In sickness and in health,

No, I'm not getting married, but gratefully death didn't do us apart. This week was an intense influenza frenzy. From tissues to teaching appointments and cough drops to commitments-- the healing balm of the Saviors Atonement and Burts Bee's helped us to endure the angry allergies and the vicious viruses of the season! However, amidst all the symptoms and sickness-- I couldn't help but think of those who are spiritually sick. How devastating it would have felt if I had stewed in my sinuses with no foreseeable recovery? How awful it would have been had I not known a physician or tasted the sweet relief of Halls cough drops? If I had just been sick... and stayed sick... with no help, cure, or care. Sadly, we are surrounded by those affected with the sickness of Satan-- and some don't know the directions to the hospital. We are all sick in our own way, but with the Great Physician, we can be made whole again and help our fellow patients to be healed all the same! Yes, maybe a bit delirious and drugged-- but very happy to be here-- welcome to the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER FIVE. 

Fun fact: sickness cannot prevent miracles. 

What a beautiful truth! Despite having my brains clogged with mucus, my heart was filled with the spirit! I can testify firsthand that our God is aware of our physical being-- and when we choose to put him first in our sicknesses and infirmities, the power he adds to our efforts will bring both physical and spiritual healing! 

For example: though it may not be wise to go tracting in the swampy Southern humidity with a slight fever-- God can still use us-- 100° and all-- and he WILL use his squeaky instruments to further his will. 

One particular day this week, we got up extra early-- which for a strict schedule missionary is saying something-- and drove ourselves two and a half hours down the road to see a physician down the bayou-- only to drive two hours back and have eight hours of a day under our belt. Not to mention, the sickness squadron had already started accumulating-- and this particular day was one with extra heat. So, you can imagine, the last thing on our minds was, "tracting." But, as we two faithful Elders pulled out from the church parking lot, we whipped out our Book of Mormon (stalled in the middle of the road mind you) and read the following nugget of motivation: 

Now have we not reason to rejoice? 

Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name.
Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a branch of the tree of Israel, and has been lost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land.
Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen (Alma 26: 35-37).

With fire under our pants and snot in our nostrils, we prayed and both felt the prompting to knock doors in a very specific area! Not gonna lie, I was dying on the inside, but living for Christ on the outside. It was a great feeling. 

Door after door. Knock after knock. The sweat intensified and we found ourselves with dirty knuckles and at the foundation of failure-- that was, until (all these stories have an until don't they) we approached one of the last houses on the street. 

The following experience is true and should stand as a testimony that God is aware and MINDFUL of his children; he knows their names and is ever conscious of their needs. We as his missionaries are lucky enough to be on the frontlines of the execution. 

Before we walked up to the door, a name popped into my head, "Lijah" the voice whispered. Feeling confident it was the spirit, I said the name out loud before we approached the door. Two smiling faces opened right up and recognized us as the "funny looking guys on the bicycles"- a very true assumption! After talking for a little bit their mother came around and told us that though she was a faithful teacher in her church and her husband was a pastor, that maybe we would find success knocking everywhere else because, as she put it, "these parking lots are full on Sunday Mornings." Naturally, we took her suggestion as a referral for the whole neighborhood. Before we bid our jaunty farewells, they introduced themselves--

"What was your name?" 



And the last one with such power and tender mildness it did pierce to the very soul...

"My name is Lijah." 

I knelt down and looked at this little man and said, 

"Lijah, I hope you know that God knows you and loves you." 

And walked away. 

The next few houses weren't necessarily "fruitful" but we pressed forward through the midday blues-- the second to last door we knocked on happened to be one of the happiest people I had ever met! I mean, we knew we were sent here to find someone, so we figured the optimistic bundle of happiness and joy at the end of the street was the fulfillment of the prompting-- little did we know what God had in store for the next door.

We decided, okay, God has been merciful enough-- and we couldn't stop praising him honestly, the glory was his-- we should show that we're willing to finish what we started, so we knocked one final door. Once again, the immediate goodness of the light of Christ propelled from that room to the deep parts of my soul. She who answered had a countenance like the Southern sun and a smile to swoon the dentist of all dentists! But not only that-- she had been through some hard times recently with a medical diagnosis, her sister had been diagnosed with cancer, she was a single mother of a newborn baby, and - get this - she was taught by missionaries 20 years ago and has been looking for them ever since. 

What more can I say?

Our God is a God of miracles

The adrenaline of the spirit is real and so is our all-knowing God. 

And miracles exist-- especially for the sick. 

Another beautiful highlight this week came from testimony meeting. If you've never experienced an earthquake of emotion... just wait for the conducting member of the bishopric to sit down from bearing his testimony in a meeting... and watch in awe as a colony of kiddos march their way up to the pulpit to share their convictions in Christ. Most notably; however, were the patterns in what they chose to share. It is my rationale that a pure testimony is one shared by that of little children. Christ commands, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Our testimonies should reflect the same. 

Pure doctrine from this weeks meeting: 

"I know that my family loves me."

"I know that we are sealed together."

"I know that the church is true." 

Do you know that your family loves you? I'd never thought of that as a testimony, but it's true. And yes I do, my family loves me more than anyone has loved anything; you can't change my mind-- they come near to the Savior's love and reflect the pure love of Christ. Do you know that families can be sealed together through Heavenly Father's plan? Do you know that the church is true? I encourage you if you don't and if you lack wisdom; ask of God! Ask him what he thinks about His church, he'll let you know. Prove him now herewith and I promise the answer will come and will give you a greater idea of just how much your family loves you and how real our Father's plan can be for you. 

I too know this church is true, I know that my family loves me, and I know that through Priesthood power families can be sealed eternity for time and all eternity. 

We had a cottage meeting this week-- a super Family Home Evening here in the South-- where we roleplayed the lost sheep in "Come Follow Me", played mafia and an atrociously confusing combination of numbers and rituals called, "Big Buddha", and the people we were teaching came! In fact, the biggest miracle of the night was when one of them said, "next week we do this at my house." SHE'S HOSTING A COTTAGE MEETING. Road to conversion here we come. :) 

And lastly-- I hope you all know that angels are watching over you. This has kinda been a theme for me and Elder Tauraa (who is an incredible companion by the way, who I can't say enough about, who teaches and loves and cares like no other, and has a spirit to shake the mountains) this week. 

When we are sick, He will heal us. We are his on-call physicians and he will use us to heal others! We are the miracles that can uplift someone's day. God knows us, he knows our names, and he inspires those around us to tend to our needs! I testify that his other sheep-- even if they've been lost for 20 years-- are important, loved, and essential to our perfection! We without them cannot be made perfect, neither can they without us. So, if you're feeling sick-- take heart. The Great Physician is on your side, he has a remedy in store, and his miracle medicine is awaiting you! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

A happily healed miracle,

Elder Boyd

This Week's Pics:

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