Do you ever just want to spank Satan?

Sometimes, in the hills of our life, Satan purposefully puts our bikes of mortality in the eighth gear going uphill. And JUST when we think we've come out on top, he puts us in the first gear on the downslope-- and it seems like we just can't effectively get anywhere we want to go. However, for the sake of this analogy, we must remember that we never bike alone. Surely, our foot may be pedaling on the right side, but the Savior is certainly chugging along with us on the left. Sure, we might be in the eighth gear, but biking uphill is much easier when you have a cycling companion; especially when that companion is perfect... and with resurrected leg strength! He eases the burdens that are placed upon our thighs-- he turns an eighth gear enigma into a first gear miracle! He is pedaling with us-- and no matter how difficult Satan tries to make those hills, the Savior has suffered thigh expenditure to enable us to go where no mortal thigh can go. THIS IS REAL. Especially when biking isn't just a metaphor. :) Satan is real but more importantly, so is Jesus. And we learned that firsthand this week... SO, without further ado, we enjoy a colder, but just as blessed, edition of the VICKSBURG VOLUMES: CHAPTER EIGHT. 

It's cold here, but the Gospel is true so I can't complain. As a matter of fact, we have found great warmth through the companionship of the Spirit! I testify that the influence of the spirit is irreplaceable to us as missionaries-- allow me to tell you one of the cooler experiences that happened to us this week.

Preach My Gospel encourages us to remember:
Learn to rely on the Spirit to show you where to go, what to do, and what to say.
And we are promised that a sure fruit of a successful missionary is one who, "
[Lives] so that [they] can receive and know how to follow the Spirit, who will show you where to go, what to do, and what to say.

It is a direct assurance from him whose work this is that he will, "go before [our faces]" and prepare the work before us. I stand as a witness that this preparatory promise is real; especially when it comes to the labors of long-winded legs in the hills of Vicksburg. I testify that Jesus Christ walks the vineyards of Vicksburg, that this is His work, and that we have experienced firsthand this week the miracle of his divine preparation. 

We were biking to an appointment, in a casual fifth gear, when suddenly as we were topping one of the many hills of the day, I felt undeniably prompted to check up on one of our people we were passing by on the way. As the prophet Joseph received in a revelation regarding unplanned opportunities, I too didn't want to, " move swiftly . . . whilst the inhabitants on either side are perishing in unbelief." This is one of my greatest fears as a missionary: to miss out on a prompting or an opportunity to share the Gospel. Thankfully, that day I was a first responder, and together we (me and Elder Sellers) ventured to fulfill this prompting. It wasn't ten seconds after we hooked up our bikes that I realized we weren't there for that appointment-- rather, God had scheduled another visit for us, and we were just in a position to make it on time. It was then that I saw a young couple moving some heavy furniture and before I could say a word, the Spirit had already articulated what I needed to say, 

Now, remember the Spirit will not only help us know where to go but also what to do and what to say. Before I recognized the situation as a divine design I had already offered our help and had my pasty arms wrapped around a futon. No sooner than I gripped the furniture did the man holler up to his wife, "HONEY, GOD HAS SENT US TWO FINE GENTLEMAN TO HELP." This family was not only familiar with the church but to quote the husband, "we were looking for a gospel to focuses on joy." IS THAT NOT THE TRUE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST? President Varner basically inhales, "joy" and exhales, "miracles" so we were prepared to testify of the joyous blessings and miracles of the restored Gospel. We made a follow-up appointment to teach his wife and their five kids-- and thanked God that evening that our repentance was sufficient to receive the promptings of the Lord. This couple was prepared by the Lord, and I am so grateful that they didn't miss out on an opportunity to receive the restored Gospel. I learned a bit about one of my best friends that day... the Spirit should be our favorite companion

This man recognized our, "coincidence" in being there as nothing short of divine design. Coincidence is just God's way of remaining anonymous. You'll find a direct correlation between your qualifications for the companionship of the spirit and the coincidences in your life-- if the Holy Ghost is the will of God then to submit to the will of the Lord is to qualify for the spirit. 

It was a huge compliment to be blessed with this opportunity-- as it should always be when we are found partakers of the divine design. When we are living worthily God will entrust us to be his hands and feet on the Earth. When we tune in our spiritual frequencies to the wavelength of the Lord, he will guide our paths and prepare the way before us. 

This week we also experienced something very common in daily life as an Elder: opposition. The circumstances of this week allowed me to reflect on the doctrine behind this eternal principle and the positive benefits it can have in our life? "Positive opposition?" Why yes, random citizen-- yes, indeed. 


One of the people we have been teaching lately has been struggling to overcome some addictions he's had for a while. He experienced a few slaps from Satan this week as he has been preparing for baptism, and ultimately succumbed to the promptings of Satan. Pre- Elder Boyd, would have mourned and lamented at such a relapse. However, in the mercy of a loving Heavenly Father and with an eternal perspective, I have been able to see the great blessings that follow enduring through weakness and the reality of opposition! Not only has this man, through this experience, learned to appreciate the doctrine of the Atonement of Christ, but he is now more converted than ever as he has used this moment of weakness to become stronger through the grace of the Savior. THIS, ladies and gentleman, is the reason we have opposition... and the very reason for this discourse. 

I'll start with a scripture...

11. For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.12.  Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.

We see opposition in everything in our daily lives. As followers of the gospel, the origin of this great principle dates back to before time was even relevant. In the days of Adam and Eve, our first father and mother enabled us to be a fallen people. They fell, that we might be, and through that fall, we experience opposition... and joy. Do you like being happy? Then you like opposition. Do you appreciate the blessings of the Gospel? Well, then you appreciate opposition. Do you relish in those days that aren't so tough or those times where you feel better about yourself? Then you are a firsthand lover of the effects of opposition. Opposition isn't often a negative consequence. We often forget that in order to appreciate joy, we must experience sorrow-- and all the same with all the opposites of mortality. Our loving Heavenly Father knew this and provided the ultimate opposition to contention; Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer that because there is a "compound in one" any opposition we experience is preparatory to great blessings contingent upon our endurance! God permits Satan because he understands this relationship perfectly. As a matter of fact, though this may sound weird...

We must acquire a testimony of Satan, in order to fully appreciate Christ. I personally have a testimony that the adversary is very real. If he was in Gethsemane with Jesus, he will surely be in our, "Gethsemane" too. In our moments of greatest pain, temptation, and affliction... he is there. As the Father of all lies, he fulfills his purpose when he prevents the fulfillment of ours. His plan of sorrow is to convince us that the Savior isn't enough. Sure, sometimes we feel like we're not enough... that we are past the effects of grace-- but nothing hurts the Savior more than when we think or act like HE is not enough and neither is His grace. That is where Satan gets his power-- when we deny ourselves the influence of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Satan himself can do nothing to prevent the love of the Savior-- it is only when we use our agency to hold ourselves exempt that he gets the upper hand. The Savior might, "go before our face" but the devil will do everything in his power to outrun the Redeemer. As a matter of fact, there are some people, who come unto Satan with all their heavy burdens, hoping to find rest. There is no rest in his slimy hands and once we find ourselves in his grasp, we'll find those burdens we surrendered... heavier. That is the opposition: Jesus lightens our load, Satan increases it. Satan knows your name and calls you by your sin, but Jesus knows your sin and calls you by your name. The Savior welcomes us with open arms into an embrace of eternal mercy and joy, while Satan drags us down with the hands of imitation into the pits of endless misery and woe. God stills you, Satan rushes you. God leads you, Satan pushes you. God reassures you, Satan frightens you. You get the point? One of my favorite things about the Book of Mormon is that it exposes the tactics of Satan. That's why one of the best things we can do to help the people we teach recognize the source of contention, is to invite them to read the Book of Mormon. I encourage you all, if you haven't, to gain a testimony of Satan! Understand his influence in your life, the patterns he uses to persuade you and use the spirit of discernment to determine the difference between him and God. I promise that as you do, you will appreciate the Savior and his hand more in your life. 

Opposition is necessary, it is real, and if we use an eternal perspective and use it correctly... it can be for our ultimate benefit. If you feel like you're struggling; take heart. There are great blessings ahead for those who are optimistic about opposition!

Well y'all, I think that'll be it for this week. We worked really hard and didn't see too many results... so I'm hopeful for the opposition that is in store for us this week! The weather has been quite frigid; so I guess I'll be praying extra hard to qualify for the spirit and that, "warmth of bosom." I hope you all have a warm week; physically and spiritually! Do everything you can to seek the influence of the spirit in your life! Depend upon the preparation of God and follow promptings with confidence to align with his will! The most precious relationship we have is that with the Godhead; so don't give the Holy Ghost the cold shoulder and invite him over every night for a comforting study session. Embrace opposition! Strengthen your testimony of Satan and the Savior and pray diligently for the gift of discerning between the two! The Lord is anxious to bless us in so many ways and I testify that he does so through... opposition! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! 

From a Satan spanker himself,

Elder Boyd  

This Week's FB Post:

I love this hymn and the sweet message it delivers; we need the Savior every hour.
Not just in hours of need-- but every hour, should be an hour to get on our knees.
I NEED thee every hour:
One of the most important things we can do is communicate with our Heavenly Father.
Our Heavenly Father delights to bless his children. Prayer doesnt prepare the greater work, it IS the greater work. We shouldnt just, "want" the influence of God- but instead we should develop a constant, "need" of the gracious Lord and his tender voice. It should require something of great desire and action to, "seek this Jesus."
I need thee EVERY hour:
To quote President Kimball,
If prayer is only a spasmodic cry at the time of crisis, then it is utterly selfish, and we come to think of God as a repairman or a service agency to help us only in our emergencies. We should remember the Most High day and night—always—not only at times when all other assistance has failed and we desperately need help”
The arrival of a typhoon is no time to dust off the gift of the Holy Ghost and figure out how to use it. We need the Holy Spirit as our guide in calm waters so His voice will be unmistakable to us in the fiercest storm.
In short, let us practice consistent intimacy with the Lord as we seek his blessings and come unto Him not just in times of trial, but in times of thanks. Not just in moments of struggle, but also those moments of strength. It is my promise that as we learn to talk with God and to NEED him, we will be receptive to revelation, sensitive to the spirit, and beyond blessed as his children.
Truly, every hour is an hour of need for the Savior.

This Week's Pics:

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