also realized this week, salvation isn't always a spiritual rescue. We oftentimes put ourselves in situations to free others from the bondage and captivity of the world with an opportunity to snatch them out of the jaws of the natural man.

Like, this week? We witnessed an actual car accident. Following promptings all day, we found ourselves knocking on a door in South Jackson and witnessed the scene, front, and center. Thankfully no-one was injured in the process! We were able to comfort the kids with a few card tricks and fruit snacks and be in the right place at the right time. But seriously, God used us in a very temporal way, even, to help one of his children during a physical struggle. Similarly, he will use you; spiritually and temporally. And through who you are, he will make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. 

Oh and to top it all off, an inspiring quote from Stake Conference this weekend: 
"Lets create a ward where we exhaust the missionaries' with teaching. Where they don't even have the time to find because they are too busy sharing the principles of the Gospel. It's not their job to find; it's ours. Now, lets give those missionaries some people to teach!" 
Needless to say, our Stake President is one of the noble and greater ones. 

Really, this week was INCREDIBLE! And I can't say enough about it. We don't have to be perfect to be worthy. Perfection is an eternal trek but worthiness is daily meditation. Take the time to be worthy; the blessings are worth the journey! If you're feeling small and simple... prepare for greatness! God brings to pass his most marvelous work in the womb of weakness. And you'll be born into strength and grow from grace to grace if you only exercise the faith to be weak! I hope this is a week of WEAKness! And in that weakness, I testify that you will see miracles. God will use you. He will bless you. He has used and blessed us this week and I can only say... it is an honor to be in Miracle-sippi. HAVE A GREAT WEEK YALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!

Looking forward to another week of weakness,

Weak (Elder) Boyd

This week's Pics

(Picture courtesy of a member)


Thy will be done,

Sometimes we don't need a flaming furnace of justice to trial our submission and faith. Sure, Alma and Amulek were spiritual masterminds of submission, spectating the tactics of Satan, but we too have our moments of fear and doubt when we submit [not so cheerfully] to the will of the Lord. No, our teaching pool is not going up in flames-- but God has definitely scorched us with a little refiner's fire. For those of you out there who feel the burn; take heart! As we are slowly but surely learning, sometimes it takes a little heat to become what God needs us to be! It's transfer week here in the Clinton Edition and we have some true to nature, unexpected, and unpredictable plot twists-- so stay tuned and grab some sunscreen, it's about to get hot in here in the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER SIX. 

First things first: The fire. 

God loves what we least expect. I can see why; when we feel uncomfortable we are more inclined to lean on faith and almighty power. Think about it, when are we most likely to pray? To call upon God? When we need something! When we're struggling, when we're sinking, when we're afraid... those are the moments we are most prone to hearken unto divine intervention! Our God knows this... and when we call him mysterious, oftentimes that means he likes to surprise us with catastrophe to strengthen our faith. However, when he sends the waves and the tempests our way... he also sends an outstretched hand, ready to rescue. I testify that God's plans are the blueprints to progression; however unexpected or uncomfortable they may be, they are the plans to change us. 

Transfer week makes one think, ya know? It helps to know that like Peter, God will expect hard things of us; impossible things even! But as we learn to walk on water, he expects us to sink. And that's why when our fear, like an anchor, causes us to sink into the depths of doubt, the Savior is there with his life-saving love to pull us back to safety. Our transfer week may be like walking on water-- seemingly impossible and unfathomable. However, through experience and practice, we too eventually can exercise faith sufficient to defy the laws of mortality and walk the footsteps of faith across tempests of mysterious trials... and transfer weeks. 

And with that introduction-- transfer news! 

Unexpectedly and somberly as the words left the mission presidents' mouth, we were informed that me and Elder Tauraa's time would be cut short. Honestly, we kinda took for granted the possibility of us staying together. That was the LEAST of our worries, and I wholeheartedly believe that is why God did it to us. As Elder Uchtdorf says, "the gospel is about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable." Thankfully the uncomfortable this time means being moved only 20 minutes away! Elder Tauraa, bless him, will be moving over to Florence Mississippi and I will be receiving...

A new missionary straight outta Washington!  Yes, ladies and gentleman, Clinton Mississippi is about to get more PNW than a Canadian Costco convention at Peace Arch Park. 

And as the fire cranks to ultimate heat...

I'm being called as the Zone Leader. 
Abinadi, is that you? Shadrach? 
It just got hot in here. 

But in all seriousness, change is an opportunity to learn and grow-- and as the least qualified person to be in this position, I'm grateful to be weak! We can't be strengthened without weakness... so I guess we can just look at these next six weeks as preparation for progression? 

But anyways, as I have contemplated the last six weeks I have been filled with great love and compassion for my beloved companion. So, true to these editions... I present-- AN ODE TO ELDER TAURAA: 

Right off the bat, we were friends. I knew that his love for superheroes could only be matched with his love for the work. He had a contagious, serving, and enthusiastic spirit about him-- one that I loved. My first impression was quite honestly, "this guy is going to change my life." The spirit in those first impressions is real because I can honestly say that Elder Tauraa has helped change me. There is no... uninspired missionary companionship; ESPECIALLY in my mission. Elder Tauraa was sent by God, to me, as an answered prayer. He is one of my many earthly angels-- and as we have served together, every impression and observation became far more than I could even imagine. He has the work ethic of a strapping stallion. He knows how to love. He is a friend to EVERYONE and is always willing to go the extra mile to minister and show compassion. He is wise beyond his years and has the most endearing and genuine testimony. He will make you laugh until your abs turn to steel and can make a MEAN dump cake. Our memories will last a lifetime and our friendship-- through the eternities! I love this man. He will be a blessing to every companion and a friend to everyone along the way. He has truly changed my mission and my life with the lessons he has taught me; always smile, see the divine in others, be an example at all times and in all places... and remember-- never say no to a coconut!! I love Elder Tauraa! BLESSINGS be to Florence for the matchless gift that he has been in my life. 'Til we meet again dear friend. 

Wheww-ee the intoxicating stress of transfers...

Okay, okay, ONTO SOME MIRACLES to give some Tahitian thunder to this storm of life: 

Saturday itself felt like a day in the temple. 

Miracle after miracle. 

To start off the day, 7:30 AM, the spirit whispered-- "go visit this man." To my great surprise, the still voice echoed the name of someone the other missionaries were teaching. Naturally, we should allow them to handle their people, yes? No. When the Spirit prompts, you listen. Or in the words of Brother Joseph, "when God commands, do it." So, we went to see this man-- and BOY OH BOY was this a divine visit. When we walked up to talk to him he said, "I was just praying for God's people-- I was in there drinking my depression away and you two walked up." We read some scriptures about weaknesses and strengths and left him weeping. As we departed he said something I'll never forget, "thank you for reminding me who I am." 

How touching is that? God sent two stripling missionaries to remind someone they are a child of God. God will use you. God will bless you. 

Following this prompting, we felt inspired to go do service at a nature center in town. We were paired with a single adult male as we were hauling gravel to and from the trails-- and without any introduction, by us and after quizzing us about physical therapy he says, "I love the Book of Mormon. Yall have any YSA activities I can go to?" My jaw about punctured the gravel we set in stone. 

Let me continue... 
We met with a family who have been taught the Gospel for eons upon measure-- and the moment we show up they say,  "we know what we need to do, now help us get married so we can get baptized." I needed a jaw reconstruction surgery after this day, my friends. The miracles of the Lord followed us wherever we went-- and as an answer to our prayers, he blessed us infinitely with his tender mercies. It was as if God had a mega miracle cannon and was rapidly fire-ing off his blessings like t-shirts at the Superbowl! Then on Sunday, we saw the fruits of our labors-- it was a whole orchard of goodness. Surprises. Miracles. Tender mercies. The full cornucopia. And all on the commemorating day of the greatest miracles in our lives; mothers! Coincidence? I think not. 

Shoutout to all you mother's out there-- both seen and unseen. I have a testimony that God sends us mother's to remind us of heaven. He understands how hard this life is, that mortality and the likes of the adversary really are no EASY feat-- so he sent the Savior to comfort us. But, in modern day, the Savior isn't here to walk with and lead us in person... so, he sent mothers to ease our burdens and to brighten the way. As extensions of the Savior, we can look to our beloved Mother's to enable, empower, and endow us with the strength necessary for peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. I love my mother and in the words of our Stake President, "every day should be a day to appreciate the mothers in our lives!" 

Well y'all, that's us for this week. For those of you out there going through a change of sorts-- embrace the heat. It may burn for a little time. It may hurt, scorch, and singe. But at the end of the fire-- comes the results of refining. In the midst of a forest fire, I'm sure surrounding trees are lost in a state of zero hope... little do they know, the fire is the planing season. A new forest is in store! And the seeds that God is planting may burn for a little time... but his harvest is the greatest reward. Give your mom a hug. Say thy will be done-- and MEAN it. And it'll be a good week. ELDER BOYD LOVES Y'ALL!! HAVE A GOOD WEEK! 

O Lord not mine,

Elder Boyd

This Week's Pics:

Elder Boyd's New Companion: Elder McEntire flying to LA from Provo MTC

Current Companions: Elder Tauraa (aka Tahitian Thunder- the name given to him by some kids playing streetball in South Jackson)

Mother's Day call home:

Father/Son Resemblance 😝