Have you ever failed?

I mean, I know it is entirely a personal definition- but according to your own standards, have you ever failed? There are some of you literary gurus out there who would condemn for rhetoric- and yes it is an inevitable happenstance for us mortals, but I think there is so much more to failure than we care to admit. And THAT is what I would like to expound upon in this weeks scroll... A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying and a winner is a failure who never gives up! Where metaphors are in multitude and comparisons are constantly created... we welcome the failures of the world as we enjoy another edition of the SLIDELL SCROLLS: CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE!


Some would define failure as a lack of success. A missed opportunity. A surplus of difficulty and opposition that prevents our progression. However, I believe perspective is everything when we contemplate the true nature of failure. Now, of course, this is doctrine according to Boyd *casually flips tie over shoulder* but I cannot deny the spirit of revelation. I would rationalize that failure is not a lack of success but rather an alias TO success. Failure is not a missed opportunity but rather in the midst of difficulty (failure) lies opportunity. And YES, failure may be a surplus of difficulty and opposition, but instead of preventing... it prepares our progression. Have you ever planted a village of tomato plants, only to find out a carnivorous bunny has munched your crop? Have you ever slaved the night away on a molecular model for your AP Chemistry class, only to absolutely propel your face into a door and shatter your scholarly dreams away? Failure is a fact of life. As missionaries, we do our best EVERY day to bring souls unto Christ. We carry with us a priceless message that changes the lives of those who have sufficient faith to accept it. We labor with all of our might, mind, and strength to invite families to accept the blessings of eternity... but we fail every day. If you have ever wanted to absolutely devastate a representative of Jesus Christ, promise to come to church on Sunday and then sleep in with your family. One can tell the true love a missionary has for the people they are teaching by the amount of time they spend outside the door waiting when the sacrament has already begun... Failure is to be a missionary. I have not met ONE Elder or Sister who hasn't failed. But the difference in a successful missionary is not measured in the number of failures... but rather the power in trying. 

No one has failed who keeps trying and keeps praying. 

To be worthy does not mean to be perfect.

So have we really failed if we have not succeeded, but have subsequently not stopped trying? 

Without effort, we would inevitably fail. And without failure, we would never succeed. Failure sows effort and effort reaps success. Failure is not a mistake... the mistake is in not trying. If you are afraid to fail then you are afraid to try. SO once again, no one has failed who keeps trying and keeps praying. One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final. We almost certainly will fail, at least in the short term, but we need not be discouraged. We can be empowered because this understanding removes the pressure of being perfect now. Because of the Atonement, all failures are changeable and temporary except the one that occurs when we give up. So don't EVER give up. The moment we decide to try again, the Atonement can help us. As Brigham Young puts it, "the men and women who desire seats in the celestial kingdom will find that they have to battle every day." Trials will be one of our qualifications to inherit eternal glory; our hardships have an eternal purpose. I have such a testimony of these concepts, they are SO true. Failure is essential to exaltation... pivotal to progression... and integral to improvement. 

Okay, I've gone on for a few paragraphs now, so I'll close with this little thought. We are more capable than we realize. It is in our divine identity to do everything God requires of us. As President Nelson put it in the Christmas Devotional, "we have an unlimited capacity to love." No, our ability is not unlimited, but our capacity is! That is a beautiful eternal truth. Maybe, our prayers shouldn't be so much of a plea to change our situations, but rather a humble request to change ourselves so that we can handle the things God is putting us through.. You don't find the happy life, you make it. Mother Teresa says it best, "
“I used to pray that God would feed the hungry, or do this or that, but now I pray that he will guide me to do whatever I'm supposed to do, what I can do. I used to pray for answers, but now I'm praying for strength. I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change things.”
Sometimes we just need to be ducks. Now you may ask yourself, "Elder Boyd why in the great big bayou would I want to be an aquatic water bird?" We can learn a lot from aquatic water birds, random citizens. Underneath the water, they're paddling their little lives away. Wading through water must be incredibly difficult and I am sure it is quite the strenuous task. But, on the surface... the duck is calm, cool, collected. So can we be when we are wading through our own waters... no matter what may lie underneath the surface, we too can be optimistic in opposition.


The day of service was incredible- I love the Light the World Christmas initiative. I encourage you all to participate and share your light! We spent the day moving families, putting up lights and singing songs with the elderly. I can't even EXPRESS how joyous this season makes me. 'Tis the season to light the world! 

After what seemed like the craziest week ever, we were rather discouraged about our church prospects. Like I said, the reason failure was on my mind... is because it seemed like left and right people just didn't want the Gospel. Normally it's the missionaries who decide to stop visiting the people they are teaching... but on the contrary, the people we have been teaching have exercised their agency to not see US anymore. SO, you can probably guess why we thought church was going to be a struggle. WELL, IT WASN'T! Ten people out of nowhere, that we have been teaching for some time, just decided to put on their best and come to Sacrament. As I was contemplating the ordinance... I looked out in the foyer and saw our family of five. My joy was full. God truly does know our struggles and rewards our work in his own way!

Other than that, life has been really good. Still blessed with the best and blessed to be in the promised land of Slidell. Elder Jones is truly a friend for life and the MIRACLES ARE COMING! Thank you all for being lights in my life. I am truly grateful for everyone who has helped me to feel the light of Christ! Well y'all, that's about it for this week. REMEMBER, failure is essential and you don't have to be worthy to be perfect! We are ducks... just paddling our way through life... remember to keep a smile amidst all the hard work and opposition. Oh and most important... ELDER BOYD LOVES YOU! HAVE A GREAT WEEK Y'ALL! GO AND LIGHT THE WORLD!

From a constant failure who keeps on trying,

Elder Boyd 

This Week's Pics:

Elder Boyd's 1st time trying "Egg Nog"...and it's dairy free!!  Thank you to the member who bought this for him to try!  😃

Makin' Christmas ugly sweater cookies

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