Therefore, go into your homes and ponder--

BECAUSE WE HAVE RECEIVED THE WORD OF THE LORD. You know how President Oaks referenced the good decisions of our lives, in contrast, to be the better and best ones? Well, I wish to liken this to the spiritual smackdown we received this weekend. Front row tickets to the Superbowl: good. A seat in the nosebleed section of the gladiator arena in the Roman Coliseum: better. SPITTING DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE MODERN DAY MOSES AND HIS FELLOW BUDDIES IN ISRAEL: BEST. No, I wasn't there in person- I wasn't close enough to feel the spit... but I was in the proximity of the spirit, and I must say that is greater than any touchdown or severed Roman appendage. My spirit was hungry, and I feel spiritually fed-- oh and Clinton is the celestial kingdom on Earth-- I can't wait to tell y'all (yes, Clinton is still the south) about it in a new edition... even... the CLINTON EDITION: CHAPTER ONE. 

*grab your popcorn ladies and gentleman because the prophet of the Lord has spoken... and Clinton is in the Lord's vineyard*


At the rate of how warm the welcome has been here, I am absolutely astonished that President Nelson did not announce a temple here in good ole 'sip! Nevertheless, I sustain that man, myth, and legend and feel nourished by the good word of God's servants! I hope everyone's feast was equally as satisfying-- to you all I echo the words of Elder Rasband and the resurrected Lord, "go ye into your homes and ponder."

The temple may be the house of the Lord- but your home can be a temple for the Lord. Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness. Come Follow Me was actually an initiative from the Lord to elevate the homes of Zion to temples for the Lord. If your home is a temple-- you need not fear-- for Zion will not be a place that you retreat, but will be in the comfort of your own home. Your home can represent the pure in heart, can yield inspiration and revelation, and be a place where the spirit can comfortably reside and testify of truth. The home is the best place to prepare for the temple. You might ask yourself, what questions might be on my current *home* recommend? What must I have to qualify for the spirit in the home, how can my home be a temple for the Lord, and what are the necessary steps that I must take to prepare to go to the temple, through the home? Did not the leaders of the church emphasize the simultaneous importance of both temple and home? There is a divine relationship there if you will look for it. I can personally testify as a lover of the temple, that preparation begins in the home. The home is the ultimate TTC, Temple Training Center. If President Nelson says, "we regard the temple as one of the most sacred structures in the church... it becomes part of our sacred history" then maybe we should think likewise about our homes. The home is one of the most sacred structures in the family... and as it becomes as the temple... it too becomes part of the sacred history of your posterity.

So yeah, Clinton already feels a bit like home and the temple, so I think we're off to a good start. The members here have name-tags written on their hearts, which is probably one of the best things anyone can say about any member of the church. The goal of a successful representative of Christ is to be a referable missionary. Surely, if members can trust you with their friends, you are aptly emulating the ultimate friend, even, the Savior himself. On a side note, you are never more like the Savior then when you are a friend. And if trust is one of the best things anyone can give someone... then in order to be referable missionaries, you must BE one of the best things you can give someone; you must be as the Savior. Christlike members give the best referrals-- and I think we have the cream of the crop here in the Clinton kingdom. Already, the work is hastening. In under a week, I think we've received a temple square sister tithing blessing; for there is not room enough to receive the referrals that have been bestowed upon us. It is a testament to the love of Christ and the great blessings that come to those who are willing to change. For those of you out there going through big adjustments in your life-- remember the spiritual nature of change. All things shall work together for your good- remember? The best promise of the Gospel is that... in the end... he will, "wipe [the tears] from [your] eyes... and there shall be no more pain. We're just enduring to the second coming, enduring to Christ, and enduring to eternal joy. There is so much in store for those who are challenged and changed by their challenges. 

Elder Tauura is quite the man, myth, and legend himself. If you're looking for the most enthusiastic, competitive eater, with a fantastic testimony, a golden heart, and the love of a thousand stripling warriors-- he's your man. Not only is he training me, but together we have already learned so much. Honestly, Polynesians are everything they're cracked up to be. He has taught me so much about love, service, friendship, and diligence in the short time we have been together. I can't wait to see what God will do through both of us as he accelerates his work here in the blessed portion of his Mississippi vineyard.

We've already seen so many miracles-- forget holy water, the beverages here are dosed up with miracle minerals. It is such a blessing to be called to serve-- that no matter where you go, the Gospel is still true, and the Lord is still in charge. I'd have to say, this District is already making big changes to give these people a healthy dose of their virtue vitamins and miracle minerals. I already love everything so much and I know that things can only get better-- cause at this point, it's just the extension of Christ, and with him ALL things are possible. 

And if you didn't know before... now you do. :) 

Out of everything most impressive about Conference, I must say most of all were the manifestations from the spirit that this church is true. Everything said- testified of Christ. They were His words through His servants. Every question I went into conference with, came out answered. It's like the ultimate vending machine-- except instead of 25 cents, I put prayer to the test, and instead of a bag of Doritos, God loaded that outbox with the blessings of heaven. I hope you all felt God's love through his anointed servants-- I know I did. Here are not a few things that I heard, but a few things I felt as I listened in this weekend: 

There is great importance of the immediate blessings of the Gospel-- God may not provide an immediate answer, but he will give an immediate assurance that he is there. 

Don't limit yourself- and most importantly, don't limit Christ. 

That which matters most lasts the longest. 

There is no external force that can separate us from God if our inner commitment is to follow Christ. 

Well y'all, that oughtta be this weeks' edition. Remember: the temple isn't forty five minutes away... it's in your living room. It's in those sweet moments that you share as a family as you ponder the words of Christ. it's in the everlasting influence righteous habits and spiritual yearnings can have on a firm foundation. It's in late night bible bedtime stories... and the bliss of an edifying family home evening. The temple can be found in the small decisions and simple opportunities that happen in the home. Home can be a heavenly place-- and that begins with your relationship and commitment to worship Christ in your families. I'd encourage you all to be Christlike members and referable missionaries alike! Be a friend to those around you and I promise that the opportunities will come-- every member a missionary, and every missionary a converted member! I testify that we are lead by God's leaders. God is at the head of his church. I know with all of my heart-- both in a temporal and spiritual sense and from every perspective imaginable-- that President Nelson is a prophet of the Lord. Throw away those Coliseum tickets and that Super Bowl seat... and come, listen to a prophet's voice. If you have questions, doubts, fears, insecurities, afflictions, temptations.. or are just in a simple search for truth-- go to, type in, "General Conference" and listen... I promise that your questions will be answered, your doubts and fears will flee, your insecurities will be resolved, your afflictions will be lightened, and your temptations will cease. Have that experience with God-- he is waiting-- but are you willing to ask, seek, knock, and watch? HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

Your favorite conference fan-boy,

Elder Boyd

This Week'sPics:

Elder Boyd's newest companion: Elder Tauraa

Poor Elder.  Phone screen shattered.  Elder Tauraa missed his pocket by just a little bit. 😔

Saying goodbye to Elder Sellers this week...

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