30 biked miles for Jesus later,

Hello, privileged automobile drivers! Elder Boyd here, from the holy hills of Vicksburg. Fun fact: there is a threshold to thigh exhaustion. However, another fun fact, through the power of the priesthood and the enabling power of the Atonement all the thresholds of thighs can be overcome and exceeded. Not only did we prevail through the hilly trials of our faith, but I also likened the Atonement of Jesus Christ to the third Pirates of the Carribean movie and witnessed a baptist spank her dogs with a fly swatter while jamming to Christian rock... so I guess you could say things are pretty good over here! We are blessed to reflect on the best of the blessed as we enjoy another edition of VICKSBURG VOLUMES: CHAPTER SIX.

And the transfer news is...
WE'RE STAYING! Elder Sellers and I are beyond stoked to spend another six weeks in the promised land of Vicksburg, Mississippi. So much love- in honor of this Valentines' week. I love my companion. I learn something from him every day, I can be myself around him, and he helps me to achieve my full potential and become the best version of myself. I love Vicksburg! This place is a diamond in the rough with the potential to basically become exalted. The people are some of the sweetest Southern elect you'll ever meet and the work is hastening every day. This ward is top-notch- if you ever need a level 3 missionary experience, float your way down the Mississippi and stay a night or two in Vicksburg. These members are motivated, inspired, and preparing for Zion. I love this mission. Sixteen months now I have been immersed in the work of the Lord and I have loved every moment. If you're looking for a life-changing opportunity to be aware of your weaknesses, develop your strengths, live the Gospel, and become who you really are; serve a mission. I promise you won't regret a single ounce of sweat, blood, or tears-- I know I haven't. I think my mission has taught me how to truly love-- and I owe so much of it this mission, my companions, and my holy lands.

Regarding the work this week; it was a rough one. However, that doesn't mean every day wasn't a good day! One absolute nugget of a quote we heard this week from one of the nicest ladies in the universe was, "all of my days are good days- some are just better than others." Isn't that so true? I have nothing to complain about here in MS, because every day is a good day; some are just better than others! 

Door to door, we met some of the kindest people from all sorts of different denominations. It is such a wonderful thing to see people as children of God-- it didn't matter what these people believed, they were still our brothers and sisters. Though these people could only worship according to the light they possessed, they still had the countenance of divine identity. I have been truly humbled by the lesson I have learned this week-- sometimes it's easy to generalize a denomination. After one Bible bash, we may sometimes find ourselves blaming the whole religious sect for the spirit of contention. It is good to remember, that the perfect Gospel is made for imperfect people. God cannot simply perfect that which is already flawless-- and if his purpose in morality is to perfect us, we need to give him some imperfections to work with. He expects us to be imperfect, so why should we expect ourselves to be anything more than what he already expects of us? 

I have learned this week to not generalize denominations. To not expect others to be what I don't expect of myself. To look at everyone as a child of God and to be patient with the imperfections of others. I have such a greater resolve to share the fullness of the truth with people of all religions-- it isn't just that one street in Mississippi that God has congregated the nicest people of every church. There is kindness all around if we will simply look for it.

We had some experiences this week that strengthened my abilities as a missionary. We were able to help out with an LDSSA (Latter Day Saint Students Association or something like that...) booth on exchanges at a college campus in Greenville, Mississippi. It's pretty cool to reflect on my confidence with my faith. I'm pretty sure that, pre-mission Elder Boyd, would not have been so confident sharing and testifying of the Book of Mormon wth a D3 defensive end. The "college experience" was a great foreshadowing to my future- watch out world, just because there's no name tag on my chart doesn't mean it isn't written in my heart. :)

On the spiritual side of things (as if everything on a mission is not a spiritual experience already) I came to realize my own nothingness. Now I'm sure that may sound pretty harsh, eh? Well, that is not to say I think less OF myself-- but that I have begun to think less about myself and more about God. I've come to realize that we of ourselves really do nothing. This realization came as read this quote and correlated it to a favorite scripture...
“If you consider yourself a nobody and do nothing to improve yourself to become a somebody, you truly will end up being a nobody.” 
And to quote President Mckay,  "If we are no better tomorrow than we are today, we are not very useful.”
And the scripture...

21 I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.

God is all-powerful and all-knowing. If we have any success, progression, or development in life it is entirely on account of his mercy and love. As the scripture states, he grants us, "breath." We live and breathe because God is compassionate enough to allow us to be used for a greater purpose. We are the "small and simple things" that God uses to bring great things to pass! The Priesthood is the medium by which God permits us to see miracles and success-- it isn't our prayer alone, or our faith, or our hard work that brings these things to pass. It's God. He is the miracle-worker, he is the reason our people progress, it is by him and through him that we are allotted success as missionaries. I just acquired such gratitude for the mercy and merits of him who, "sits high and looks low..." as they say here in the South!

Well y'all, I am beyond excited to be spending another transfer here in Vicksburg! I love everything about this area and this mission! I'm looking forward to many more miracles as we put our thighs on the altar of sacrifice and reap with all our might! I encourage you all to be confident in your faith, to remember your own nothingness, and most importantly... to ponder on the great and eternal truth that Christ's church is on the Earth again! 

I love being a missionary--- revelation rocks y'all! Talking to my family today was the ultimate blessing- missionaries haven't gone soft my friends, the Lord is just hastening his work in His way. Like President Nelson said, "the Lord will do some of his most miraculous work between now and the time of his coming..." This is just one of those many miracles! 

Grateful to be a servant of the Lord here in the final dispensation-- the church is true my friends! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU!
Another transfer, another thigh size,
Elder Boyd

This Week's FB Post

The Love of God.
Every day should be an opportunity to reflect upon the gift of matchless love. Though the love of man may vary and waver, the love of God is infinite and never-changing. He loves us with an, "everlasting love" and one of the greatest manifestations of this eternal comfort is His son, Jesus Christ.
The love of God is Jesus Christ.
The love of God for His children is most profoundly expressed in His gift of Jesus as our Redeemer:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..."
We've all heard this verse and we reverently observe, respect, and honor this compassionate sacrifice.
But do we equally observe, respect, and honor the submission of the Son?
"For the Son so loved the world that he gave himself..."
To partake of the love of God is to partake of Jesus’ Atonement and the emancipations and joys which it can bring.
For you, for me, and for everyone throughout eternity the Savior offered himself as a sacrifice for love: to answer the ends of the law, and to fulfill the plan of happiness. He knew what he volunteered to do. He understood the pain, temptation, and affliction of every kind that he would take upon himself. And yet, he argued not, "how" it should be done... but instead thought of us, and remembered, "why?" We, likewise, never have to wonder how we are to endure through the trials and tribulations of life-- Christ already answered that question. Instead, it is our duty to remember, "why" this is all possible-- and to acknowledge the amazing sacrifice of Christ.
As a rebellious and proud soul myself, I can't help but kneel at the mercy seat and think on the wonderful gift of the Savior. However undeserving, imperfect, wayfaring, rebellious, or proud we may be... he loves us still.
One cannot help but be amazed at the love of God-- so remember your why, remember the Redeemer, and stand amazed every day at the love Jesus offers you.

This Week's Pics

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