The hardest thing I've ever loved to do.

And now I, [Elder Boyd], cannot write all the things which were taught among my [mission]; neither am I mighty in writing, like unto speaking; for when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.  And it is my humble prayer that the very Spirit that has guided, directed, comforted, taught, and inspired me throughout these two years, will convey to you in the sweet perfection of revelation just how much my mission has meant to me and how grateful I am to the Lord, Jesus Christ, for this opportunity to serve, minister, and represent Him. I glory in truth, I glory in plainness, I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul... I have charity for my people! The people of the South-- and great faith that I shall meet many souls spotless at his judgment-seat. But behold, for none of these can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ, and enter into the narrow gate, and walk in the strait path which leads to life, and continue in the path until the end of the day of probation. All ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good. And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding my weakness. And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day. In the words of my hero, my exemplar, and my Savior... I would that I might not drink this bitter cup; nevertheless, glory be to the Father as I [partake] and finish my preparations among the children of men here in the South. Welcome family, friends, and all those who have made it this far in the CHRONICLES, TALES, SCROLLS, VOLUMES, EDITIONS, AND GAZETTES-- today I make an abridgment of my record and seal it in heaven. I love you all-- welcome to the GONZALES GAZETTE: THE FINAL CHAPTER. 

I know that the Lord answers prayers. I know that when we ask Him, he will answer when we kneel, he will make us whole. For my humble prayer this week has been that the Lord might deliver me through the race that I have, "patiently run"-- looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of faith-- that he might seal upon me the knowledge that my servitude has been good and faithful. God answers prayers; and in these last days, I have found great joy in reflecting and rejoicing in the fruits of my labors. In this, my last full week, we have experienced pure heaven-- a true manifestation of love from heavenly parents. 

We have... 

  • Endured the "trial" of faith at court with our recently converted friends, who for the JOY before them endured their cross... of postponing another case to obtain the heritage of the Lord. Meanwhile, the Lord used us in allowing us to minister to those acquainted with grief, and starved of the bread of life. In opening the scriptures, we provided peace to a dejected congregation of wayfaring strangers. 
  • Toured the temple open house with our dear pastor friend from Macedonia, Elder Kevin R. Duncan of the Seventy, the Stake President and his wife, other local dignitaries (including Catholic diocese, baptist pastors, catholic charity ministers, and other brothers and sisters in Christ from the surrounding area). 
  • Been edified and rejoiced in the counsel from Elder James B. Martino of the Seventy in our mission leadership Council. Noteworthy nuggets including... "if it is to be, it is up to me" and "go to work, be obedient, and open your mouth, and the Spirit will attend you and the Lord will justify your words..." and lastly, "every person needs a friend in the church in order to progress." An exhilarating council indeed! And one that answered my prayers of how to be a disciple at home-- I must be the friend for the missionaries and it is up to me to hasten the member missionary work in my area! 
  • In one day... we passed out copies of the Book of Mormon, articles of faith cards, and family proclamation pamphlets at an interfaith community outreach event at the neighboring baptist congregation to the Church. There were 5+ pastors, including our Bishop in attendance, and everyone greeted us warmly as brothers and sisters. The pastor invited his congregation to the temple because it made him feel so "holy" and our Bishop spoke about introducing them to, "new things." Bridges were built, the vision of the south was fulfilled, and history was made. Virtually everyone accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon and referred to us solely as, "brothers and sisters." How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion shall lie down together without any ire... We then attended the temple with some of Elder Jones' recent converts (witnessing the harvest of the seeds we have planted throughout our missions in seeing familiar faces) and it literally felt like heaven; reconvening with loved ones on the Lord's ground. We conducted the baptismal service for our sweet friend and I was privileged to perform the ordinance; history was made as her ten-year-old younger brother and a beloved sister in the ward witnessed the baptism. We then attended the temple with their family, our recent convert friends and their family (remembering that when we first met them... we promised that if they read the Book of Mormon every day, they would have their kids back... and that day we witnessed them walk through the temple...with their kids) and the sisters who originally taught the family we baptized. And just when we thought we were done, at 10:30 that night someone knocked on our door asking if we would help them card the door they locked themselves out of-- One day. A day in heaven. A day of celestial joy. A day as a good and faithful servant. A day of finishing strong...
  • Said farewell to beloved Gonzales, the promised and holy land of milk and honey. These members will forever have a place in my heart, as have all the areas I have served in and the people I have served with. Gonzales is a special portion of the Lord's vineyard... as I gave my farewell testimony, I exhorted them to do the spiritual work necessary to access the potential to see miracles in their area! They are lead in love by one of the most remarkable men I have ever met... and they are truly a family away from home. Our beloved friend was also able to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost that day, to which she commented, "I feel so interesting, I feel so good, I feel so warm." And if that wasn't enough... we spent the evening at family dinner with the precious Varner family reminiscing in the miracles of the temple and the love we have for one another. 
A CELESTIAL WEEK, HUH? And that was merely the last seven days. The entirety of my mission, collectively, has been just as miraculous and wonderful. I have seen the hand of the Lord every day and his tender mercies have been upon us. As for the rest of my mission... 

I do not boast in my own strength nor in my own wisdom-- but I glory in my God, for in His strength I have been able to do all things. He hath been merciful unto us, from the creation of Adam, even down until the present time. Nevertheless, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel. My mission has been celestial-- by definition, Brother Brigham and Brother Joseph have described this word in such phrases as... 

"Men and women who obtain seats in the celestial kingdom will find that they have to battle every day." 

"If we cannot endure tribulations in this life, we cannot enjoy the celestial kingdom." 

Yes, brothers and sisters, my mission has been celestial. No, it has not been a paradisiacal breeze, exempt from challenges; but it has been a battle every day. I have been able to endure tribulation with joy, every day. I have learned that life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties. I have been challenged and changed, I have witnessed miracles and the beauty of revelation, I have been anxiously engaged in the best cause to put off the natural man and to become a saint through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I have tasted the fruits of conversion and OH how great has been my joy in the soul the repenteth! I have gloried in being an instrument in nail-scarred hands, inviting all men everywhere to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him! I have felt exceeding joy, even to the exhausting of my strength, both in times celestial... and times terrestrial. I have been blessed in all things, both temporally and spiritually, and been received into a state of never-ending happiness! This is my joy, my salvation, and my song... I have understood the Godhead and my relationship with Deity. I have treasured the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, fine-tuned my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and grown closer to and become more like my Savior Jesus Christ. I have found ultimate satisfaction and joy and peace in understanding the Atonement of Jesus Christ; that great doctrine that has carried me up hills and valleys for the name by which all men are saved. My desire to share the gospel has increased as I have walked the path of discipleship and lived the Gospel. I have acquired an unequivocal witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God-- and through its convincing power, I have found conversion, peace, and proximity to God. I too have felt to sing the song of redeeming love as I have seen these my brothers and sisters illuminated by the fullness of the everlasting gospel. Oh, that I were an angel and could declare repentance unto every nation-- that I could stay on my mission forever, that I may have the wish of mine heart (as that of John the Beloved) to spend the rest of my days in saying repentance unto this generation! Nevertheless, I sin in my desire... for I ought to be content with that which I am allotted, and grateful for these my brethren who in the depths of penitence have come to know Jesus Christ. 

And I would be nothing if it weren't for those who have helped me along the way. Foreordained friendships and celestial companions have been as a heavenly lighting bolt to the marble of my character. They have been the friends I was praying for and the ministering angels God knew I needed to help me to become the man he needed me to become. As is typical, I will include a mission review in this final edition, with a token of appreciation to those companions who have been comforters, instructors, and friends to me... 

E L D E R    B O Y D ' S    M I S S I O N:   O C T. 2 0 1 7 -  O C T. 2 0 1 9


Elder Wise (3 weeks)
Elder Wise has always been a great leader-- from MTC to being my zone leader in my final district-- I have always looked up to his diligence and maturity. His testimony of the Book of Mormon has inspired me my whole mission, and I will forever be grateful to have started my mission experience on the best foot with the best guy!

Elder Snedaker (3 weeks)
Elder Snedaker... little does he know, but his example of selflessness and servitude has carried me through most of my relationships with my companions. If I could only serve like, "Sneddy" (shining shoes, ironing shirts, making food) I would be one good man. He is so strong, so wise, and an example of Christlike service and ministering that I will always strive to emulate.

Elder Orison (trainer-- 12 weeks)

The best trainer I could ask for. Elder Orison taught me about the importance of obedience from day one, through the words of Elder Klebingat. Yea, I was born of goodly parents who taught me in all the ways concerning the Father. Elder Orison's diligence, consecration, work ethic, brilliance, and leadership laid the firmest foundation whereon I could build and become the missionary the Lord needed me to be. Remembering the lessons he taught me has helped me to endure with joy and to always put obedience before convenience. We must be our own peer pressure after all!

Elder Carter (greenie breaker--12 weeks)

Elder Carter is one of the most talented and wise friends I have ever made. His counsel helped me to find joy in the simple things in the midst of anxiety and the magnitude of responsibility. The way he ministered to my needs with compassion and charity has been a characteristic I have implemented whenever my companions have struggled. We not only wrote songs and books together (#SingingSunday) but we rewrote the history of Chalmette in tracting virtually every door in East New Orleans. Elder Carter is both tender and genuine and masterful and the most powerful teacher and counselor... Time spent with him was some of the greatest times of my life thus far. 

Elder Sellers (6 weeks)

The motto for this short time with Elder Sellers...was JOY! We saw miracles not because of our circumstances but because of our focus. And that focus was... JOY! We shared many good laughs, grew temporally and spiritually, and sifted through the elect to see miracles. Elder Sellers taught me not to stress in our short time together... I had a new responsibility and he really helped me to focus on the Savior. I was devastated to have spent such a short time with him... but we were promised that our, "golden companionship" would always be remembered...

Elder Spencer (6 weeks)

Elder Spencer. I don't think I've ever become friends with someone so quickly. Not only was this the beginning of a holy companionship in a holy land... but Elder Spencer taught me what a friend really feels like. He was creative in his missionary work-- a stalwart leader from the get-go-- and taught me much about befriending those we teach before we indoctrinate them. The memories we shared are ones I will always treasure... You don't get this feeling often-- but with him, I knew it was true... I had met him before. Our celestial time may have been short, but it was enough to create a lifelong friendship. He was a great trainer, who through love, hilarity, and the spirit... has molded the man I am today. 

Elder Cox (12 weeks)

Elder Cox. What an absolute legend of a man! If any of you lack confidence... let him ask of Elder Cox! Elder Cox instilled the principles of self-worth, reverent confidence, and humility in my calloused character. We grinded... he'll tell you that... and the fruits of our labors were aplenty. From biking in the extreme heat to enduring through cold feet... Elder Cox has always been a source of sincere friendship. I knew that we could do anything together-- even if he is much better than me at basketball. He trained me... and helped to make me the leader and father I am today. My future kids will have Elder Cox to thank for my fruits as a father in Zion! 

Elder Jones (12 weeks)

Whew-ee, what is there to say about Elder Jones. Quite frankly, the most humble, submissive, teachable, and courageous man I've ever met. From day one, I knew we could trust each other. Elder Jones was a type of Christ in my life as we continued to labor diligently in Slidell. Together, we overcame obstacles-- both emotional and spiritual-- and saw the fruits of joy in the details of our lives. He has been a great example of Christlike leadership to me. I too was once again trained by Him. Whenever I'm feeling prideful, or selfish, or discouraged... I just think to myself... "what would Elder Jones do?" And everything is okay. :) 

Elder Sellers (12 weeks)

THE GOLDEN COMPANIONSHIP ROUND TWO. We were both tempered blades in a refiner's fire. The only thing that exceeded the strength of our thighs, was the love and unity we had with one another. Vicksburg was a transitory time of my mission... and I couldn't have imagined anyone better to adjust. Elder Sellers continued to distill the doctrine of joy and peace in difficulty... "it's all in God's plan." Together we did very hard things-- and I think that is why we are so close to this day. Elder Sellers is the only companion I had twice... but quite frankly I wouldn't have requested anyone different. He is a true minister with a heart of gold, humility, and strength of a true friend, and a wonderful companion. 

Elder Tauraa (6 weeks)

I love all of my areas-- I really do. Each one has taught me something so indispensably remarkable in my life... but Clinton felt like Home (with a capital "H") from day one, and that is in large part because of Elder Tauraa. Immediately, we clicked. It was as if, we had been best friends through high school or something because our compatibility was heavenly. Elder Tauraa taught me about who I really am... from him I learned the essence of identity and priority. He was with me for a very divine reason-- and he knows that. The Lord saw fit to bring us together, so time and eternity could combine. With him, I found righteous habits, consistent discipline, and a forever friend, yet again. Definitely, someone you would watch the Book of Mormon videos with over and over again... I will always look up to Elder Tauraa. 

Elder McEntire (6 weeks)

My beloved McEntire. I only remember smiles with this, my dear friend. Elder McEntire is hopeful, optimistic, energetic, and a master of analogies. He elevated my teaching to entirely new heights! I felt like whatever plateau had come upon my discipleship, was triumphed over through his wisdom and experience. We had a genuinely good time together, working hard, and being ourselves. He too gave me the reverent confidence to be myself and to overcome my weakness of pleasing others. As a promised companion in a promised land, my mannerisms and character will always reflect the time I spent with my beloved friend, Elder McEntire. 

Elder Paul (6 weeks)

Talk about the weight of inadequacy, my time with Elder Paul pushed me through mountains. I learned of diligence, focus, the small and simple things, valiance, and hard work from this example of a companion. Elder Paul is one of the hardest workers I have ever met-- he truly loves those he teaches, he is accountable to obedience and is penitent enough to admit to his weaknesses. Elder Paul taught me a thing or two about laboring with all of my heart, might, mind, and strength. With him, I saw more miraculous events than at any time of my mission! From testifying in baptist churches, to changing lives through missionary promises, and being in the right place at the right time... I will forever be appreciative of the satisfaction I felt and the diligence that was instilled through my time with Elder Paul. 

Elder Jones (12 weeks)

And last, but certainly not least, my beloved Elder Jones. I'm not gonna lie, being companions with Elder Jones was the answer to a consistent prayer throughout my mission! We have followed each other around for the entirety of these two years... from the good ole' Chalmette days, to being Zone Leaders in Slidell, and enduring through the refinery of Monroe, I have always looked to Elder Jones as one of my very best friends, someone of a special potential, and someone whom I wouldn't mind ending my mission with. Being companions with him was a dream... come... true. The seminal seeds of this celestial companionship will remain forever ingrained in my mind and my heart. He has left an indelible legacy in my life! We were meant to be together. Elder Jones is one of the most Christlike people you will ever meet... he is the purest example of charity, meekness, humility, valiance, hopefulness, faith, virtue, kindness, longsuffering... I could literally just list the fruits of the spirit and refer to Preach my Gospel chapter 6 and call it Elder Jones. I cannot simply enumerate or express the appreciation I have for this beloved best friend of mine. We know it isn't over yet-- we have many future experiences in store-- but for those of you who see glimpses of Christ in my character... you have Elder Jones to thank. This brother in Christ has made me the man I am today. He has taught me how to love... others, myself, and God. He has sealed my reverent confidence. Together we have overcome things of the flesh and the spirit, weaknesses, Satan, and the beguiling disguises of the adversary. He has been the greatest example to me and a clear indicator of my Heavenly Father's love. I love Elder Jones. I wouldn't have wanted to end my mission in any other way. 

Thankfully... it isn't over til' it's over... and it's never over. This isn't goodbye... but a see you later alligator (get it cuz we're in the South). 

And of course, I cannot forget the Varners... I include the excerpt from a former email in appreciation for all they've done for me:

In the words of Elder Gong when he came to minister to the missionaries at our mission conference in January... 
"Some of you are called to the mission because there are people here prepared for you to teach and to bring into the fold, some of you were sent here for your companions, some of you were sent here for the experiences the South would yield and contribute to your character, some of you were called to repentance, some of you were called to declare repentance, and some of you were even called... for the sole reason that it was the Lord's commandment... but most of you were called to the Mission President and his wife. To those select few, you weren't just called to a mission-- you were called to a mission president." 
Elder Gong's words pierced me to the very core... "that one is me" my Spirit whispered. Actually, ALL of them are me. :) But most especially, I have experienced the wisdom, grace, love, power, and foreknowledge of the Lord in sending me to the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission, in large part, because of President and Sister Varner. Yes, I have had the best companions (shoutout to the Boyd posterity) and yes, I have left the debris of my inmost affection on the streets of Louisiana and Mississippi; these people have my heart, this place is my holy land, and the Lord has certainly called me to serve, where I've needed to serve. Yes, I've been called to repent and to declare repentance, to carve my character through the challenges and opportunities of Christlike struggles... but greater than they all, I was called to know, to love, to trust, and to cherish the Varner's. A mission is a very special concept--- the Lord takes you at what is presumably the most selfish part of your life and tells you not to think of yourself. To me, that is why I have never been happier, that is why I have experienced a fullness of joy, and that is why I sin in my desire to be an angel forever and to declare repentance at the sound of a trump! Amidst this selfless assumption however, He blesses you with the Godhead as your constant companion, and with second parents who reflect the Savior's love and trust. You know what they say, "you practice what you preach..." and I can think of no greater embodiment of this principle than the Varner's. They are the greatest missionaries among us, always on the Lord's errand, constantly ministering, the purest examples of leadership and charity, and truly the express image of heavenly parents in an earthly circumstance. They have helped me realize who I am, endowed me with the joy, talents, and capacities that I know will help me for the rest of my life, and helped me to feel what it truly means to be a child of God. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Varner's, and having worked so closely with them these past few months, I can honestly say that I know they were foreordained to be in my life. Oh what JOY this sentence gives, I have most definitely served in the mission meant for me! I know that we are called to serve... but in serving, I have found Him; and with Him and through the Varner's, everything else. 

And a special thank you to those along the way! Members, converts, investigators, loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances, pastors, preachers, evangelists, and so forth... you have all made me the missionary, man, and disciple I am today. I love each of you with as perfect of love as my imperfect frame can offer. 

To all the ends of the earth, the isles of the sea, and the remote village... let me close with my most precious possession; my testimony. One that has grown, developed, and been cultivated over these two years... I can finally say that I KNOW, with complete confidence, that these things are true. I couldn't always say that... perhaps it was a mere belief... or a thought.. but now, I know. I KNOW that Jesus is the Christ. I testify as one of his duly ordained apostles that he is the Savior and Redeemer of the World, that he suffered in the garden of Gethsemane, died on the cross, and rose on the third day that we might have life... and that we might have it more abundantly. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on Earth today. I know that there were apostles anciently and there are apostles today. We are lead today by a modern-day Moses, even, President Russell M. Nelson. I know that he is the Lord's prophet in these last days! I also know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know that he saw what he said he saw... I know it and God knows it... therefore I cannot deny it. I know that he translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God-- I know that man can get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book. I know that greater joy and peace lie within its pages and that if we prayerfully read it each and every day, we will make better decisions every day. I know that God speaks to us today! I know that each of us are children of heavenly parents who love us unconditionally. I know that the Lord is hastening His work in the dis[pensation of the fullness of times. I know that missionary work... works! If you go to work, are obedient, and open your mouth, you will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and God will justify what you have to say! I know that this work is the Lord's work! I know that weak things can be made strong through humility and obedience. I know that as we live the Gospel, we will find enduring joy. I know that if we keep the commandments and covenants of God, we will be blessed in all things both temporally and spiritually. I know that the temple is literally the house of the Lord and I know that families can be together forever. I know that the power of God is on the Earth today to seal and heal family relationships, that they might be perpetuated beyond the grave. I know that my mission has blessed my life forever and that every decision will be influenced by these short two years I have spent in the service of God. I have given up something I dearly loved to the God I have loved even more, and he has never forgotten me for it. I know that when we give our lives to Christ, he makes a lot more out of us than we can on our own! I know.... that God loves us. We are His children and he wants us to return Home! I encourage each of you within the sound of my voice to experiment upon the word. Read the Book of Mormon and pray about it-- choose today to be a covenant keeper in the Lord's church, do the spiritual work necessary to attain exaltation with your family. Time is running out...And I know that my mission does not end here-- the Lord still has a work for me to do. I am excited to see my family, I am excited to attend the temple, and to build the Lord's kingdom with a nametag on my heart. I love the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him, I give all the glory for all that I am and all that I've done. I'd like to say my mission has been my gift to Him... but it truly has been His gift to me. A gift I will forever be grateful for. I know all these things by the power of the Holy Ghost which is in me. ..

And I (Elder Boyd) know that the Lord God will consecrate my prayers for the gain of my people. And the words which I have written in weakness will be made strong unto them; for it persuadeth them to do good; it maketh known unto them of their fathers; and it speaketh of Jesus, and persuadeth them to believe in him, and to endure to the end, which is life eternal.  

And I saw that I must soon go down to my grave, having been wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy unto this people, and declare the word according to the truth which is in Christ. And I have declared it in all my days, and have rejoiced in it above that of the world.
And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. 
And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God (Ferndale WA), until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead. 
And with that, I bid you all adieu. It's been a joyful ride-- thanks to all who have made it this far *celestial fist bump*. I encourage you all to catch me in the Resurrection when I am perfect enough to completely explain just how much my time here in the Louisiana Baton Rouge mission has meant to me. Only, can I truly express the greater part in which I feel. ALWAYS REMEMBER ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!! And Brother Boyd will still love y'all! 

The man of Christ, soon to be referred to as, "Brother Boyd"

It's been the best two years,

Elder Boyd

This Week's Pics:

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