[Due to Memorial Day and Zone Conference, here is this week's letter from Elder Boyd- a little later than usual.]

Ciao Children,

I invite you to join me for a primary rendition of a familiar song,

The wise Elders built their shack upon the bayou...
The wise Elders built their shack upon the bayou... 
The wise Elders built their shack upon the bayou...
And the rain came tumbling down...

The rain came down and the humidity rose up 
The rain came down and the humidity rose up  
The rain came down and the humidity rose up  
And the shack on the bayou stood still.

Praise the Lord. I feel like we're fixin' to see a monsoon season because home is calling and the sky is crying. Singing in the rain, and dancing in the swamp.. we've had a soggy tale this week, my friends. SO WELCOME ONE, WELCOME Y'ALL TO THIBODAUX TALES: CHAPTER FOUR.

It's been 10 days since our last entry and in that time you would think a hardworking Elder would have a PLETHORA of experiences to boast jauntily about.. alas' Satan works in mysterious ways, and this week he played with the rain- HOWEVER, not even precipitation could stump the motivation or the dedication of these Elders as we baptized nations. We had some jaw-dropping moments over these past few days.. so get your lower face muscles ready.. because that floor is about to be smacked with these Thibodaux miracles. 

Before we even get this rolling... 
Remember the itchy baptism and the Skyrim addict? (Oh my Lanta, that sounds like one weird conference talk.) Well, we met up with Brother for a final hoorah this past week... Sadly, his caretaker will no longer permit the missionary visits..but get this, in consolation... HE TOLD US HIS NAME. Of course for all-inclusive confidentiality purposes, I will not include it.. but my goodness, I have never felt so blessed. The mystery of Brother has been uncovered- and his legacy will forever live on as the mysterious itchy guy with the baddest dragon Lord in the Elder Scrolls galaxy.

One of the many facets of missionary work is known as referral contacting. If you are someone who wishes to investigate, or has interest in the church, you can request a visit from the missionaries through several means of media or advertisement. When you do this, we as missionaries, get an email or an immediate notification, that gives us whatever information you provide.. and as soon as possible, two guys in the coolest floral ties show up on your doorstep. Quite an efficient and effective process, really. So, with our background out of the way...

We went to contact this referral, and we were told that she was out of town but will be coming back for the fair, so they asked us to check back again.. well, when we came back, she made the decision that the fair wasn't worth it and decided to move to Baton Rouge. Rather rash, really. ANYWAYS, her sister was there, and upon inviting her to listen to a message, she invited us back.. well, we show up, as you do, and she's not home. This was about, three weeks ago? Consequently, through a prompting of the spirit, we go back to visit her three weeks exactly after our initial meeting, and when we arrive, BOY WAS SHE STOKED ABOUT US WHITE GUYS. She anxiously invited us in, questioning why we hadn't shown up before and called her husband inside to listen to a message about Jesus Christ. As we start into the message, the Spirit is already so strong.. and as missionaries, we could've taught for days on end and said as much as we wanted, but nothing would compare to how powerful she, herself, brought the spirit. Her story is where this experience gets crazy.. and mind you, we didn't know any of this when we intended on coming back...

She's already met with the Elders.. not once.. not twice.. but three times. Over the span of fifteen years, our girl has been investigating and attending the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. AND IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH... The Elder who found her was also named Elder Boyd. She said that she loved the mixed congregations and the family element of the church.. she just didn't know we had missionaries in Louisiana. She said it was a sign from God when we knocked on her door because she had been praying to find missionaries and find that church that once made her and her family so joyous. Y'all, I feel so blessed to be apart of experiences like this... Only Jesus Christ's church would have such a profound effect on people like this did on our girl... The Spirit of God is a glorious gift afforded to anyone who is willing to allow God to make their happiness everlasting. I am just a happy little tool in the shed of our heavenly father, who just JUMPS FOR JOY at the opportunity to be used how he sees fit. It feels so nice to be out in the field and not stuck in the shed. And hey, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but your shovel ain't gonna get any stronger by collecting dust in the warehouse, and neither will we if we don't get out and get used! Wow, never thought I'd say that before. But seriously.. God was so generous to lead us to this beautiful family... I'm excited to see what he has in store for them... You know what they say, third times the charm. :)

In other news, one of the blessed responsibilities of living that Zone Leader life, is lots and lots of exchanges! This past week I was pleased to participate in a two-fer.. one with Elder Peterson in Houma and one with Elder Woody in Thibodaux. I'd say the best part about being in leadership is getting to serve other missionaries.. and there is no greater joy than having fun in a new area with a new companion, just spreading the Gospel and having the time of your life. Elder Peterson and I broke some ankles in street ball with a bunch of really cool guys who actually were super interested in the Book of Mormon. "Any guy who can shred a court like Y'all, must be knowing what he's talking about." We had some good fun with the members too- which was a tender mercy for me, getting to know the ward better. Elder Woody and I were just dipping our toes in the miracle waters all day... but certainly, the highlight was doing some inspired tracting.. and as we pull up to this door we give him the good ole missionary approach.. and he looks us straight in the face.. and says:

"I'm a Mormon"

I kid you not, it was the longest thirty seconds of my life as we just... stared at this guy. I didn't know WHAT to say. So we stared. Awkwardly. For a prolonged period of time. 

Could you imagine how absolutely embarrassed I felt in that moment, not recognizing a member? Well, fear not. Cause here's a story for Y'all... 

For the past six months in the Thibodaux area, every single missionary has been trying to tract down this infamous RM. I've heard the stories of Elders knocking on his apartment over twenty times in a transfer.. with no answer. Heck, even Elder Sellers and I gave it an old-fashioned knock.. but nothing... We'll call him Waldo. Y'all. we found Waldo. He broke the silence and said...

"I'm Waldo"

And fun fact, Elder Woody used to serve in Thibodaux.. so here's been a huge participant in the search for this guy too... and randomly, on an exchange, on a brisk spring evening.. we find him. We found Waldo. So yeah, our bishop was IN AWE thinking we're like master tracters or something, and now we have a return appointment to get him to church! 

So yeah, exchange magic is real. I love exchanges.

In other news, we had Zone Conference this past week, and that was a dream. The go-home testimonies were my personal favorite part. Those Elders and Sisters could thrash nations with the Spirit in that room. It could not be denied- this is an inspired work that changes people. Thank goodness I'm not there yet. :) 

And, the final highlight we have for this week... I had some authentic Mexican food from this majestic family in the ward.. and my food baby is still growing. If I have learned anything on my mission... it's that an empty bag can't stand. So fill those tummies and get to work.

WELL, Y'ALL, the miracles of this week are not exclusive to Louisiana.. you can have your very own limited edition miracles right where you are. The blessings of God are ENDLESS and he's just waiting to bless you. May we all follow the words of one of my former investigators and say to God.. "I dare you to bless me." HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL!! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU. 

Ciao Children (isn't it funny how this works both ways),

Elder Boyd

This week's Facebook Message:

We can learn alot from soldiers.
Sacrifice. Selfless service. Bravery. Consecration. Dedication. Loyalty. Honor.
The lessons are endless- and through their example we can take courage and be lead through the war we are all enlisted in- the war against sin.
Every single person is a soldier in their own way, fighting their own battles every day. However, in the cause for Christianity, we can fearlessly trust that our God wins his battles. The battle is his. And his battles are won.
So we too can sing, "Onward Christian Soldiers" as we march on to war. And take heart if your battles seem hard- God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.
John 15:13

Pictures this week:

Ma' Look At The Food I'm Making:

The Beauty Around Me:


Bonjour little flock,

I would like to stimulate your imagination to remember a familiar film... "The Prince of Egypt." Picture how Mama Moses reluctantly donates her baby son to the forbidden river in hopes of salvaging his foreordained ministry.. the scene is melodramatic and the emotions are rampant. Imagine the drastic drudgery of the atmosphere.. but suddenly a harmonious voice rises above the contention and chants, "there can be miracles when you believe." This simple phrase has never been better demonstrated than it has this week in Thibodaux. If miracles were pennies, we'd be millionaires. If our belief was measured in physical strength.. we'd be absolutely yolked. There can be miracles when you believe, my friends.. and with that, I introduce a miraculous edition of THIBODAUX TALES: CHAPTER THREE. 

"So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference." If Elder Sellers and I didn't understand this, this week I tell you what... The difference in this week was our drive and our attitude. We were determined to see some divine manifestations of spiritual power this week, and we were gonna have a good time doing it. I've found this past week, that when you enjoy what you do... it's so much easier to do it. And when we have the confidence to make goals out of dreams and results out of wishes.. we can really make a difference in our lives. The motto of this week was, "baptize nations." Now, here's a part of our tale that needs to be understood... the missionaries in Thibodaux are infamous for a bad reputation of slothfulness and mediocre missionary work. As a result of such, the members have lost trust in the missionaries who serve in this area and have nearly lost hope for the work in their field. Well, Elder Sellers and I were determined to change that this week. Nothing worth having comes easy.. and in the silence of hard work, success makes the loudest noise. Through faith, God's mercy, and the irreplaceable companionship of the Holy Ghost, we were able to find over fifteen new people to teach and commit two of our investigators to baptism this week. Both of which, haven't been seen in Thibodaux for a LONG time. Our Bishop is pretty excited, and so are we, because God's success is available to anyone who is willing to work for it. And the fruits of our labors were even manifest in the less active sphere of things.. as the one less active lady we were inspired to visit this week, came to church. You should've seen the joy on our faces when we witnessed the coming home of this lost sheep.. we were overjoyed. And that's exactly what we've found this week through hard work.. joy through the success and happiness of others. There's no greater work than this, which provides those fruits daily. 


For those of you who like mission stories, we have enough experiences down here to write a novel:

Remember that Skyrim addict we call Brother? Well, Elder Sellers and I, with our, "baptize nations" machismo, decided we were going to be bold and invite him to be happiest through baptism. Let's just say, what followed, cannot be made up...
We prefaced our invitation by reading out of 3 Nephi 11, where Christ visits the people in ancient America. The spirit could not be denied..and as we reached verse 25 we read the powerful words, 

"Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

I was feeling pretty good about the whole thing and assumed with the boldness of a daring missionary and invited him to be baptized. To which he said, 


"Why not?" I muttered. 

"MAN, I hate travel."

Initially, in shock, I further questioned his reasoning and called upon whatever prompting I received to tell him...

"Brother. Do you have faith that Christ had authority to cause blind men to see in the bible?"

"Well. Yes."

"Then you must have that same faith to believe that by that same authority God can make it possible for you to travel to your baptism."

*at this point, I thought we were golden..then suddenly..*

"But baptism makes me itchy." 

Then, as if by some strange course of events I made one of the weirder promises on my mission...

"Brother, I promise you that if you are baptized by the proper authority, thou shalt not itch."

Needless to say, he said he's gonna pray about it and Elder Sellers and I walked away with that much more realization that Louisiana isn't as sane as the rest of the nation. 

A few days later Elder Sellers and I, still in the, "baptize nations" mindset, set out to see one of our more progressing investigators who we actually managed to help get on date for baptism two days prior. 

*A little backstory first*
-Elder Sellers forewarned me that our investigator's sister, "doesn't like us" and that she solely believes in the bible and has an interesting relationship with her sister. She was also recently admitted to a hospital and hasn't been around as long as I've been here... so we've been able to teach her sister and have some quality spirit-filled lessons- so as we approached the trailer, he joked about her sister being there and I refuted that no one can turn down a ginger.. the following are the proceeding events..-

So we drive right next to her trailer and out comes this woman I have never before seen- it was from my companions anxious sigh that I soon realized.. her sister was back. However, to our great surprise, the sister welcomed us in with open arms... commended us for the work we were doing.. and even complimented our ties. She said she wanted us to visit with her and her family and do a bit of studies.. so, cautiously we agreed. This whole situation was very suspicious from the start... but we pressed forward in faith. When we entered the door, I personally felt an immediate shift in the spirit.. something didn't seem, "right." Our investigator was draped across the table with her little, "pill speaker" in hand, blasting, "IN THE ARMS OF THE ANGEL" while her sister ushered us over to the table where our fine china glasses of Sunny D were already waiting for us... She said she wanted us to read from Psalms- contrary to what we were going to teach, but we went with it anyway, looking for an opportunity to invite the spirit. Not one verse in.. the contention escalates. Our investigator starts hollering at her sister.. and proceeds to tell us that she has been struggling recently with, "multiple personalities." Before we had time to react, we were being offered cereal with water as a "snack" and all of the kids' bomb rushed into the living room and started spitting on their mother. There was a thick air of the adversary around.. and so, the only thing I could think to do was to pray. SO, we offered a prayer.. but as soon as we said amen, the screaming continued. Her sister began to call me, "Nicole" with quite the conviction that I was the living incarnation of Bethsheba. And just when this whole hullaballoo seems to climax.. our phone begins to ring.. *President Varner.* Our mission president calls in the middle of this bonanza and in the background all he hears is, "READ PSALMS YOU FREAKING IDIOT." Only in Louisiana... Well, we hung up with President, and with haste made our way out the door. We managed to get the phone number of our investigator and invite her to church where she would feel the spirit. As we were walking away, her sister followed behind and asked to pray for us that God may bless us on our travels.. SO even amidst all the craziness, we knew there were good intentions deep in there somewhere. 

So yes, another week in Thibodaux and the people aren't getting any less crazy. But that almost gives them an even more.. lovable quality. Ya know?

We also met a guy who was convinced the U.S was a modern day Soddom and Gomorrah, and he didn't really understand why adultery was a sin. And the Spirit blessed my knowledge when we taught these four Baptist pastors and I quoted more of the bible than I ever have in my life.. since when did I have Psalms 23 memorized? Well, they were impressed.. and want to learn more about the Book of Mormon.. and I was impressed that God was so willing to strengthen my repertoire. 

However, amidst all of the events of this week... the highlight by far was being blessed to participate in the MLC with Elder Lynn. G. Robbins. For those of you who are more absentminded than others... I have been an Elder Robbins fan for quite some time and watching him counsel and minister in person.. has been an unspoken dream of mine for a while. He did not disappoint. You can tell these men are called of God.. because they move, act, and speak solely by the spirit. In my impression... he had no pre-set agenda.. he exemplified, "speak (ing) the thoughts that I shall put into your heart.." He spoke of everything from Christlike attributes, to marriage advice, to Parenting 101, to leadership types and behavior analysis.. and so much more. Catch me after the mission and I will sing this man's PRAISES. Every question I had going into the meeting.. answered. Every question I didn't know I had, going into the meeting.. answered. And, not to, "fanboy" or anything.. when asked to participate in his counsel.. he said I had "very good insight" so... yeah.. internally screaming, but for a good cause. I'll attach one of two of his quotes.. he's a spiritual genius. And if that wasn't enough, I ate lunch with him and his wife, and President Varner asked me to tell him the story of one of my Chalmette miracles. SO, yes, there is a seventy out there.. who forever has, "Elder Boyd's Southern woman's impersonation" ingrained in his brain. I was edified, instructed, and blessed.. I will never forget his counsel as long as I live, and leaving his instruction just leaves me wanting to be that much better, that much more consecrated, and that much more worthy of this calling. I also got to see my trainer and good pal... Elder Orison at the council. Time really has flown by.. I love that guy. :)

Oh, and a side note for all of the BYU fans that I know exist in the humble abode of Washington... Taysom Hill and his wife came and visited and spoke in our ward this Sunday. SO yeah, meeting legends left and right. :)

Well, folks, I think that'll be it for this tale. Believe in miracles and believe that all things are possible through exceeding faith. I have seen this work in my own life and am a living witness that God is mindful and merciful to his children. I love this church and I know it to be true. I love being a missionary and I love all of you. HAVE A GREAT WEEK LITTLE FLOCK. ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU.

From a blessed soul in Louisiana,

Elder Boyd

This week's FB Post:

One of the biggest testaments of Gods love for his children are his beautiful creations. And yes, the spectacles of nature are divine.. and the wonders of the world are wonderful- but to me, some of Gods most beautiful creations are his children.Each one of us is individually crafted through the eyes of a perfect God. And the irony of it all is that we are so quick to admire the sunset.. but so slow to remember our own similar divinity? The same God who created that sunset, created you.
So, I challenge you all to see and embrace the Fathers love for you and all his children. For, to him, you are his most beautiful creation. If we were to truly understand the beauty of Gods creations we would never deny his existence.
#LBRMSingingSundayJohn 13: 34-35

Pictures sent this week: 


Happy Mother's Day Y'all!

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

..and I shall add, that in the creative Elder Carter's case- "he that asketh, receiveth quickly, and in it everyone rejoices.."

Remember that whole theme song idea from last week's tales? Well, it pays to have incredible companions with a knack for lyrics- ladies and gentleman, tale-er and tale-ee alike- INTRODUCING, THIBODAUX TALES CHAPTER TWO:

*preferably sung to the tune of Duck Tales..*

Life is like a hurricane
Here in Thibodaux. 
Crawfish, gators, etoufée, 
It's country! yeah, bro! 
We might teach a lesson, 
Or find some Cajuns! 
Thibodaux Tales! (a-woo-oo)
Teachin' peeps what we believe in
Thibodaux Tales! (a-woo-oo)
Not Slidell tales or BR tales but
Thibodaux Tales! (a-woo-oo) 

A-woo-oo is right- we have great reason to be glad. Shoutout to Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or whoever came up with the idea of video chatting, because Mother's Day has never been better. To all you mom's out there, I resonate with the sagacious words of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland-

“May I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you.” 

I couldn't say it better myself if I even tried- we owe our existence in joy to mothers everywhere. I exhort you, if you haven't, to thank a mother. And to make every day, a Mother's Day.

Here is a video clip of Elder Boyd (Mother's Day 2018) sharing a spiritual message about families [Missionaries get to call home two times a year: Mother's Day and Christmas]:

Well y'all, I can't even express the love I feel for my family and this work. But amidst the ecstasy of affection.. we still had a crazy week. The word, "crazy" doesn't even justify that insanity of Louisiana- so I think it'd be best to just say we had a "Louisiana Week." Let me give you a play by play of the business of the past seven days.

- I was nourished by the good word of leadership as I attended my first Missionary Leadership Council. Although I was not satiated by Sister Varner's celestial caramel syrup, it was a grandiose time to feel apart of something bigger than tracting. Don't get me wrong, I love TRACTING, but we just took missionary work to another level and I think it will just make tracting even impossibly BETTER. 

-We went on exchanges with the AP's- I was pleasured to be companions with Elder Bertonneau- and to say our time together was a trip.. is like saying Superman is slightly jacked.. a minor deprecation to say the least. Here's a little journal entry of our 24 hours together:
"Elder Bertonneau and I hit the ground running- and the ground was lava because we were running all over the place. We all began the day with some high tech food bank service, as we hummed the spirit of God to drown out the dramatic decibel of Drake in the overhead speakers. THEN we started our adventure being kicked out of an apartment complex for proselyting, and so we scavenged the Earth for a new location- this time, tip-toeing around apartment managers and checking our blind spots for custodians. The first door we knock into? ELECT. She loves the Book of Mormon. She loves the Gospel. She wants to go to church. She was excited about our message because WE were excited. She wants her family of six to be taught so that they can covenant in the waters of baptism. We were quite frankly in shock that she wasn't a member already, THAT'S how pumped she was. ELECT. Then we met up with a less active who has a strong aversion to Ann Dibb and Chicago and hates the very idea of camouflage. We just bore down in pure testimony and she told us that we were modern day. "Conan the Barbarians" because we are so, "savage in the word." I can't make this up. And just when things are getting good... they get better. We moseyed our way over to a Haitian recent converts house- what an experience. Apparently, it's been incredibly hard to reach out to her because she speaks minimal English.. and specializes in the forbidden language: French. Now, you can imagine how I felt about this.. all of my training.. my intensive conjugation worksheets and practice.. it had all lead to this moment. So, I hiked up my britches and saddled up my, "Bonjour" and gave her the good ole' un, deux, trois. *Side note, before we taught her.. her kids were misbehaving, so she took off her sandal and started whipping her kid until we came in the clutch and pried the Nike 7's from her hand, just as she stepped into an anthill.. quite the setting, really. 

So yeah, I taught my first lesson in French, prayed, and made sure to put extra emphasis and accent when I said, "JOOOOSEPH SMITH." Elder Bertonneau just sat in the background and I was just praying that I remembered the difference between scripture and watermelon. We're getting close to the end here folks.. we tried visiting a less active and ended up having a nice evening chat with her husband... I don't know why... but he smelled exactly like a perfect mixture of cantaloupe and Windex. Turns out, someone CAN indeed deny your testimony. This guy told us that we know our church is wrong, and when asked if he believed in the bible.. he uttered yes- so I was thinking, "YES, this will lead perfectly into an Amos 8:11-12 support for the apostasy..- well, it turns out he doesn't believe in the Book of Amos, so we asked him what books he does believe in, and he just responded with a simple, "live and let live boys.." and walked away. 

Now, we're reaching the end, my friends.. we closed it up with a late night run to Jimmy-John's and upon leaving the premises, we ran into a Sister from the Ward who told us about the divine intervention she experienced when she prayed for a church movie to fall into her hands, and when she opened the closet, "20 copies of Finding Faith in Christ" propelled towards the ground.. so she and her grandson proceeded to watch the film 10+ times while she quizzed him on the origin of President David O. Mckay. So yeah, that was my exchanges with the AP's. Sounds like a Louisiana day, eh?

Apart from that,  it's been heating up here in the bayou.. which makes tracting feel that much more a sacrifice. I know God has been seeing what we're trying to do lately because we were blessed to find so many people to teach this past week. Even in cranky old people-ville, there is the elect who are ready and prepared for the Gospel. I'm so excited to teach the people we have found this week and to find more people to bring into the light of this everlasting Gospel. 

OH AND, we had two baptisms this past weekend, don't know how I forgot about that! My friends, it's official... Little Wayne has been baptized. He's the most precious child, *Wayne JR... or as the OG's call him... Little Wayne.. who we've been working with since I got here. He loves to pray and truly emulates excitement in discipleship.. it was so humbling to see the pure joy in his face as he made one of the greater decisions of his life. I love that kid, and I'm super excited to see him one day share his Spirit with others and be the greatest missionary the nations have ever seen. The second baptism was this radiant woman.. who just, "gets" the Gospel. She has one of the best testimonies you will ever hear is a real tear jerker when it comes to her conversion story... She just bawled in the font and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Gosh, isn't the Gospel just the greatest!? I will say it once more.. missionary work, works. AND God helps the man who helps himself.. so help yourself and go find people to make happier through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Well y'all, that oughtta do us for this Louisiana week out here in the bayou. I am so fortunate to be a missionary and to share the love I feel for others. I am so grateful for all of the moms in the world and in my life.. you embody the pure love of Christ. I hope you all had a splendid week, and that this coming week is even impossibly better. You are loved more than you know. And treasured more than you realize. Keep the faith, wait for the miracles, and bask in the greatness of this Gospel. You're all champs. ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!!

Mucho love for the magnificent moms out there,

Elder Boyd

What an amazing man! See link and pictures below:


So begins a new chapter and a new tale...
Little town, it's a quiet village,
Every day, tracting all these doors,
Little town, full of crazy Cajuns..
Waking up to say...


It's the south y'all. And Thibodaux is as country as it gets. If missionaries could wear overalls and proselyte with tractors, this would be the place to do it. Where roadkill is a delicacy, and plantations abound a plenty.. we endeavor to enjoy the first edition of THIBODAUX TALES: CHAPTER ONE. 

*I feel like an alternatively Cajun version of Duck Tales as our theme song would be most appropriate here*
One week down in Thibodaux, and like an icebox, we just straight chilling. I've got to say, this humble abode certainly isn't Chalmette, but its definitely a promised land of its own. I can feel the potential all around, and the more doors we knock, the more excited I become to find those elect and invite them to be happiest. But don't get me wrong.. the elect aren't the most conventional bunch. Let me give you a good ole' fill of some of the.. beloved sons and daughters of God we have met up with this week...

My very first impression of Thibodaux: 

-Now, I myself, am a man who loves to talk to people. And I'll be brutally honest, I try to blend in with the culture as much as I can.. which sometimes, is to my downfall. This particular instance, we get to talking to this guy, who has been investigating the church for two and a half years.. and immediately we get off topic. Now, I should've taken the hint from the Spirit, but I was just trying to get a conversation about the Gospel going. Long story short- my guy starts teasing me about how missionaries are not divine, because they are constantly distracted by women. He said he didn't trust me and that he knew he'd be seeing me at the club that night partying it up with the local chicas... AND, that I wasn't responsible enough to pray. Well, just when I thought things couldn't get better- this young women walks in.. okay, feeling relieved.. we get to talking, feeling a lot better, and then come to find out, it's his mom.  Well, me just trying to be a nice gentleman and all... I let her know how good she looks for her age... AND MY GUY starts teasing me about his mom. As we were leaving, he said, "Gingy's got a crush on you ma.. " So yeah, that's the time that I ruined a lesson by accidentally "flirting" with an investigators mom. Welcome to Thibodaux.

- Our next stop was short and sweet. Imagine this: He's a video game addict with a keen fancy for fruit punch, and he refuses to give us his name because he is convinced we're with the "FEDS", so we call him "Brother". We tried teaching him the Plan of Salvation, but right before we could give him the keys to the kingdom.. he jumps up and hollers, "fellas, I'm not feeling well. I have an inkling for Skyrim and my dragon lord is calling my name." So yeah, that was the time we met a Skyrim addict. 

- And last but not least...
We have this awesome opportunity to volunteer at a tutoring center over on the outskirts of Thibodaux. Now, if you have ever wanted or desired the strength of a raging fire or the force of a great typhoon.. go to Myron's tutoring. It's essentially a patience workshop for the short-tempered. I was pleasured to assist in some phonics fun with a 3rd grader. Apparently, my companion worked with this individual before, and he is one of those kids who, "makes the tutor do his homework." Well, we weren't having it.. and once we finally overcame his five-minute temper tantrum, we finally got some work going. Well, this particular time, was a spelling obstacle. It was the most hilarious sight.

"Describe the weather in Fall."


"Okay, how do you spell that?"

Well.. he gets the C.. but the O was a struggle..

..and I kid you not, this kid goes through his ABC's twenty times and every single time he skips over the O. Even my fourth-grade friend was tripping, and started feeding this kid hints... "OCTOPUS. THINK OF THE OCTOPUS."
It was seriously straight out of a sitcom, it was so funny. 

So yeah, there are a few comical experiences I had in my first few days in Thibodaux. 

The ward here is pretty stellar. I came just in time for the ward crawfish boil- which was a delightful time to get to know all of these members. Church was refreshing. We have a meal calendar, ladies and gentlemen, I REPEAT, a meal calendar. Tender mercies from serving in a branch.. don't get me wrong, Chalmette is home, but the ward vibe is pretty cool too. I don't feel like I have to make a comment on every principle or share my testimony in between each member to keep things lively. I definitely feel like I could get used to it here. It makes the transition so much easier when you actually ENJOY change- so we're just gonna get to work and enjoy the journey.
So yeah, other than that.. here's a few other little details:

•A huge tender mercy here.. is they actually have weightlifting stuff in our apartment.
• We have a tiny house. Now, when I initially heard we had a house, I imagined a pitiful collection of 2×4's making the boondock looking like a luxury.. but no, this house is so cozy and adorable. The view from our back porch is straight bayou, and it is so relieving to not worry about someone downstairs. Straight up, I can stomp and scream all I want, and nobody will come upstairs and berate me for my excitement. The couches are comfy,  the shower has some stellar power to it, and the amenities aren't too shabby. I definitely look forward to coming home to this house every night, which is not something I thought I would say, but I can.

•WE HAVE A MALIBU. Now, I've never been too picky with cars... but Chevy Malibus are an upgrade and a half for sure. We were driving a Ford Fusion over in Chalmette, and the Spanish Elders taunted us with their Malibu.. such a smooth ride, beautiful interior.. heck, when you're looking for the positives about life, you can find them anywhere.

So yes! That would be our week.. lots of new and exciting things coming our way, and I look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me. I'd like to give a huge shout out to everyone who prays for me back at home. I feel your love and support. BIG THANKS Y'ALL.  TALK TO YOU NEXT WEEK. ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU.

With grandiose goodness for the good people you are,

Elder Boyd

New Companion: Elder Sellers

Ward Crawfish Boil