"Thy faith hath made thee whole."

To some it is given to have faith to be healed; … to some is given the working of miracles. Sometimes I wonder what it must have felt like to have been the woman with, "an issue of blood." It was probably a stressful condition, frustrating and overwhelming at times, and I'm sure she had her moments where she had just about given up. Perhaps, in a moment of collapsed exhaustion, she found herself on the side of an alleyway, drowned in her sorrows and tears, without a hopeful tomorrow. I've felt like that at times. I'm sure we all have. I wonder if she was claustrophobic? She was surely surrounded by doubt and fear. I wonder what she was praying for that morning? She could've easily wavered in faith. I wonder if the Spirit had witnessed to her, through a comforting assurance, that everything would be okay? It's hard to compete with the uproar of a crowd... I wonder... Well, imagine her perspective. Reflective of her spiritual condition, she was huddled in a corner, avoiding the throngs of people before her. I'm sure many a publican, a friend, a coworker, passed her by in their pursuit for presupposed happiness and holiness; ironically neglecting the very ministering opportunity they had been praying for. And I'm sure with each passing bystander, her self esteem left with those who esteemed her to be, "a thing of naught." Now, all of these details, are circumstantial are they not? They involve the atmosphere, the interaction, the outward appearance. But we know, surely we know, that the Lord looketh not on the [circumstance] but on the [focus]. Sure she may have had dark surroundings, but I wonder how bright was her faith? She may have been passed by many, so-called "friends" but from whom was she truly seeking a relationship? Yes, it was hard for her to struggle with what she suffered with, and to settle for a less than desirable social and temporal condition...  but that struggle, that suffering, and that settling didn't stop her from, "knowing in whom she trusted." I think we overlook the character demonstrated in this story. It was no accident when, and for whom, she reached out. She knew who she was looking for. No matter her circumstance, her focus was riveted on the "hem of His garment." Not only was she looking for Him, but He was also looking for her. His character allowed him to look outwards.  While others were passing by, consumed with the inward focus, the Savior had the spiritual sensitivity to minister to one in need, by looking outwardly. This example of Christlike character is an eternal lesson I have learned this week, one that I will always remember, and forever strive to incorporate into my own character for the rest of my life. Looking outwards. I know that despite the drudgery of our circumstance, the radiance of our focus will allow us to access healing power and work many mighty miracles in the lives of others. A long introduction I know, but I am soaking up every sentence of this Gazette before my majestic return. So, sit back, enjoy, take an intermittent bathroom break if you need to, because we're about to dive into a deep edition of the GONZALES GAZETTE: CHAPTER FOURTEEN. 

I didn't want to make the introduction TOO long-- don't wanna scare off the publicans. So I'll just pick up where I left off...
In this encounter, there are two examples of Christlike character that can be demonstrated on both sides of a miracle. 

First, the woman:
Her focus was as bright as her faith. We've all heard President Monson correlate the brightness of our future to the quality of our faith-- and that is exactly where her focus came from. Some may have looked upon her, judged her, even compared her... without first ascertaining the quality of her faith. On the inside, she was radiant, not rugged, beautiful, not bruised, and faithful, not fallen. We too, in the midst of our difficulties, can reach out for the Savior and grasp our miraculous opportunities. We must be looking for Him, amidst the multitude. And as we do, we are promised, so often as we seek, we shall find... even Him. The outward miracle was the healing but the inward miracle was her conversion. By acting in faith, she demonstrated the quality of her focus and accessed the healing power of the Savior. When we are struggling we too can look outwards to find his arm "stretched out still." He will be looking for us. He will lift us to where he stands, he will restore us physically and spiritually, and reward our focus with an eternal perspective. It is the moment that we stop focusing on ourselves and start looking outwardly for Him that we find his healing garment. It is an attribute of Christlike character to glorify in heavenly help, to "look unto Him in every thought," and to focus on faith when we feel fallen. Her healing came not just in the resolution of her temporal condition but in the elevation of her immortal reality. She had faith in the garment, she was focused on the Savior, and she had focused in her circumstance. 

Second, the Savior: 
It has been said that:
Perhaps the greatest indicator of character is the capacity to recognize and appropriately respond to other people who are experiencing the very challenge or adversity that is most immediately and forcefully pressing upon us. Character is revealed, for example, in the power to discern the suffering of other people when we ourselves are suffering; in the ability to detect the hunger of others when we are hungry; and in the power to reach out and extend compassion for the spiritual agony of others when we are in the midst of our own spiritual distress. Thus, character is demonstrated by looking and reaching outward when the natural and instinctive response is to be self-absorbed and turn inward. If such a capacity is indeed the ultimate criterion of moral character, then the Savior of the world is the perfect example of such a consistent and charitable character. -Elder David A. Bednar
There was a multitude before Him, a mantle within him, and a miracle ahead of Him. As he always did, he forgot himself and went to work. Firmly rooted in his purpose,  "he went about doing good" looking outwardly in every opportunity. True Christlike character. And as Elder Maxwell has stated, "There would have been no Atonement except for the character of Christ." Likewise, without Christlike character in our lives, we cannot access the full power of the Atonement of Christ in our lives. Are we publicans with an intrinsic motive? Or will we be like the Savior and refine our faith through ministering to the individual? To quote Elder Maxwell again:
We, more than others, should carry jumper and tow cables not only in our cars, but also in our hearts, by which means we can send the needed boost or charge of encouragement or the added momentum to mortal neighbors.
Once we have looked outwards for the Savior, we must be the ministering hand and healing power that our brothers and sisters are reaching for. We must not be distracted by the obstacles ahead of us that we miss out on the opportunities below us. Sometimes we become so concerned with where we're headed, that we forget to live in the moment...to live intentionally...and to pay special attention to those who are reaching out for our healing power. It is in this principle that we can find and apply true perfection in our lives. The finishing touch of one's character is in how they have helped others to achieve exaltation-- one healing garment at a time. By looking outwards we can both experience the gift of being healed and working many miracles, just like the Savior. 


I have found great joy in the refinement of my character as I have tried this week to be more like Christ, and to look outwardly. In doing so, I too have seen many miracles...

In reflecting on my mission, I have seen miracles every day. This week those miracles came full circle. I watched as a missionary came into the missionary, full of enthusiasm and joy and love for the work that laid before her... I too was that missionary. I was edified and rejoiced in the reunion of my MTC companion, some of my greatest friends, and my most reputable colleagues. I couldn't help but think about how grateful I was to have such influential people in my life...As I watched the Book of Mormon videos, I saw much of myself, who I am, and who I was in the characters of some of my favorite stories. How some of my qualities have gone from a Lemuel to a Sam to Nephi! It was a moment to reflect upon how I too have become a Book of Mormon hero. I was able to witness the true fruit of conversion. In what was probably one of the most spiritual moments of my mission, I sat in the pew of a fast and testimony meeting as I witnessed the bearing of pure testimony from our recently converted friends. The true evidence and quality of their conversion were manifested over the pulpit. I was overpowered with joy. In reflecting on the opportunities I have been blessed with, the character I have developed, and the joy I have felt, I know that I have been called to serve for a reason. Sure, I may be the means of bringing about salvation in some soul... all the while it was my soul that was brought the saving grace. I know that the Lord is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in, and I have a firm and steadfast testimony of the restoration of His Gospel and kingdom here in these latter days. With great reflection comes even better resolution... It's not over yet-- and when it is, it still won't be over. I am no longer finishing strong, but continuing strong! There is still a work yet to do, and while I wear the name of Christ upon my chest, I am merely preparing to engrave his doctrine on the most inward parts of my heart. I love being a missionary and I will forever be one. What a blessed opportunity the Lord has given me this week, to reflect and rejoice. To quote one of my favorite scriptures... 
Yea, we see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil, and lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked-- (Helaman 3:29).
If anything, I have become a man of Christ as I have served him for the past 23 months, and will continue to be so as I serve him for the rest of my life. 

And... like sisters... we kinda sticky noted our apartment with reminders of these principles. SO YAY FOR THAT. And that was our week! A lot of service, a lot of growth, and a multitude of lessons learned... I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and everything that he is teaching me here at the conclusion of my full-time ministry. There have been times in my mission where I have been the one needing the healing... and there have been times where I have been the one performing the miracle. I can testify, brothers and sisters, that in both instances... I have felt the healing, enabling, and ennobling power of the Savior. He is the Great Physician, and it is through Him and his perfect example and character that I can hope to be anything of merit in the spiritual medical world. If we maintain our focus on the Savior he will bless us in our circumstance! I am grateful to live in the moment. I am grateful to be those outstretched arms... and to be those which hang hopelessly down. I find great comfort in knowing that for a man in Christ, this is not the end! I invite you all to look outwardly this week-- in preparation for General Conference, look for an opportunity to lift and to strengthen the feeble knees. The Lord is speaking to us through his prophet, and I know that if we look for Him... we will find that He was looking for us all along. I LOVE Y'ALL! WISH ME A GOOD FOUR WEEKS! Zone Conferences are starting up in preparation for the TEMPLE and we couldn't be more excited! HAVE A BLESSED WEEK EVERYONE! 

A little more whole through a little more faith,

Elder Boyd

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