That awkward moment when a general authority blows your mind...

Or should I say, "that absolute spiritual FEAST of a moment when a general authority unfolds the doctrines of the kingdom and reveals the mysteries of godliness in what was perhaps four hours in literal heaven. I feel like I saw a pillar of light, exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun-- and as it descended gradually... I got slapped in the face with the largest in stature spirit-- and that spirits' name was Elder Vern P. Stanfill of the Seventy. I testify that God's anointed walk the Earth today and their fruits are some of the most jam-packed, delicious, and exceedingly awesome goodness you are ever gonna get. It's time for some virtue vitamins and miracle minerals, as we partake together of the sweet Stanfill spirit in the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER NINE. 

Before I rave about the man, myth, and legend himself-- let's talk a little bit about caterpillars. 

A few weeks ago (probably last week with all this mission fog) I shared some thoughts about progression. We are all little engines that can and will-- but we must believe we can and believe in the conductor to chug along the covenant path. Well, in a similar spirit, God has blessed me with more metaphors, analogies, and wisdom regarding the matter of change and eternal progression. 

That's where the caterpillars come in.

I've been thinking a lot about caterpillars lately, which might be odd to say-- considering I have no degree in insectology. But I think we have a lot to learn about these fine and fuzzy creatures. 

Do you think a caterpillar knows what he can become? 

Does a caterpillar just look in the mirror and think, "I'm gonna be a butterfly?" 

Or does the caterpillar get discouraged from the grounds' point of view, wondering if he'll ever be anything more than what he is now? 

Have you ever felt like a caterpillar? Have you ever lost faith in what you have the power to become? Do you realize who you really are and what you can truly do with your life? We are entitled to change. We just... need to welcome the process. 

Caterpillars, as we all know, are far different from butterflies. Both in the mode of travel, in beauty, in cool factor-- butterflies are obviously superior. But how does our little fuzzy friend make the transition? How does a caterpillar become a butterfly?

Darkness. Opposition. Faith. The cocoon. 

While in the cocoon I wonder what thoughts race through the head of the caterpillar. "I shouldn't have done this... I made a's too dark for me to see who I truly am." What's on the other side of that darkness, little friend? Your destiny. Your conversion. A beautiful butterfly. 

Likewise, we have our times in the darkness. Sometimes the best people have the worst circumstances because they are the readiest to learn. We have our uncertainties, but the very change we are so afraid of is also the VERY CHANGE THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN TO HELP US ACHIEVE OUR POTENTIAL AS CATERPILLARS. What happens in the head of the caterpillar that motivates him to want to become a butterfly? He has to come to a realization that what he is, will not fulfill his expectations of what he wants. Who he wants to become is who he really is-- but it takes faith in the process and in the darkness to do so. 

We have our own cocoons. We have our trials and our tribulations. But I testify that if YOU want to grow wings to fly, you have to be willing to give up being a caterpillar. You have to want to be a butterfly so bad that you're willing to sit in the darkness of what you were and endure to the light of what you can become. Then, you'll fly! You'll look down below at all the finely chiseled creatures and think, "I'm so grateful for my time as a caterpillar... that I can truly appreciate being a butterfly." It's hard to be a caterpillar-- and it's hard to be a butterfly, but the change is always worth it. 

Do you realize what you can become?
Are you grateful for your cocoons? 

We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. It is our divine mandate to progress and become like Him-- but we can't do that without the metamorphic change of repentance and faith in the darkness. If you truly believe you can fly, you will-- but you must also be willing to abandon who you are for what God knows you can become. Now is the time to lay hold on your mansion in heaven, to have hope in your glorious destiny, and to grow wings to fly! 

Just another thought on progression... just know, you are changing every day! You are progressing and if you keep choosing the right, you will BE the butterfly God needs you to be. 

Okay, apart from analogies of progression, most of this week was really spent outside of our area. We spent a full four days on exchanges both in Jackson and in Baton Rouge, and that made for one VERY stressed "parent" of investigators! However, I know that God watches over our people... he is anxious to bless them according to our faith and good works. 

When we arrived back in town late Saturday evening, I was filled with stress and anxiety. Do you ever have those weeks where you have planned out your week of all the things you NEED to do and then somehow you don't get anything accomplished on your to-do list? Well, for you and me both, I know that in those times where our plans don't seem to be going our way, if accompanied by the spirit, we are entertaining much better plans than we could have ever dreamed of. As I knelt down in humble supplication Saturday evening, pleading with the Father, "Please let us see miracles at church." A humble prayer offered by a very exhausted missionary. Now, I'll tell you, the next day wasn't the most miraculous event of an investigator party in the congregation. No, all of our people did not show up... and no, those who we were expecting weren't able to make it-- but does that mean we were exempt from the miracles of God? NO. Sat next to me in the pew was a returning member family who we had been working with for months, and across the row were two of our most progressing people. Now, did God have plans for us that we may not have made ourselves? Yes. And hey, we were doing VERY GOOD things while we were away from our area-- three baptismal interviews and a spiritual feast of gospel goodness included. So, let this be a message to you all who seem to be in situations where not everything goes, "as planned." God has a plan for you. He knows you. And if you're living a righteous life, and following the spirit... you may very well be a part of a much better plan than you could even imagine. 

And NOW, the moment you've been waiting for... 

Coming in at (a presumed estimate) 6 feet plus, and an undetermined amount of large-in-stature spiritual weight-ness-- his horses are almost as strong as his spirit and he might as well be a dragon with the amount of fire he spits...


What an honor of a weekend. I always love learning at the feet of general authorities-- they are truly inspired men. This past weekend we were pleased to enjoy a mission leadership council with the one and the only: Elder Stanfill. He talked about everything...and even more precious he answered our individual questions. As he approached the stand something didn't sit right...until suddenly he said, "I want to shake each of your hands and look into your eyes." It was a special moment for sure. I took a scroll worth of notes, but for the sake of space and the spirit, I'll only share a few tidbits of the feelings and impressions I received as we were counseled by this great man: 

•revelation is learned and earned; it is a trust relationship
•your mission is a sanctifying process- you are partners in exaltation. 
•we are saviors of men-- God loves and trusts us enough to share the sacred title of the Redeemer.
•the doctrine of Christ is the process of salvation. 
•to access God's power we must swallow our will in his, apply gospel principles, and evaluate ourselves with honesty. 
•the best expression of our love for God is to take care of his children. 
•he knows your heart. 

And at the end of it all, in a spirit of humility and sweet joy, he said, "your sacrifice is accepted, now go to work."

The feelings I felt this day cemented what I have always expressed and believed. I love being a missionary and I know that the church I represent is the church of Jesus Christ. I know that revelation is essential to salvation and that if we are to become who God needs us to be we must align our will with his and yolk ourselves with him. What a sweet experience to learn from Elder Stanfill-- I testify that he is both a physical and a spiritual giant and that he did reveal unto us the Lords will concerning the Louisiana Baton Rouge mission! 

Well y'all! That'll be it for me this week! I hope yall have a blessed week. You are a butterfly...remember that. Embrace the change within you! Without Christ, we would all be caterpillars forever but because of him, we can eventually learn how to fly. Don't worry about things that are out of your control! God has great plans for you... even if those plans are to learn from Montana miracle men! I know this church is true and I testify of God's love for all of us-- whether you are a caterpillar, in a cocoon, or a progressing butterfly, God knows and loves you! HAVE A GREAT WEEK YALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!!

With anticipation for the changes yet to come,

Butterfly (Elder) Boyd

This Week's Pics:

 Note from Mama Boyd: Last Personal Day, Elder Boyd told me that he wanted to make Coconut Lime Chicken Curry for everyone in his District (maybe it was Zone??). Together we found the right recipe.  We talked about how to make it, put together a shopping list, and this is the results of Elder Boyd's efforts (I'm VERY impressed! I was also told, "It was REALLY good."):

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